the first ten minutes are the most uncomfortable

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah've foundt facts, advise, rhetorcik an' displays o' ferensic skillz ta be purdy ineffectiff in changin' bee-hav-yer, speshully amongst perviders. Any filly in tha biz is alreddy purdy in-dah-pendent utha wise she wuldn't be goin' a'gin so-shul cornventions jus' by a-bein' a pervider. Knowin' Hunter by rep-yew-tay-shun, Ah gots a hard time buhleevin she din't cuvver the basics o' screenin' n' safety n' such in person. So, if'n tha OP is a till askin' fer tips on how ta dew it, Ah don't thinck ennythang posted on tha innernet is a-gonna carry more weight than whutever she done bin toldt in person. Yew mite jus' be steppin' up ta a Sissypussyian task. But mebbe Ah got tha messige o' ol' Jay-Z Salinger's "Tha Catcher inna Rye" all wrong. Ah shulda put a ring onnit, but Ah pickedt up a copy o' Willie Faulkner's "Go Down, Moses" an' Ah likedt it bedder.
Safety is step 1-5. You not getting taken advantage of is step 6-8. You knowing how to offer a standard level of service is the rest of the game.

Speaking for myself, a lot of the hospitality details naturally fell into place as soon as I was comfortable with providing in general as well as confident in the services that I can provide. Clean your incall, gussy yourself up, play music you like, tinker with the lighting, and go to town. Telling someone not to be nervous is as useful as a limp dick, sure. And it gets trickier, because half the dudes (if not more) will walk into your incall being visibly nervous, regardless of how confident you you will have to learn how to take control of the situation from the very beginning. My method includes a warm smile and a long, soft kiss...but every girl has her own technique.
I sent her an email yesterday - when I barely had five minutes to even collect my thoughts - offering a few words of wisdom, and have yet to receive so much as a simple 'thank you' email.

It makes me question if she's an actual provider or just a spook.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
As Sisyphean as we understand the task might me, Douche O' My Heart, let it never be said of myself, nor my esteemed lady colleagues Mesdames Jenns and Claire that we didn't try to to help and protect this lovely young lady in the way we each understand how. Even if that advice is unwarranted or unheeded or even perhaps even wasted upon a calculating fraud. We have tried in good faith. That's good enough for me.
I am a bit surprised Hunter hasn't popped in to help clarify this person's clueless demeanor especially considering she is using Hunter's name as a reference in her sig line.
Perhaps one of you ladies should give her a buzz.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Yes. I would like to hear from her as well. There is a certain responsibility that is implied here.
Centaur's Avatar
Yes. I would like to hear from her as well. There is a certain responsibility that is implied here. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Unless the OP misunderstood or deliberately misrepresented her association with the Jedi Mistress.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Or what I suspect, which is neither misrepresentation nor misunderstanding but a whole fuckload of fail.
Centaur's Avatar
Or what I suspect, which is neither misrepresentation nor misunderstanding but a whole fuckload of fail. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
That too.
a whole fuckload of fail. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
That is now my new favorite term.
I am a bit surprised Hunter hasn't popped in to help clarify this person's clueless demeanor especially considering she is using Hunter's name as a reference in her sig line.
Perhaps one of you ladies should give her a buzz. Originally Posted by Windinhishair
Oh clueless one, IT is Hunter!
Pimpin' ain't easy, But somebody's gotta do it.
It just so happens it would be better if she weren't in this case. lol

This is a CLASSIC ThreAD post and abandon!

Can you say "Epic Fail"? I knew you could.....
I still don't know if she's real or not
John_Dough's Avatar

Additionally from what I understand you are already earning an abysmal reputation with the gentlemen who answered your newbie siren call in the Welcome section. The stories I have heard are woeful. You are grossly overpriced and enormously underskilled which is an insult to the gentleman, as well as, the ladies like myself who work hard for our excellent reputations and reasonable pricing. For anyone to see you now, I would have to wonder if they had escaped a state hospital only to be to be found wearing dirty slippers, muttering in the streets, and selling pencils from a cup. In other words, people would have to be crazy to see you
Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
dear God I love this woman

Oh clueless one
, IT is Hunter!
Pimpin' ain't easy, But somebody's gotta do it.
It just so happens it would be better if she weren't in this case. lol

This is a CLASSIC ThreAD post and abandon!

Can you say "Epic Fail"? I knew you could..... Originally Posted by rockerrick

At what point in a man's life does he decide to grow up and actually behave like a mature adult?

Shall we expect to see a future of antagonistic butt hurt posts from you just because I called you out on attacking a provider for nothing more than her views on donation collection? Let the control/power thing go.

I have absolutely nothing against you but you really do need to get a grip on this behavior.

Put your big boy pants on, start being civil, respect other members views and maybe just maybe you won't get your emotionally immature ass blocked.

As they say. Holding resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other guy to die.

Take a deep breath and slowly let it go. Better yet Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

As far as the thread goes I certainly hope for Hunter's sake you're wrong about it being her.
This isn't doing her reputation any good although it's beginning to look like your assessment may be correct.

Epic fail would be putting it lightly. Board respect is a hard thing to regain once lost.
Block me Windoutofhisass, that'll show me!
Speaking of immature. lol