I’m Defecting. Trump Absolutely Blew It.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
1. Trump did not inside those riots it antifa infiltration. Come on man there had bulletproof vest and hammers.

2.If you capital who gives a shit I own by government last I check not some dude name mole.

3. Can't say biden any good he both are dumb asses, when I work for the salvation army, there allies said leave away from the appearance of evil. Nother don't even want to trial.

4. Look into the what libertarian party. Only thing don't like is name to hard to learn to spell.

5. Yes this new country has a lot of problems and I really don't give a s***. I have even more problems than the country. Originally Posted by Ripmany
Originally Posted by matchingmole
As you have the answer for everything, why do you not understand Rip?
It's basic Oklahoma/North Texas dialect.
When Trump was running for President, the summer of 2016 a veteran gave Trump his Purple Heart medal. Trump showed his appreciation by saying: “I like getting this medal...the easy way.”

Remember what you posted, Jackie? I do. I’m from a family of veterans and knew friends who went to Vietnam. I guess it stuck with me these years because of the anger I and the veterans I knew saw in Trump’s statement. You said: “This may have done it for me.” Well, it didn’t. It took an attack on the Capitol, encouraged by Trump to get you to realize what a shithole president and douchebag of a human being Trump is?

Everybody had a breaking point for this asshole. Too bad yours, and the rest of the country wasn’t before November 2016.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
There is evidence. Putting aside their immediate past history of mingling into the BLM parades/marches and using BLM as cover for their rioting, burning, and looting ....

... if they would burn a library at Berkeley ... liberal bastian..

.. and they didn't burn and vandalize ... conservative cities.

Do you actually believe Antifa supports Biden/Kamala?

Or do you now embrace the notion that Antifa was waging war on Trump? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I would appreciate you presenting your "evidence". The allegation of some of the protester's having Antifa tattoos has been proven false at least in one case.

"Reuters has not identified the person pictured in the Capitol Building. However, a comparison of tattoos on the right hands of both people would indicate that they are not the same person (compare this image from the Antifa site here with this AFP image here ).

The tattoo seen on the other hand of the person in the Capitol Building appears to be a symbol from a computer game (here) and not a hammer and sickle symbol as some posts have suggested (here)."


"Among the photos cited by those arguing — with little evidence — that the mob that stormed the Capitol on Wednesday was antifa is one showing a tattoo on a rioter’s hand.

It turns out it’s a reference to a video game."


Got anything else?

I am not defending Antifa in any way. Let's be clear on that. But at this point in time there is no evidence that Antifa was in any way involved in the attacks on the Capitol building.
When Trump was running for President, the summer of 2016 a veteran gave Trump his Purple Heart medal. Trump showed his appreciation by saying: “I like getting this medal...the easy way.”

Remember what you posted, Jackie? I do. I’m from a family of veterans and knew friends who went to Vietnam. I guess it stuck with me these years because of the anger I and the veterans I knew saw in Trump’s statement. You said: “This may have done it for me.” Well, it didn’t. It took an attack on the Capitol, encouraged by Trump to get you to realize what a shithole president and douchebag of a human being Trump is?

Everybody had a breaking point for this asshole. Too bad yours, and the rest of the country wasn’t before November 2016. Originally Posted by Prolongus
I suggest you read this article Meet the Bidens: America's new First Family | Business Insider
very detailed on the Biden family including Biden's accomplishment in his 47 years of politically stealing the taxpayers money. He's never accomplished anything. The rioters are bad, so are you so-called citizens who voted for Biden out of hatred for Trump.
Meet the Bidens: America's new First Family | Business Insider
eccieuser9500's Avatar
He may not be dangerous but if he doesn't make it 4 years you stupid idiots have put our country in the hands of a radical worthless slut who started her political career on her knees under Willie's desk. I'm sure Putin is looking forward to her negotiation techniques Originally Posted by littlerichard
Sometimes, simple questions are the hardest. Unless you just dismiss them like Putin and Dump. Just deny the premise, the basis and all proof.



.... do you find it the slightest intriguing that some of those in the group inside #1 bonded out almost immediately and #2 had Antifa tats?

Unfortunately, as in so many episodes the truth will not be disclosed, which is why it was so important to ballot harvest and stuff the boxes to make sure the financing behind the riots for the past nine months isn't revealed.

It took about 50 years to discover LBJ's "Tonkin Gulf" deception! You and I won't live that long, I'm sure, but ....

.. it also took about that long to reveal JFK's ballot stuffing win out of Chicago.

If that is the kind of country in which you wish to live ... then support corruption...

..... and have Chinese as a second language. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Conservative crackpot theorists unite!

There is evidence. Putting aside their immediate past history of mingling into the BLM parades/marches and using BLM as cover for their rioting, burning, and looting ....

... if they would burn a library at Berkeley ... liberal bastian..

.. and they didn't burn and vandalize ... conservative cities.

Do you actually believe Antifa supports Biden/Kamala?

Or do you now embrace the notion that Antifa was waging war on Trump? Originally Posted by LexusLover
There is no such thing as Antifa. It's just an idea. The violent revolt against an equal branch of government led by the head of another is a false equivalency. The twenty-fifth Amendment is seriously being considered by the same party as the President. It will never be considered by the same party as the incoming President. Save this for posterity in case I'm wrong. You will say something stupid like "he won't live for another two weeks". I can already hear it.

When Trump was running for President, the summer of 2016 a veteran gave Trump his Purple Heart medal. Trump showed his appreciation by saying: “I like getting this medal...the easy way.”

Remember what you posted, Jackie? I do. I’m from a family of veterans and knew friends who went to Vietnam. I guess it stuck with me these years because of the anger I and the veterans I knew saw in Trump’s statement. You said: “This may have done it for me.” Well, it didn’t. It took an attack on the Capitol, encouraged by Trump to get you to realize what a shithole president and douchebag of a human being Trump is?

Everybody had a breaking point for this asshole. Too bad yours, and the rest of the country wasn’t before November 2016. Originally Posted by Prolongus

eccieuser9500's Avatar
I suggest you read this article Meet the Bidens: America's new First Family | Business Insider

very detailed on the Biden family including Biden's accomplishment in his 47 years of politically stealing the taxpayers money. He's never accomplished anything. The rioters are bad, so are you so-called citizens who voted for Biden out of hatred for Trump.
Meet the Bidens: America's new First Family | Business Insider Originally Posted by littlerichard

Biden served in the senate from 1973 until 2009, when he resigned to become Barack Obama’s vice president.

Here are some highlights from Joe Biden’s decades in the Senate.

He served as chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations, advocating for arms limitations with the Soviet Union. He opposed the First Gulf War and criticised the way George W. Bush handled the Iraq War.

He is also a known supporter of tougher crime laws, and in 1994, he sponsored the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, to increase the sentences for some crimes.

Okay, you got me.

That was a good one.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Get ready to get 10 "likes". Congratulations but not one from me of course. Originally Posted by Redhot1960
You are the last person that I would expect to like sanity on any level. You will dig in and refuse to say anything bad about Trump. We could see that from a mile away
HedonistForever's Avatar
It doesn't matter if there were a few Antifa members in the crowd or even if they lead the charge. The over whelming evidence is that the vast majority were Trump supporters and it also doesn't matter what color they were or which group if any they affiliated with. I would have preferred that anybody entering that building be shot but since that didn't happen, I'd like to see a minimum of 10 years for anybody that can be proven to have been in that building and whoever struck the capital police officer should get the death penalty.

I'm sick and tired of people whether from the left or right thinking that they can act this way. If you can't act like a civilized human being, we as a country are better off without you.

But if we are not going to arrest and prosecute people calling for the death of police, burning and looting and assaulting people as BLM and Antifa did then this is what we get.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I have even more problems than the country. Originally Posted by Ripmany
Judging from what you posted before finishing with this statement.... I couldn't agree more
Chung Tran's Avatar
It's amazing how you continually post nothing but ridiculous crap Originally Posted by Jam3768
He is a Proud Boy and Proud Troll. His name alone screams ''I am here to troll''!
Chung Tran's Avatar
When Trump was running for President, the summer of 2016 a veteran gave Trump his Purple Heart medal. Trump showed his appreciation by saying: “I like getting this medal...the easy way.”

Remember what you posted, Jackie? I do. I’m from a family of veterans and knew friends who went to Vietnam. I guess it stuck with me these years because of the anger I and the veterans I knew saw in Trump’s statement. You said: “This may have done it for me.” Well, it didn’t. It took an attack on the Capitol, encouraged by Trump to get you to realize what a shithole president and douchebag of a human being Trump is?

Everybody had a breaking point for this asshole. Too bad yours, and the rest of the country wasn’t before November 2016. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Good post. Trump told us over and over who he was, for years. It's too bad Trump's 4 years ended on such a low note. But hardly surprising.
Chung Tran's Avatar
It doesn't matter if there were a few Antifa members in the crowd or even if they lead the charge. The over whelming evidence is that the vast majority were Trump supporters and it also doesn't matter what color they were or which group if any they affiliated with. I would have preferred that anybody entering that building be shot but since that didn't happen, I'd like to see a minimum of 10 years for anybody that can be proven to have been in that building and whoever struck the capital police officer should get the death penalty.

I'm sick and tired of people whether from the left or right thinking that they can act this way. If you can't act like a civilized human being, we as a country are better off without you.

But if we are not going to arrest and prosecute people calling for the death of police, burning and looting and assaulting people as BLM and Antifa did then this is what we get. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Great post. That final few sentences, in particular. The Capitol Goons literally thought they could conduct their mayhem without consequence. They smiled, mugged for the cameras. Cursed CNN reporters on camera. They had no idea their cause wasn't seen as righteous.

We failed along the way, getting to the point that other Americans could actually believe what these Goons believe.
Okay, you got me.

That was a good one. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
3-4 so called accomplishments in 47 years and your bragging. And he's already apologized when his vice-president ripped him a new asshole about the crime bill. What the fuck are you laughing about. You all complain about what's wrong with our government, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, Sanders and the rest of your "life-long" politicians haven't done anything and you think Biden's going to make a difference now that he's practically senile
Redhot1960's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
3-4 so called accomplishments in 47 years and your bragging. And he's already apologized when his vice-president ripped him a new asshole about the crime bill. What the fuck are you laughing about.[?] You all complain about what's wrong with our government, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, Sanders and the rest of your "life-long" politicians haven't done anything and you think Biden's going to make a difference now that he's practically senile Originally Posted by littlerichard

You didn't get it? I'm laughing at the lack of a "very detailed" article. He's had his hand in many pots. Warren and Sanders are not the same as Pelosi and Biden. "Our" hope, if you want to put it that way, is Schumer. Where is he? How close to the center or left is he?


Biden isn't senile.
