Do ALL black lives matter?

that's the thing, though.. some people, so-called White Christians, abandoned cities and moved to the Suburbs so they wouldn't have to consider certain people as neighbors.

somebody will attack this post, I'm sure, even as everyone knows it is true. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Nothing to attack. Most people move to the suburbs to remain close to a city and all of it's nightlife, entertainment, sports, etc., but escape the hive mentality of not having a house, reliant on public transportation, violent neighborhoods, etc. Why would you consider that "abandoning" a city?

And that's simply a non racial, non-denominational statement. Not everyone loves the city life for their future.

Because Trump isn't bothered one bit by this senseless mayhem engulfing our nation that his threatening rhetoric has unleashed. If he sincerely wished to reconcile this nation, he wouldn't have ordered the violent dispersal of a peaceful D.C. crowd by his secret service police and the national guard in riot gears so he could pose a photo op to prop the morale of his base. Originally Posted by andymarksman
I cant believe how either insincere or gullibly unaware you are

have you attained the age of majority?
  • oeb11
  • 06-04-2020, 12:51 PM
am is just repeating the LSM propaganda - it is all he has.

What a waste of a life to be so deluded.

Guarantee One this - am is not about to open his home to Street violence and invite the woke into his own home to protest against "white privilege"!

Are u am????
Perhaps u and CT can have a "woke" block party to celebrate - and tell all first responders they will not be needed.
Wow! There's a bit of news. All this time I thought it was the murder of Floyd by a cop that unleashed all this "mayhem" but at least you were honest enough to call it what it is "mayhem".

Definition of mayhem

1: needless or willful damage or violence

Hardly a word one would use to describe a peaceful protest, huh?

Originally Posted by HedonistForever

People stay peaceful when many police officers show their genuine feeling to reconcile this nation. But Trump and his "law and order" lackeys like the chief of the Minneapolis police union want none of it.

ergo.. AM is a nazi. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Sorry but I have to say you're full of crap.
It tends to weaken your coalition if they are white business owners who sympathize with BLM yet get their stores looted.

Today's law and order conservative is yesterday's liberal who just got robbed and beaten. Originally Posted by friendly fred
you still couldn't comprehend "what difference does it make to you..."
This whole protest is one sided. I can't and will not support a one sided argument which is what this protest is about and that is what "Black Lives Matter" is about. If a Black Cop was to kill an unarmed white male, Blacks would not protest about that because white lives don't really matter to them enough and whites wouldn't protest either. Collectively the white race doesn't have a persecution complex or that low of self esteem, but way too many are worried about being called racist so they'll support these stupid one sided causes. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Are you blaming the blacks or your own race for not speaking out as you did?
People stay peaceful when many police officers show their genuine feeling to reconcile this nation. But Trump and his "law and order" lackeys like the chief of the Minneapolis police union want none of it. Originally Posted by andymarksman
That is complete bullshit. People riot when they think they can riot.

Take the Baltimore riots when the Mayor basically said let them run free. Riots, looting, destruction until they essentially burnt themselves out from destroying their own neighborhoods.

Minneapolis, they abandon a precinct letting the rioting run free and the precinct is set afire along with a large number of local businesses and it's only winding down now.

Is that your image of allowing the rioters to "reconcile the nation"

Again, I simply call bullshit on that attitude. You take law breakers down, not let them run free.
  • oeb11
  • 06-04-2020, 01:52 PM
EL - i agree

But tht is not the 'woke' Way - the poor and oppressed must be allowed to run free to protest as they like - and if that means burning down the House - so be it.

It is scripted by the DPST's to cause chaos to reflect on Trump - it will reflect on ly on the DPST's with careful examination.

Poor am is deluded - such a waste of a life.
Are you blaming the blacks or your own race for not speaking out as you did? Originally Posted by andymarksman
I am blaming both. The Blacks for waddling in their own self pity and the Whites for supporting a false cause the Blacks keep purporting as racial injustice. Like i stated before, if a Black cop was to kill an unarmed or non compliant white suspect there wouldn't be any protest by either race. Racial inequality has become strictly a one sided issue and a dangerous one at that.
that's the thing, though.. some people, so-called White Christians, abandoned cities and moved to the Suburbs so they wouldn't have to consider certain people as neighbors.

somebody will attack this post, I'm sure, even as everyone knows it is true. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Not just white Christians...lots of Asians in my neck of the woods...
you still couldn't comprehend "what difference does it make to you..." Originally Posted by andymarksman
You still didn't answer my original question.

Besides, you are a commie and a [redacted].
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Sorry but I have to say you're full of crap. Originally Posted by andymarksman

well, you just proved your point that you're a nazi by posting links of the nazi videos.
That is complete bullshit. People riot when they think they can riot. Originally Posted by eccielover
Why because you say so? What do you think you are? So many riots throughout the U.S. history are the result of the oppressed having no recourses to address their legitimate grievances other than rising up against those in charge at the time. Of course unless you are part of the white lynching mobs who thought they can riot and get away with it.

Take the Baltimore riots when the Mayor basically said let them run free. Riots, looting, destruction until they essentially burnt themselves out from destroying their own neighborhoods. Originally Posted by eccielover
Another bullshit of yours! The riots broke out in late afternoon after the funeral of Freddie Gray. That same evening the Baltimore mayor requested and was granted the activation of the National Guard from Governor Hogan; she also ordered nightly curfews that same night throughout the city limits, and the first batch of the Guardsmen started patrolling the city the very next morning. So next time get your facts straight before you spew more bullshits.