I see people in the gym all the time, and have seen them for months and years on end, and they never look like they are getting anywhere. And, I'll notice they are always doing the same thing. Again and again. They think "cardio will make me skinny" when in reality, the quickest way to physical change is by adding in resistance training to strengthen your muscles. Your muscles are what burns calories, and by your entire body being more physically active, you will shed pounds quicker, be more tone, and see more results vs. just cardio.
I’ll also add that it is a complete MYTH that women who lift weights will get “bulky”. The fact of the matter is that women get “leaner” when lifting. They do not possess the chemical compounds (i.e. testosterone, etc.) that males do that build bulky muscle. Women who do bulk up take a LOT of supplements to achieve their results, and they also lift in a muscle building manner (read: heavy weight, lower reps). So, women should NEVER shy away from resistance training out of fear of bulking up. Finding resistance levels that they can do reps of 15 to 20 per set is ideal for tone (vs. picking a weight that is heavy and you can only get in 4-8 repetitions per set).
Anyways, if you would like to discuss this topic more in private, feel free to PM me. Originally Posted by rex4998
A lot of ladies will ask for advice on how to lose weight. The last time this question was asked, I advised lifting weights and got something along the lines of 'I don't like weights.' I have even suggested just adding some body-weight squats to start, but people tend to want a quick fix that will most likely only lead to failure. Forget long-term results and the hard work it takes to get those results.
Anyway, awesome post.
*now...back into lurk mode...*