carters time bout up

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
WD started the thread. Who will take his place ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Is there a pool going on that I don't know about? Originally Posted by Precious_b

Yes there is a pool on when jimmy earl goes. No this thread has noting to do with WD getting banned. it's not "his" thread. it's eccie's thread.
VitaMan's Avatar
No one said it was "his" thread.

Do you have your say sos mixed up ? Sounding like a case of Do Re Mi
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No one said it was "his" thread.

Do you have your say sos mixed up ? Sounding like a case of Do Re Mi Originally Posted by VitaMan

so you really have no reason to object to my bumping the "Jimmy Earl Carter deathwatch" thread until (or after) Jimmy Earl Carter is dead.

thank you valued poster.
VitaMan's Avatar
Objection sustained or over ruled ?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Objection sustained or over ruled ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

have you filed an appeal to the mod squad?

Biden says Carter asked him to deliver his eulogy

Jimmy Carter's last official act as President. telling Biden what to do.

Biden withdraws from Alaskan road deal after pressure from Jimmy Carter

VitaMan's Avatar
"Paul, will you investigate that ?"


Next episode:

The Case of the Endless Say Sos
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Breaking News!

Jimmy Carter hasn't died yet.

VitaMan's Avatar
Jimmy was a real brainiac. Billy not
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Jimmy was a real brainiac. Billy not Originally Posted by VitaMan

brainiac? that implies genius. Carter is intelligent and well educated. he graduated 60th out of 821 in his class at the Naval Academy. probably not so much today unfortunately but all of the service academies at the time Carter attended were known for their high academic standards and quality education.

intelligence was never Carter's problem. i'll accept on principle his iq is higher than most other presidents of his era but it's unlikely his iq is genius level. i'd say about 140 which is well above average but not genius level which starts around 160-165.

Carter's problem was he was too moral to be an effective president. while typically a good quality in general, as president you are often required to make decisions that are not moral. a classic example is the Iranian hostage crisis. his morality dictated a diplomatic solution which is not wrong to attempt but it took Carter way too long to realize the Ayatollah and his followers weren't interested in any sort of diplomatic solution. because of that, he waited far too long to attempt a military rescue. he should have immediately begun planning a raid while using diplomacy as a distraction to the Iranians. as soon as Military special forces were ready, a few weeks or so to plan, Carter should have given the Iranians an ultimatum to release the hostages immediately then ordered the raid.

Released in 2017, a declassified memo produced by the CIA in 1980 concluded "Iranian hardliners – especially Ayatollah Khomeini" were "determined to exploit the hostage issue to bring about President Carter's defeat in the November elections." Additionally, Tehran in 1980 wanted "the world to believe that Imam Khomeini caused President Carter's downfall and disgrace."[235]

Carter should have acted much sooner and with greater force.
VitaMan's Avatar
Armchair qbs are a dime a dozen.

Jimmy would glare at reporters and his eyes would bulge out during some encounters. That is one sign of a brainiac talking to less intelligent life forms.

He beat the Kennedy machine. Quite an accomplishment for a peanut farmer.
VitaMan's Avatar
Who had the better life. Jimmy or Billy ? They were blessed with different talents.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Armchair qbs are a dime a dozen.

Jimmy would glare at reporters and his eyes would bulge out during some encounters. That is one sign of a brainiac talking to less intelligent life forms.

He beat the Kennedy machine. Quite an accomplishment for a peanut farmer. Originally Posted by VitaMan

never a fan of Teddo Chappaquiddick who i consider a pale shadow of his brothers who's parlayed their tragic deaths into his own career. in 1976 i'd take Jimmy Carter (D) for president every time.

Who had the better life. Jimmy or Billy ? They were blessed with different talents. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Billy had a talent other than drinking beer? who knew?? what was it?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
breaking news!

Jimmy Carter. still not dead.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

VitaMan's Avatar

Why did he want to be President anyway ?