If the guy sends you his review before submitting....is that legally obtaining ROS?
Originally Posted by Analeese
Are you admitting to a guy sending you his review before he submitted? This is exactly what JG was referring to when KM slipped up and almost admitted to reading the ROS. Then she tried to change it up hahaha. Wow to funny. Eccie and the Mods might as well change this rule of the providers not allowed to see the ROS, because it's not like the ladies don't know anyway. To many guys here are obviously in real love with their favorite ladies, to not tell them or show them, I'm sure they would feel disloyal to their loves.
I mean really who is that naive to believe that a hobbyist is not at an appointment with his ATF and sitting in the bed with her just all in the Men's lounge, Ros reviews, like they watching Netflix. lol, really, really, that shit happens all the damn time. I personally don't think this should be a rule at all, I mean after all, we are talking about the ladies hard work they perform, and good or bad, I think they should know. This just may give some a chance to work on doing better, reflect on how the session went, and for those that are very skill, to know that they client was very pleased by her services in details.
I vote for the Ros to be seen by all
the Ladies deserve to know how we really feel.
Now that's my opinion, and if any want to try and attack me for it (with your fingers of course) lol, then be my guess.