The demoncrats have sunk to a new Fing level. This is pathetic even for you.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
That's right asshole. A nation of laws. That's what I said.

And I suppose I should be honored that you have tried to apply your traditional lying, misrepresentation, and taking things out of context to my humble self.

But I don't feel honored. In fact, and I really didn't think it possible, I loath you even more than ever.

Your anti-American stance and your "we only have your lying word that it's true even though all evidence points to the contrary" teaching position are your right and your town's folly in our country.
I think your best possible destiny would be for you to be hung as the traitor you would be if given any chance to do so. Lucky for you cowardice keeps you from bigger things.

PS Suck my dick.....again.

PPS How did you come to terms with the certainty that everyone knows you are a liar and the fact that your "team" hates your lying guts too, but they need you under their "tent". You are a bonus because while they don't accept gays, they love the fact you suck cock because you like to suck cock.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
How the fuck is his stance anti-American?
Between CJ, Iva and Munchie I can't figure out who is more intellectually's a close call....but Munchie does give us his A game with every post!

Munchie gets testy when he is exposed for the fool he is. Try some Ovaltine, Munchie. It might calm you down. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Kaylalove needs to be educated. Start by looking at this video.

Now if regressive republicans would decide to follow the law and not hold the country hostage over the Affordable Care Act the National Parks would be open.
Between CJ, Iva and Munchie I can't figure out who is more intellectually's a close call....but Munchie does give us his A game with every post!

Originally Posted by Whirlaway

It is a tossup between you JD and the JL my bet you have the edge. You are thread guilty.
  • Laz
  • 10-03-2013, 07:50 AM
Now if regressive republicans would decide to follow the law and not hold the country hostage over the Affordable Care Act the National Parks would be open. Originally Posted by ilikefun
Since the final position of the republicans was to defer the tax on individuals one year and eliminate the Obama subsidy, which was not in the law, for congress and the executive branch, how is this holding the country hostage. Obamacare would still exist and be funded.
rodog44's Avatar
Shut down the government and then bitch about the consequences.

Just another typical day for Republicans. Originally Posted by Doove
What the fuck does your reply have to do with what I wrote?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-03-2013, 12:33 PM
What the fuck does your reply have to do with what I wrote? Originally Posted by rodog44

what the fuck does attatching Healthcare to a Constitutional mandate do with funding the government?
rodog44's Avatar
its a federal law Mr. biggest idiot, I suppose you think it's ok to break the law ... rightwinger Originally Posted by CJ7
I've given it some thought and realize you are RIGHT. I am an idiot for reading or responding to any post you put up. That being said, this is the only thing you have ever been right about.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-03-2013, 12:45 PM
I've given it some thought and realize you are RIGHT. I am an idiot for reading or responding to any post you put up. That being said, this is the only thing you have ever been right about. Originally Posted by rodog44

its the only thing you think I've been right about, your opinion. I'll be more than happy to debate any subject you think I've been wrong about, anytime you decide.

at your service
rodog44's Avatar
its the only thing you think I've been right about, your opinion. I'll be more than happy to debate any subject you think I've been wrong about, anytime you decide.

at your service Originally Posted by CJ7
DEBATE YOU.:roflmao ::r oflmao:
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-03-2013, 01:29 PM
DEBATE YOU.:roflmao ::r oflmao: Originally Posted by rodog44

then it should be easy enough for you ... you have an open invitation, pick the subject
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Actions have consequences and Glenna and the 'Wipes can't handle this responsibility because they are naïve, dumb, little children with defective thought processes. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Nope, I didn't leave anything out.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-03-2013, 04:02 PM
Shut down the government and then bitch about the consequences.

Just another typical day for Republicans. Originally Posted by Doove
What the fuck does your reply have to do with what I wrote? Originally Posted by rodog44
Look up the word "consequences", and that'll explain it for ya.
rodog44's Avatar
then it should be easy enough for you ... you have an open invitation, pick the subject Originally Posted by CJ7
You are right. It would be easy. But what is the point. Debating a close minded liberal that does not use logic and has no common sense is just a waste of time.