Please Do Not Take Me Too Seriously!

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
As a Jewish person, you should respect what happened to black people. You act like every black person you have ever met demanded reparations from you. You are too silly for words. Do you not see that you need to let go? I promise, you will feel better. And the world will be all rainbows and unicorns.
If you just stop looking at race, and start looking at individuals, I am sure you will find someone you can get along with in any race. There will be those of EACH race you don't like, too.
It is so easy to say all black people do this, and all white people do that, and all asians do this, etc. You don't see the redundancy in that? Seriously?
I lived with a black woman once who used to say all white people do is lie, steal and cheat. How wrong was it of her to say that, do you think? Okay, it's just as wrong for you to say the same thing about ANY RACE. And that is what you did.
I am sorry you are so close-minded. It's people who can't open their minds that make this world like it is. Things are so vile and people abuse each other so much now it makes me sick.
If you love yourself, you can love anyone. Remember that, self-loathers. Originally Posted by PetiteJill
You and everyone else need to stop putting words in my mouth. I have black friends and black people I admire. Go back and read what I said. I'm criticizing the culture, in general, which only a moron would ignore that it needs to change.
Far from saying whitey is on top, I say the government favors black folks and discriminates against whites - shit, I've been real consistent about that.
Also, either those responding are intentionally distorting the obvious meaning that I'm not referring to every single black person, but the majority of black people culturally.
I like black conservatives far more than I like liberal whites. Liberals are the problem, not black skin. But liberal thought enables the race hustlers to claim black cultural problems are not of their own making, creating the recipe for continual failure. No one ever quit being hooked on things bad for them until they owned up to their own contribution to the problem. Blame whitey or righty for your failures, and keep on failing.

Finally, I'm responding to the long held belief by some blacks that they deserve reparations from the US government. I fucking agree that they do, in exchange for no more welfare and affirmative action. I'm willing for the US government to kick in 100 grand per black person to create a final settlement for slavery, which only benefited the 1% rich asshole plantation owners, anyway, not low status white folks.
Randall Creed's Avatar
100 grand?

Dude, that's barely enough for a 4 bedroom, 3 bath house, or a brand new 2013 Lexus (and I gotta tint the windows and put rims on it, of course). What about other things, like health care, college education, and retirement plans?

I need AT LEAST $10M. I can hobby away 100 grand in a couple months.
ManSlut's Avatar
Rock on JL, I get you !!

People need to learn the difference between Prejudice and Racism.

I'm prejudiced against Dumb Mother Fuckers...I'm prejudiced against dudes that beat their women...I'm prejudiced against women that let dudes beat them and degrade them....I'm prejudiced against vulgar, degrading music...I'm prejudiced against people that have no respect for education...I'm prejudiced against anybody who thinks Socialism in any form, except caring for the elderly and the TRULY disabled, is good for this country (Fucking Socialism has been a failure everywhere it's been implemented)...I am prejudiced against major universities who don't give a shit about giving our children what we're really sending them there for and are in the business (very big business) of buying real estate, anywhere you can think of too...I'm prejudice against pickup drivers because every one I know drives like a self-centered pig (same with the crotch rocket guys) and acts the same way out of the truck...I am prejudiced against those gold digging whores 'the Kardashian's' and the fact that our society puts shitty celebrities on a pedestal...

Now, to get this thread back on track...I am prejudice against anyone who wants to SHIT on someone else like the OP did against another lady (Amber Rain) on a recent thread and then write this thread. Real beauty has nothing to do with outer beauty, and a potty, venomous mouth doesn't make you a Lady, it makes you low-class with a ghetto-ish nature, NO MATTER WHAT COLOR YOU ARE.

Nice threAD from someone who doesn't give a damn about repeat Eccie business.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
I think the problem is JL is preaching to the wrong crowd. All of the African Americans on this board are already well educated and well aware of the history and the on-going problems in our culture. His words and his tone are nothing short of disrespectful.

If you really care so much why don't you go down to DSID and ask them if you can preach this history lesson to some of the 8th graders in south Dallas who don't know all of this already.
Once again, I just want to reiterate, that things are the way they are because WE LET IT BE THAT WAY! You have to create change. WE have to make things change.

I know nothing about another post with the OP of this thread. I just felt very insulted by how JL came across. I am white, and it came across as racist to me. Ijs.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Petite Jill, when you're riding a guy, do you tuck your feet inside of his legs?

You look like you do. Oh, man!!! That shit is SOOOOO FUCKING HOT!!!!! I love that shit!!!

And ~Ze~ is guilty of false advertisement. Those pics are SO not her.

Luckily, I have an image of her body recorded in my mind. I'm so going to have mental sex with her tonight.
bojulay's Avatar
What does any of this have to do with mustard?
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
What does any of this have to do with mustard? Originally Posted by bojulay
Are you kidding?




Its right there man.
bojulay's Avatar
Are you kidding?




Its right there man. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
A maniacally, imbecilic, oversight on my part.
I'm so glad I grew up in Minnesota.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I'm so glad I didn't.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Once again, I just want to reiterate, that things are the way they are because WE LET IT BE THAT WAY! You have to create change. WE have to make things change. ... Originally Posted by PetiteJill
I remember my days of being an idealist. I still am on my good days.

But life experiences and just walking through the sludge of being will teach people that often, such simplistic platitudes really aren't easily achievable.

After living and traveling for a few decades, and reading more history, I've learned there are always going to be inequalities for many of the masses. I wish it would change as well.

Today, I'm more realistic with my expectations of others.