Taking "private pictures/video"

I once worked with someone who had a reputation of being quite a cocksman. One day he pulled out of his bag an album. As he slowly flipped through the album, every page featured a photo of a nude woman posing.

He would say "This is in Seattle, Minneapolis, New Orleans, etc. There was an awkward moment when one of the associates recognized a picture of his wife on one of the pages!

Oh, I would have loved to be the fly on the wall when he returned from his trip!!!
pyramider's Avatar
I respect their wishes and dearly want to have a fantastic session and be welcomed on a return visit with appreciation for having helped a lady rise in the ranks.

Please note, that I have had ladies ask me to give her a review, and they have sent me photos in order to do so. Originally Posted by rcg001

I do the same thing by not writing a review or taking photos ...
I once worked with someone who had a reputation of being quite a cocksman. One day he pulled out of his bag an album. As he slowly flipped through the album, every page featured a photo of a nude woman posing.

He would say "This is in Seattle, Minneapolis, New Orleans, etc. There was an awkward moment when one of the associates recognized a picture of his wife on one of the pages!

Oh, I would have loved to be the fly on the wall when he returned from his trip!!! Originally Posted by Ramjet

Did the associate demand a photocopy for proof when he got back home?


I've had pictures taken, videos, ass prints on cement, etc. If anything was ever to happen, well, I'm changing my name and moving smooth out of Dallas!
I take pics a lot but I always send them to the girl as well. I don't keep them and the few times I've done thy use them as showcase photos. It gets me worked up more seeing something I took... It's all up to the guy. I delete the. On e I send them the photos though so they know I won't use them.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
I once worked with someone who had a reputation of being quite a cocksman. One day he pulled out of his bag an album. As he slowly flipped through the album, every page featured a photo of a nude woman posing.

He would say "This is in Seattle, Minneapolis, New Orleans, etc. There was an awkward moment when one of the associates recognized a picture of his wife on one of the pages!

Oh, I would have loved to be the fly on the wall when he returned from his trip!!! Originally Posted by Ramjet

I believe there are alot of albums like the one described above floating around in Dallas.... lol

But hey they are just showing them to more potential clients... riiiight?...

"Helping her move up in the ranks".... LMMFAO
bule84's Avatar
i love taking pics, video, and really like gong to a cam site and let people watch my webcam, something about having a couple hundred people watching and making suggestions is a bit of a rush Never done that with a provider, has always been someone i know or a UTR that I see. That said, I have never, and never will show them to anyone except the other person. I enjoy the posing and taking and looking at them later. One thing I have always wanted to do is find smeone to come in and run the camera and video camera (my equipment!!) while we play to get better angles. I need to move that up on my list and make it happen
BSB I don't know if he asked for a copy of the picture. I do know the posser of the album took it out of his bag and didn't display it again at work.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
I was taught it is much better to over estimate what someone will do, than to under estimate what someone will do. save yourself the disappointment.
joecholo's Avatar
I only take pictures of providers if they allow me to and will always ask them if they want pics along with their review, if they want review written. If they say yes they want pics included, then I include it. The the second question would be if they want their face shown, if yes then pics with face, if not, pics are cropped so no face is showing. I usually don't post semi or full nude providers, but rather covered up so there is room for imagination on how the lady will look like in birthday suit. The covered photos are out, while the more provocative ones are safely hidden in my Bat Cave...not even the SO can find it.
boomvang's Avatar
I "discovered" that capturing the moment was a near fetish of mine about 1981. My joke then was "you know it's a great date if at midnight you're looking for Polaroid film and Reddiwhip". Not once have I been in trouble with any woman regarding who saw their pics and where. I'm photoed girlfriends more than providers. Some could careless what happens to their photos and some call in the morning freaked out that they agreed to it at all. Every time I was asked to delete something I obliged. I had a GF a few years ago that the idea turned her on so much that she wanted to take pics every time we were together. Then the next morning she would call and ask me to delete them and I would. Today the only photo I have of her is coming in my front door fully clothed.
I like it. I ask. If I'm told no, I'll probably only ask 8 or 10 more times. Bit I wouldn't be sneaky or dishonest about it. It took all those words to say, if it's not for you don't do it. Don't lecture the women that do allow it. You can lecture me all you want, I have acquired a resistance to the venom.
boomvang's Avatar
A side comment, Unfortunately a lot of us that visit this website run I think greater risk of getting our pictures on the internet. I know I did. Not naked, but in a sharp little outfit with horizontal black and white stripes. Looking a lot like a pissed off Nick Nolte, with less hair. It was available for viewing just a few hours after it was taken and a year before it was proven that I had actually earned it. And you could still see it if you knew my name and which county I screwed up in.
Don't Drink and Drive. You may not hurt anyone, but it's still going to be about $15k
I agree with everyone here: It was stupid - like, uber-stupid. Very. Very. Naïve. I learned the hard way and I hope some newer/younger ladies read this and give some thought to the risks of allowing identifiable photos to be taken of you by anyone else BUT you. Yes, they are fun and sexy and great for business - no argument there - ultimately however it may cause challenges down the road. Just be informed.

Sadly (albeit luckily), I learned about the photos before I uploaded a video done at my incall which I was not careful about. Although there were no face shots, the backdrop was identifiable and I left some of my personal art on the walls . I suppose in my defense I can plead a little sweet vanilla ignorance! lol....just glad I found out when I did!

There is certainly nothing wrong with non-identifiable or consensual images. I think one lady on here said it best when she suggested the gent let the lady take comparable photos.

Cyborg, I'll PM you the info one the landmark photo.

And yes, I did see the photo in question from one of my first reviews. Thankfully, it was a terribly unflattering photo and doesn't look like me at all - gotta see the silver lining - winning!

Thanks again for all the comments. I love looking at all the beautiful ladies pictured on here!! There are absolutely stunning women in Dallas for sure!!! If I had the courage and freedom to allow nude w/ face pics I totally would do it! So to those that can - KOKO!!

Play Safe and Have FUN!!!!!
pmdelites's Avatar
I agree with everyone here: It was stupid - like, uber-stupid. Very. Very. Naïve. I learned the hard way and I hope some newer/younger ladies read this and give some thought to the risks of allowing identifiable photos to be taken of you by anyone else BUT you. Yes, they are fun and sexy and great for business - no argument there - ultimately however it may cause challenges down the road. Just be informed.
Play Safe and Have FUN!!!!! Originally Posted by thathottnurse
THN, glad that you learned from the lesson.
and glad that you are informing other women about this.

only revision i would make...
"give some thought to the risks of allowing identifiable photos to be taken of you by anyone else BUT you -or a photographer that you contract with to take photos of you."
I wonder if the gents who want to take pics would agree to a "photography contract"? Hmmmmm.....
I wonder if the gents who want to take pics would agree to a "photography contract"? Hmmmmm..... Originally Posted by thathottnurse
LOL,,,exactly. That would kinda kill the idea right there.

Or try, "you can take mine if I can take yours"

It would be interesting to see what would happen if a nude hobbiest pic showed up on a gay website. Not that there's anything wrong with that. As long as the SO, kids or boss didn't come across it....