Seeking new glory hole girl

78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 04-25-2010, 11:17 AM
Though I've never been to Taylor's glory hole, I've heard a lot about it from some males and females who have. It was my understanding that her "fluffing" services were quite substantial. That there was some lap dancing involved, etc. That she was in some way a part of the show and that the act of being lead to the glory hole by a sensual woman, fluffed, and then watched by her was part of the turn on. She is present and in a sensual role throughout the session -- not some manager on a cell phone booking and then having her free time to do whatever she pleases across town while the session is going on. I even heard of a day where she worked the "hole" herself and had someone else do the fluffing, again splitting the tribute. It sounds like a team effort and a 50/50 split seems more than fair.

Thanks for the input, Sophia. As described by you it certainly does sound fair.

The 10% idea is kinda absurd. I do a lot of doubles sessions and it isn't usually both girls physically causing the pop at the same time. The presence of both is stimulating and leads to the pop, and both are equally valuable. The girl who is the direct "cause" of the pop doesn't take 90% of the haul.

10% seemed fair for the agent stuff, marketing and screening; certainly not for the duo performance you describe, though, good point.

Nobody has ever been forced to work the GH. Her terms are spelled out in plain English and advertised to experienced escorts (girls on Eccie as opposed to newbies off of CL) who are familiar with the market and know what they are getting into. She isn't plucking unsuspecting teens from strip clubs. These women know what their time is worth. If a lady happens to think working this GH is worth her time, who is anyone else to judge? It's certainly not my cup of tea but I don't knock anyone for trying it. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Well, everyone else is to judge, why else post it in CoEd? But judgment is certainly easier and more accurate with more information, thanks again.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Well, everyone else is to judge, why else post it in CoEd? But judgment is certainly easier and more accurate with more information, thanks again.
Originally Posted by 78704
Thanks to you too. I agree. This should be in the ladies area.
sixxbach's Avatar

Thanks for the setup sixx

I'm sure Taylor can find a SW to "tap in" just for your 1/2 price experience...LMAO

LAP Originally Posted by lickalotapus

actually if its Tall Michelle or SW Bunny aka Jamie, Taylor would have some awesome hoovers working the good ole G hole
Whispers's Avatar

Thanks for the setup sixx

I'm sure Taylor can find a SW to "tap in" just for your 1/2 price experience...LMAO

LAP Originally Posted by lickalotapus
Feel free to correct me if I am wrong..... (like I even HAVE to say that right?)

But as I recall.....

There was a thread over on ASPD where Taylor was driving around looking for as well as asking guys to help her find a SW sometime a few months back....

Ya never know what's behind the wall... SWs, TVs, one of those fleshy feeling silicone toys in someone's hand even!
Whispers's Avatar
Hell, tell us all when this rendezvous at Rick's is gonna be. There is no way it could NOT be entertaining. It could range all the way from the greatest strip club team ever conceived to the a knock-down-drag-out fight. Either way it would easily be worth the admission price. Originally Posted by RedRyder

Sheesh... Your gonna turn it into a Pay Per View Event?

I'm gonna need a cut of the door I think.....
atxbrad's Avatar

Ya never know what's behind the wall... SWs, TVs, one of those fleshy feeling silicone toys in someone's hand even! Originally Posted by Whispers
Maybe thats why its in co-ed. She could be recruting a dude to blow a dude.
Once again, Taylor has scored a major advertising thread. Score one for her.....

Happy fishing Taylor. Who will get hooked next??? LMAO!!!

Taylor should hire Wicked Milf for the glory hole and Whispers should book an appointment...........that would be classic. Originally Posted by atxbrad
  • Booth
  • 04-25-2010, 09:25 PM
+3 Originally Posted by CupOfJava
- 1

Taylor should hire Wicked Milf for the glory hole and Whispers should book an appointment...........that would be classic. Originally Posted by atxbrad
+1 Originally Posted by sixxbach
+2 Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
+3 Originally Posted by CupOfJava
+1 more with a twist =+4. If Taylor can arrange it, I would pay the fee, but only if Whispers agrees to write the review!!!!
harkontume's Avatar
I bet WH cant wait to sink her teeth into that!

Whispers's Avatar
I would pay the fee, but only if Whispers agrees to write the review!!!! Originally Posted by Spacemtn
Not even if you were paying me...... I don't do older than 30 and I don't do women with venomous attitudes....
Can't say I blame you about the venomous attitudes. The older I get , the more I enjoy the over 30 ladies, that is not to say I don't like the under 30's as well.

I guess that means I can chip in on your B'day present!!!
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
. I don't do women with venomous attitudes.... Originally Posted by Whispers

Me NEITHER!!!!!!!
i had fun with the gh!!
definately, fun, kinky, experience & would consider it again.

ive been away from the boards awhile, so ive got a lot of catching up to do.