Question for the Ladies, about my recent TS experience

Actually.... It doesn't matter what THEY want the govt as well as society assigns gender as male or female. There is no in between. Originally Posted by Whispers
Ignoring CD's and TS for now, TransGendered/Intersexual people prove that statement wrong. I once watched a documentary on it and I have to say I no longer believe in such black and white terms.

Otherwise you are correct, he had a man's dick up his ass.
actionjackson647's Avatar
Of course you don't want a debate... You want your say to never be questioned right?

Although courts GRANT name and gender changes.... you are still dealing strictly with Males or Females.... nothing in between....

The bottom line here is that this guy had another guys dick up his ass right? Originally Posted by Whispers
who cares if he had a mans dick up his ass? Its his choice. no on else gets to decide if its "right" or "wrong"

Some people think the idea of having sex with street walkers is wrong. some think the whole idea of escorts is wrong. Who are we to judge.
if he wants to have sex with a TS,a TV,a guy,a woman or any combination of the above,and all parties are consenting adults I say more power to him...
Whispers's Avatar
I never said it was wrong.... I said she was wrong.....
Guest092815's Avatar
hell, I would rather have a real dick any day over a toy, so I surely can't blame someone for wanting to fulfill a fantasy.

I've met varieties of ts/tg and an actual hermaphrodite in real life, never surgically corrected. I met them yrs ago, when I worked in the "real world" and all I can say is that there should be more than just two genders. It is not a "black and white" or "either or" issue. No matter how much we want to believe it..

humans sexuality is obviously complex. Why try to force someone in a "box" that is convenient for you to understand?
ImportTuner's Avatar
Very well put CK!
Whispers's Avatar
I didn't build the box. I just commented on the reality of the situation.....

Will a girl see a guy that takes it up the butt from a TS?

What if the guy is Bi and it's a part of his lifestyle?

Isn't it more risky? Disease spreads within the homosexual community at a much higher rate then within the heterosexual community right?

Where is the difference?

Will guys see girls that openly engage with homo/bisexual males?

We all balance risk....

We all take risks....

I think the OP's question has something to do with the willingness of a provider to see a guy that has engaged in a somewhat "riskier" activity.

Some Girls do not want to see guys that openly see street walkers. Some girls don't want to see guys that supposedly BB with gals.....

For me... the idea of seeing a girl that sees a guy that takes a guys dick up the shoot is a little more riskier than some other activities....

Just my opinion....
eglrdr's Avatar
Isn't it more risky? Disease spreads within the homosexual community at a much higher rate then within the heterosexual community right?

because of more risk based unprotected sex

Where is the difference?

there isn't

For me... the idea of seeing a girl that sees a guy that takes a guys dick up the shoot is a little more riskier than some other activities....


Just my opinion.... Originally Posted by Whispers
So here's where I get a little confused, what is the difference, risk wise, greek is greek, dick, ass, does it matter if the ass is a man's or woman's.

My understanding is that with anal sex, the risk of rupturing blood vessels is higher, therefore the risk of transmission greater, male or female.

So, again, if protection is used, what's the difference?