BDFW update

I heard from on of the waitresses that used to work there that they ain’t opening up since the city wants to turn that area residential .. Originally Posted by elputinho
Yeah I am going to say that has nothing to do with it. The residential areas there aren't in Fort Worth, they are Euless and Arlington. So I don't see the city of Fort Worth (where the club is actually legally located) really caring too much about what people living in Viridian think. Also there are two other clubs within a mile of BDFW that are open and operating. BDFW has a SOB license, that isn't the issue. Building most likely needs more work done to it than ownership is willing to spend at this time.
butterfryman's Avatar
"extensive renovations - permits finally approved - who tf knows when we reopen"

don't see the point of this big conspiracy .... why ever answer the phone? why have a phone, to trick people ha?

these people are CHEAP recall - few summers back the AC went out, rather than buy a new unit, they put in a huge fan up front .....

Probably waiting until Covid crap is completely over - then they'll finish remodeling and open back up ??
SouthArlington's Avatar
If they are truly doing a re-model, supply delays may be the problem.

I hope they re-open. Lots of memories. That was my first strip club to ever visit in the Summer of 1990. I got in at 18 yrs old with an older friend. About 10 years later, I got my first strip club HJ there.
  • mb60
  • 11-01-2021, 09:28 PM
The club is done. They are holding onto the land and building for construction to start in that area. The one employee is there because it's still stocked with booze.
CellarDweller's Avatar
The club is done. They are holding onto the land and building for construction to start in that area. The one employee is there because it's still stocked with booze. Originally Posted by mb60
I wonder if he has to show up everyday in a tuxedo? LOL
  • mb60
  • 11-08-2021, 08:28 PM
Well BDFW updated the phone number on facebook. Who bets that is the number to chica's in Arlington ? LOL
Why would there be booze ther. They would have moved that all out to another club when it closed.
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 12-12-2021, 08:17 AM
Economic statement. A regular racoon feeding ritual on Saturday nights. A lot of guys making it rain snacks and holding wads of ones up in the air.

T-Shirt Slogan: Thirsty
If they are still out there. Involve Uber, Take out feed bags.
What do we want: Tits. When do we want tits: Now
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Why would there be booze ther. They would have moved that all out to another club when it closed. Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
You are right, every thing that was not nailed down was probably taken out no longer than a few weeks after they shut down.

But you said they would reopen,

That place is not going to reopen, they could have demolished it and rebuilt it a few times in the time they were going to supposedly renovate it. And, Burch Management has no cash flow issues, that is absurd!
ntxguy's Avatar
Well look who's back from vacation!!
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Well look who's back from vacation!! Originally Posted by ntxguy
Yep, but I will be banned on points again very soon and I do not even have to post anything!

But, unlike you and the others who hijack threads I post in to troll, harass me and call me names, get me banned from strip clubs and try to get providers not to see me (the "WEC has AIDS" anonymous messages are the best), I have to keep this thread on topic.

Does Burch Management own that lot and building or do they rent? If they rent, they have been paying rent for a vacant building every month for almost 2 years!
ntxguy's Avatar
Yep, but I will be banned on points again very soon and I do not even have to post anything!

But, unlike you and the others who hijack threads I post in to troll, harass me and call me names, get me banned from strip clubs and try to get providers not to see me (the "WEC has AIDS" anonymous messages are the best), I have to keep this thread on topic.

Does Burch Management own that lot and building or do they rent? If they rent, they have been paying rent for a vacant building every month for almost 2 years! Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
I guess I missed where I called you names and that I have ever tried to get you banned. Just made a comment that you're back. Good luck with the paranoia
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I guess I missed where I called you names and that I have ever tried to get you banned. Just made a comment that you're back. Good luck with the paranoia Originally Posted by ntxguy
I am not paranoid, I am not the one that follows posts or status of other dudes, of course, you didn't miss where you are a troll and cyberstalker as only a troll/cyberstalker talks about a member, hijacks a thread he posts on to make the thread about him. I have lots of fans like that on this site, but I do not roll that way!
gman44's Avatar
not an encounter, moved to coed
Well horndogs today BDD had a job fair. Supposedly because they plan to reopen BDFW in 2-3 weeks.
Now I'm not holding my breath. Seems like they could have reopened it long ago if they really wanted to
We shall see. Would imagine over half of their regular clientele won't return. Ditto on the dance staff. It has been so long since that club was relevant. Everybody has moved on