Leaving the eccie board

Have to agree with Wakeup and Futile, every Internet Site, whether it is covering Auto Racing or Hooking, has the same number of participants that find courage in the anominity of the keyboard. Sometimes this courage manefest its self in a ability to carry on good discussions, sometimes it manefest its self in the participant being an obnoxious ass hole.

Good luck, but you are just jumping out of a frying pan, and into another frying pan.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Open forums are like small communities. You are right. Those prick will be anywhere you go. But some will have less than others depending on how much management tolerate or control them. People voicing are just trying to express their opinion before they themselves have no choice but to move out of this community like GP.

For example, why do you think neighborhood around Houston are different? In my neighborhood, I can have my garage door open and don't have to worry about my car got stolen. I cannot say the same for the place where I go to work. We got break in twice this year already. Police there don't even care. They have more serious stuff on their hands. So some people who cannot take those shit will move out (remember local tax dollars will also go out with them), home prices go down, criminals and illegals move in and neighborhood becomes a shitting place. Remember, everything it is cascade effect.

Since this board is privately owned, it is on owner and mods to decide what kind of community they envisioned. The rest of you decide whether this board is for you or not. Of course we all have right to complaint, request, protest whatever going on as the last resort because we all like to stay here if possible. Originally Posted by futile

Yeah.... to a certain extent I can understand some of that...... However, the neighborhood thing (Here in "Zoning Free" Houston is a bit of a different animal) but even with that..... I don't worry about my car getting stolen with my garage door open, but I have had other items lifted out of it..... Gated community in the Woodlands doesn't stop shit-bird thievery either apparently...... but your point is noted........

But let us not put ALL of the blame on the Fucktards here! For all the Fuck-stix running around "Scaring" ladies.... there are PLENTY of the Female variety doing plenty of their own wreckage on these boards..... I would go so far as to say there is nearly a balanced amount of board "Havoc Wreakers" from each gender....... It is a fairly large task for Ownership and Mods to be expected to reel it all in....... Again.... you can either be the bigger person, and stay away from the fray, lower yourself to the depths that others sink, or do as the OP and walk away altogether I suppose..........

What if....... GP and Monkeypaw have pulled off the biggest scam we have ever seen? Here goes......

Monkeypaw writes shit to piss off hookers, excuse me, women who have something else to offer too and create an emotional tsunami. A group whose revenue stream is not where it needs to be for the holiday season.

2: It brings a bunch of 'clients' out of the woodwork who want to go do the 'Morally Higher' lot of providers and who want to hear what they have to say.

3: All get the 'new' appointment except a select few who didn't climb their way up the moral 'ladder' quickly enough.

4: They draw straws and one posts, "I don't think I fit in here any more and I'm thinking I'm out of here."

5: Whole new wave of guys who 'understand' how she feels.

6: They all go to Gander Mountain to buy tranny.... er fanny packs, but there is Monkeypaw in the parking lot selling them cheaper than GM.

7: SHit, better yet, he's on Holly Hall looking for Easter Eggs in the bushes, while the girls are selling them at GM & Academy.

I'm just sayin..............

Thinkaboutit.... People don't really get that worked up over shit on the internet and believe everything they hear, unless they really are that naive' and a couple marketing geniuses have the last Monkey laugh....... Nah.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Auto Racing or Hooking, has the same number of participants that find courage in the anominity of the keyboard. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Not on the auto racing site I'm on ... that place is as sweet as pie.
People voicing are just trying to express their opinion before they themselves have no choice but to move out of this community like GP. Originally Posted by futile
Wrong. You always have a choice. It's all about whether you you make it, or you let others make it for you. Which do you want to have happen?

Since this board is privately owned, it is on owner and mods to decide what kind of community they envisioned. Originally Posted by futile
I think you'd be surprised what the owners of this, or any other SHMB, envisioned when they started them. Either way, it's irrelevant what they invisioned, the members are going to make it what it is, and on an open registration board that's completely out of their control. They're smart enough to know this, and smart enough to realize that people make their own decisions, and can't blame them on anyone else.

The rest of you decide whether this board is for you or not. Of course we all have right to complaint, request, protest whatever going on as the last resort because we all love eccie and like to stay, otherwise we won't be on here in the first place. Originally Posted by futile
Exactly. Protest to make your point. Protest all you want. Protest on a freeway feeder road with a sign that says "{insert name/object here} makes me sick and I want them to leave ECCIE!" However, be smart enough to realize that other people don't have to do what you want, and if you're truely, honestly not comfortable with it, then make your choice.

I respect the OP for leaving because she wasn't comfortable with the people she sees post on this board. She took a stand and made her point in the most meaningful way she could on a SHMB, she left. I would hope that she knows that her leaving does nothing to change anyone else here, and she's made that choice for herself, and not in some lame attempt to influence others in this board. I choose to give her the benefit of the doubt that she meant what she posted, she's honestly gone, and she's done it for her own personal reason, and not to influence others. That's the sign of a real and true believer.

Again...well done OP.
Not on the auto racing site I'm on ... that place is as sweet as pie. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
That's because they're NASCAR fans...they're all in post coital bliss after banging each other and their cousins...
..... the members are going to make it what it is, and on an open registration board that's completely out of their control. Originally Posted by Wakeup
Of course they are in control. May be not in full control but they have some control over what is posted and who posts. I am not sure why you would state such an argument when the facts are all over. Let me restate them.
They can ban people who violate rules, which they did often. They cannot stop threads from starting but they can definitely stop them from proceeding which also has been done as well. What would you call it if it is not control mechanism? I am pretty sure it is completely NOT out of their control like you said. Well I cannot change your mind if you choose not to see the facts.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Of course they are in control. May be not in full control but they have some control over what is posted and who posts. I am not sure why you would state such an argument when the facts are all over. Let me restate them.
They can ban people who violate rules, which they did often. They cannot stop threads from starting but they can definitely stop them from proceeding which also has been done as well. What would you call it if it is not control mechanism? I am pretty sure it is completely NOT out of their control like you said. Well I cannot change your mind if you choose not to see the facts. Originally Posted by futile

You gotta be kidding me right? "Facts"? Your "facts" are skewed as to your point of view..... walk a mile in a Mod's shoes..... its not as cut and dry, nor as easy as you make it out to be..... It is a fine line they are made to walk as to the heavy handedness they wield their power........ I think you are being overly one-sided in your view of how things actually are.....

You gotta be kidding me right? "Facts"? Your "facts" are skewed as to your point of view..... walk a mile in a Mod's shoes..... its not as cut and dry, nor as easy as you make it out to be..... It is a fine line they are made to walk as to the heavy handedness they wield their power........ I think you are being overly one-sided in your view of how things actually are.....

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
I was just about to nominate futile the avatarless to be a Mod, since he thinks its so easy...
I was just about to nominate futile the avatarless to be a Mod, since he thinks its so easy... Originally Posted by enderwiggin
I was merely stating the facts (YES THE FACTs) to point out that they have control unlike WAKEUP said.
Fact 1: They have ability to close thread
Fact 2: They can ban people

If they are true, they have control and WAKE UP is wrong for saying out of their control.

Again, I did not say complete control. I said some control.
What if....... GP and Monkeypaw have pulled off the biggest scam we have ever seen? Here goes......

Monkeypaw writes shit to piss off hookers, excuse me, women who have something else to offer too and create an emotional tsunami. A group whose revenue stream is not where it needs to be for the holiday season.

2: It brings a bunch of 'clients' out of the woodwork who want to go do the 'Morally Higher' lot of providers and who want to hear what they have to say.

3: All get the 'new' appointment except a select few who didn't climb their way up the moral 'ladder' quickly enough.

4: They draw straws and one posts, "I don't think I fit in here any more and I'm thinking I'm out of here."

5: Whole new wave of guys who 'understand' how she feels.

6: They all go to Gander Mountain to buy tranny.... er fanny packs, but there is Monkeypaw in the parking lot selling them cheaper than GM.

7: SHit, better yet, he's on Holly Hall looking for Easter Eggs in the bushes, while the girls are selling them at GM & Academy.

I'm just sayin..............

Thinkaboutit.... People don't really get that worked up over shit on the internet and believe everything they hear, unless they really are that naive' and a couple marketing geniuses have the last Monkey laugh....... Nah. Originally Posted by Big Juan
That's It! Batman! Ok MP hangs out at the local Greyhound station looking for "runaways" aka streetwalkers and turns them into SKANKY internet hookers...That's about as smart as he get's.....He's not smart enough to conspire with anyone but a Sharpie and a piece of paper.......Oh yes and a camera phone......He basically pimps the pimpless.............That's it.....He was banned from HD for trying over and over through PM to recruit ladies.....At least that's what Kosair said. The only way to get banned at HD is to get on Kosairs bad side...... Now that HD is under new ownership as of Monday all the rules change........I heard Sofia struck up a mod deal over there.........
Thanks for the vote. May be one day.

I was just about to nominate futile the avatarless to be a Mod, since he thinks its so easy... Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
I was merely stating the facts (YES THE FACTs) to point out that they have control unlike WAKEUP said.
Fact 1: They have ability to close thread
Fact 2: They can ban people

If they are true, they have control and WAKE UP is wrong for saying out of their control.

Again, I did not say complete control. I said some control. Originally Posted by futile

Then you weren't paying attention to what Wakeup was saying..... just because you have SOME control over SOME things..... this board, and all like it, have tendancies to grow beyond what initial aspirations and ideals to which it was created..... just like in life, there is a flow to things..... you can plant a tree and steer it in the direction in which you WANT it to grow, and yet in the end there are MANY things that are beyond your control......

Can they ban? yes
Can they close threads/threADs? yes
Can they keep free thinking people from morphing and contorting forums beyond a loosely structured idea? Doubtful.

They have control to a point that they can guild, and help steer in a direction.... but the masses will do what the masses will do..... and at some point your idea of control means exactly dick....... I think that is what Wakeup was tyring to say (more or less) In my opinion.........

That's It! Batman! Ok MP hangs out at the local Greyhound station looking for "runaways" aka streetwalkers and turns them into SKANKY internet hookers...That's about as smart as he get's.....He's not smart enough to conspire with anyone but a Sharpie and a piece of paper.......Oh yes and a camera phone......He basically pimps the pimpless.............That's it.....He was banned from HD for trying over and over through PM to recruit ladies.....At least that's what Kosair said. The only way to get banned at HD is to get on Kosairs bad side...... Now that HD is under new ownership as of Monday all the rules change........I heard Sofia struck up a mod deal over there......... Originally Posted by angelinadream
Shit, what about the laminated sign? No ordinary fucktard can operate one of those.

People wonder why I post 'off subject' crap all the time. This is the reason. Just because it is on the internet isz gotta be true. No wonder advertising pays so well. Opinions without the facts are....... well..........shmegma?

This whole internet started out to be the 'information highway' and a bunch of you are on the fuckin' information Cul-de-sac.

My Irish/ Latin grandpa, Jose Muldoon (for you bbkid) told me once, "You watch your ass around any animal that bleeds for 5 straight days and is still living".

And yes all you fucktards living in the cul-de-sac, you might as well be bleedin', cause you shopped somewher and bought yourself a tranny pack!!!

Did that sound like I was mad? Don't hate me, I get bitchy when I believe I am being emotionally manipulated.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
That's It! Batman! Ok MP hangs out at the local Greyhound station looking for "runaways" aka streetwalkers and turns them into SKANKY internet hookers...That's about as smart as he get's.....He's not smart enough to conspire with anyone but a Sharpie and a piece of paper.......Oh yes and a camera phone......He basically pimps the pimpless.............That's it.....He was banned from HD for trying over and over through PM to recruit ladies.....At least that's what Kosair said. The only way to get banned at HD is to get on Kosairs bad side...... Now that HD is under new ownership as of Monday all the rules change........I heard Sofia struck up a mod deal over there......... Originally Posted by angelinadream

You know what they say about people in glass houses..........

So which way is the "morally correct" way of doing it? Be it Pimp/Agency/Coin-op its all the same with different derogitory labels right? heaven forbid he took a little artistic license and posting style to how he told his story, and you read his written words with the tone and inflection that you wanted to turn it on its side of "picking up strays and turning them into streetwalkers"...... I don't know exactly what happened or what the situation was because I WAS NOT THERE!

So if Kosair says its so, it is so now? So all the other accusations "he" said are all tru and valid? People get banned for different reasons, and usually we don't fully know why...... lets try and be a little bit more responsable than that please......