Zimmerman request Paula Deen to serve on his jury

An excellent pic of Hanoi COG. He is a self admitted LIAR, with absolutely no credibility!

Fact Jack!
Your parents were professional jazz musicians so most of the people you grew up with were of African descent? Sorry, I had to repeat that because it is the largest pile of steaming bullshit you've ever squeezed out here on Eccie. Do you really think anybody is buying that? I mean...seriously?... Originally Posted by timpage
Well, I'd bet dollars to donuts that it is a steaming pile of bullshit. But the largest he's ever squeezed out? I dunno. It's pretty hard to compete with the steaming piles he shoveled in this thread:


The guy actually claimed that he taught economics at the "university level," despite clearly having no familiarity with the concept of "marginal propensity to consume," and having never even heard of the term "tax incidence." (He sarcastically suggested that I must have meant "tax incidents.") I mean, really. This is econ 101 stuff. No one who "taught" the subject at the university level is unfamiliar with it. He's pretty aggressive about telling anyone who refutes some of his ridiculous assertions that they "sound stupid," though!

That ignorant buffoon is an abject embarrassment and a rank fraud.
Yep six pussies for a pussy, he will get off. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Most likely Zimmerman won't be convicted and mainly because of his jury selection. Six jurors and all of them are women. Inherently women like to cook and George Zimmerman looks quite a bit like the Pillsbury Dough Boy these days. So there ya have it a female jury and a pudgy fuck defendant all equal acquittal.
LexusLover's Avatar
.... Inherently women like to cook .... Originally Posted by acp5762
Stereotyping is not a good thing to do when trying to analyze how a juror will vote.

Of course, I know you are just kidding around.
LexusLover's Avatar
Can't you read? I said you can only find out from the Chef. He has all the information. Not you or I. btw...... Originally Posted by WTF
I could have sworn that you were basing your decision on the outcome of this trial on "jury selection" ... in early THREADS. Something like it all depends on the jury selection.

It's only "nonsensical" to you because YOU can't make sense of the question, or so you say to avoid having to answer the question. Is that your excuse at the golf course: The "idiot" who laid out the course?

Of course anyone who uses "cooking" as a example for "jury selection" ... practically admits he or she doesn't know squat about it.

So ... WTF ... Will Zimmerman be found not guilty or guilty by this jury?

What part of that question do you not understand?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually Jackie S (I know that some can not believe it) I can swear on a bible or take a polygraph and pass that I have never used the word as an insult. The very rare times that it has been said has been in a discussion about the use of the word itself. In other words, I have never used the N word even as a child. I also don't drink, smoke, or use illegal narcotics, stimulants, or grass. I have nothing pierced nor anything tattooed despite a lifetime in the service.

Why do I say this? To stop any fool from saying that EVERYONE has does it. That is just not true and excuses those who have done it.

As far as the OP, why wouldn't a democrat want another democrat on his jury.
So that's the excuse? Its ironic? You don't listen to Dr Dre much do you?

Like Carlos Mencia said, they want you to buy their albums, just not sing along.... Originally Posted by gnadfly
I'm not sure what you are saying.

I wasn't trying to say there was any excuse for it.

I was simply trying to tell CJ7 that white kids in the north use the word "nigger" in a derogatory way all the time. It is NOT limited to 2/3 of the white kids in the south.

And never has been.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-24-2013, 01:43 PM
I'm not sure what you are saying.

I wasn't trying to say there was any excuse for it.

I was simply trying to tell CJ7 that white kids in the north use the word "nigger" in a derogatory way all the time. It is NOT limited to 2/3 of the white kids in the south.

And never has been. Originally Posted by ExNYer

I was referring to the south where Deen is from ... I had no intention of limiting kids all over the country
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-24-2013, 04:46 PM
I could have sworn that you were basing your decision on the outcome of this trial on "jury selection" ... in early THREADS. Something like it all depends on the jury selection.
Originally Posted by LexusLover

Of course anyone who uses "cooking" as a example for "jury selection" ... practically admits he or she doesn't know squat about it.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Let me try again. The cooking analogy seemed to have went over your head.

I don't know shit about snake bites.

I do know that were you say to be bitten by a Cobra and make it to the hospital alive, the selection of the anti-venom is the most important part of your survival. If some idiot selects rattlesnake anti venom, you're fucked.

Just like Zimmerman will be fucked if they get a sympathetic jury towards blacks being stalked by wanna be cops.

You are looking like an idiot with this "You don't know shit about jury selection WTF!" I freely admit I don't. I also have shown that you do not have to know about it to comment that it is crucial to the case. Any lawyer worth his salt knows that elementary fact.

So ... WTF ... Will Zimmerman be found not guilty or guilty by this jury?

What part of that question do you not understand? Originally Posted by LexusLover
How the fuck should I know LL. All I have said was that it is the most important part of this trial. You are asking a question which has nothing to do with my statement.

Be like you asking me if you are going to live or die after being bitten by a Cobra. How can I answer that question until I know what anti- venom they gave you, assuming you made it to the hospital.

Do you understand the jury is the anti venom? Pick the wrong anti venom and you die!

LexusLover's Avatar
As far as the OP, why wouldn't a democrat want another democrat on his jury. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Who cares about their party affiliation? Don't stereotype.

Now if this were an attack on party worker passing out candidate materials .. perhaps ....

... but I would pay more attention to the attitude about attacking a worker of any party.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I wonder where he came up with that shit. Maybe the most outlandish lies he's posted all week. But the week is young.

Hey Whiny, you speak jive?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-24-2013, 07:36 PM
I'm not sure what you are saying.

I wasn't trying to say there was any excuse for it.

I was simply trying to tell CJ7 that white kids in the north use the word "nigger" in a derogatory way all the time. It is NOT limited to 2/3 of the white kids in the south.

And never has been. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I can substantiate that at least where I grew up in NYC kids were completely equal opportunity slurers. Every race, ethnic group, color, background, school you went to, clothes you wore, etc.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's all absolutely true, except the you made up about me growing up in Kansas. I did not. I haven't lived in Kansas all that long. But the rest of it is true, regardless what you think.

By the way, the only place there is good jazz around here is Kansas City, and no, I didn't grow up there, either. And I played jazz myself for awhile when I was young, working with some names you'd recognize. But you won't believe that either. And you know what? I don't care whether you believe me or not. So flame away, children.
LexusLover's Avatar

Just like Zimmerman will be fucked if they get a sympathetic jury towards blacks being stalked by wanna be cops.

I also have shown that you do not have to know about it to comment that it is crucial to the case. Any lawyer worth his salt knows that elementary fact.

All I have said was that it is the most important part of this trial. You are asking a question which has nothing to do with my statement. Originally Posted by WTF
You don't know anything about voir dire. You don't know anything about trying cases. But...

..... you know all about how a trial works and what lawyers know!

Like I asked .. do you blame your sorry golf game on the designer of the course?

I mean, after all, if you know how to buy golf balls you know all about course design! Right?

Right now in this thread .. you are the only "idiot"! Well .... COG just joined
LexusLover's Avatar
I don't know shit about trying cases. Originally Posted by WTF
There. I fixed it for you.

Snakes? Cooking? Hospitals? May be . The courtroom. NO!