You liberals need to watch Fox, I know you aren’t seeing it on your usual source

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
oh please. TASS is state owned and Pravda was the official newspaper of the Soviet Communist party while it existed. it's still the official paper of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

comparing FOX to state owned/political party owned media is a dog that don't hunt. if you want to infer FOX is a conservative mouthpiece fine but what does that make CNN or MSNBC? left leaning mouthpieces.

and it doesn't alter the fact that FOX is the top cable channel and has been for 20 years.

you might find this interesting ...

More Democrats watch Fox News during prime time than CNN: data

Opinion | Democrats With a Dirty Secret — They Watch Fox

shocking isn't it? is it any wonder CNN's ratings are tanking?

what could these Democrats be looking for on FOX they can't apparently get on CNN? the truth perhaps??? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

CNN may be changing directions. gonna take a while for new management do some upper fixing on CNN.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
btw how do you explain why Democrats watch FOX?

this should be interesting .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Precious_b's Avatar
oh please. TASS is state owned and Pravda was the official newspaper of the Soviet Communist party while it existed. it's still the official paper of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

comparing FOX to state owned/political party owned media is a dog that don't hunt. if you want to infer FOX is a conservative mouthpiece fine but what does that make CNN or MSNBC? left leaning mouthpieces.

and it doesn't alter the fact that FOX is the top cable channel and has been for 20 years.

... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
As I stated, the Komotsky Pravda. Not the .ru one.
And whats the problem comparing a channel that was the mouthpiece for the previous potus (not talking to y'all who state is currently too) to a state paper?!

And you only post a quantitative in market demographics instead of a qualitative indicator.

Fox News is basically the only right wing news channel...
Originally Posted by WTF
A right wing "light weight" when it comes to rhetoric.
OAN made them look like a fluff job.
I guess AT&T wanted them to pay to play and stop their free ride. Idk.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
As I stated, the Komotsky Pravda. Not the .ru one.
And whats the problem comparing a channel that was the mouthpiece for the previous potus (not talking to y'all who state is currently too) to a state paper?!

And you only post a quantitative in market demographics instead of a qualitative indicator.

A right wing "light weight" when it comes to rhetoric.
OAN made them look like a fluff job.
I guess AT&T wanted them to pay to play and stop their free ride. Idk. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Boris Komotsky, editor of Pravda is a Communist member of the Russian Duma (their version of Congress) and at one point Deputy of the Duma, essentially the same as Speaker of the House.

i don't get how you claim that FOX is the "same as" Pravda. Rupert Murdoch isn't a member of Congress or President. FOX is not "state" media. if you want to claim FOX is "State" media in the conservative sense then do you agree CNN and MSNBC are "State" media in the liberal sense?

despite what the leftist media wants to claim, FOX does not push far right extremist conspiracy theories. so they are not "lightweight" compared to OAN, they are a legit media outlet.
Precious_b's Avatar
Boris Komotsky, editor of Pravda is a Communist member of the Russian Duma (their version of Congress) and at one point Deputy of the Duma, essentially the same as Speaker of the House.

i don't get how you claim that FOX is the "same as" Pravda. Rupert Murdoch isn't a member of Congress or President. FOX is not "state" media. if you want to claim FOX is "State" media in the conservative sense then do you agree CNN and MSNBC are "State" media in the liberal sense?

despite what the leftist media wants to claim, FOX does not push far right extremist conspiracy theories. so they are not "lightweight" compared to OAN, they are a legit media outlet. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I know who Boris is. I didn't want *you* to be confused which rag I was referencing. And I ain't claiming "same as". I asked for a variable that wasn't related to numbers (scalar value maybe?) The russian examples would be such. I was wanting to know which "qualitative" value. Still didn't get an answer if it is just for the quantitiy of a data set, not quality.

Well, a media bias site that I look at shows both the foxy and oan as not having a good record. I'll still use the site until those that ballywho said site can present a better one to vet info.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I know who Boris is. I didn't want *you* to be confused which rag I was referencing. And I ain't claiming "same as". I asked for a variable that wasn't related to numbers (scalar value maybe?) The russian examples would be such. I was wanting to know which "qualitative" value. Still didn't get an answer if it is just for the quantitiy of a data set, not quality.

Well, a media bias site that I look at shows both the foxy and oan as not having a good record. I'll still use the site until those that ballywho said site can present a better one to vet info. Originally Posted by Precious_b
post the link. what "bad record"?

so network ratings aren't "qualitative" enough for you? they may have some flaws and some subjectivity to them but ratings are the best measure we have and they clearly show FOX is on top by a mile (so much for margin of error) and have been for 20 years straight.

FOX is the Ford trucks of auto sales. (i own a Tundra lol)

Precious_b's Avatar
post the link. what "bad record"?

so network ratings aren't "qualitative" enough for you? they may have some flaws and some subjectivity to them but ratings are the best measure we have and they clearly show FOX is on top by a mile (so much for margin of error) and have been for 20 years straight.

FOX is the Ford trucks of auto sales. (i own a Tundra lol)

bahhahaha Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I have posted the link in the past and others dismissed it. When asked to present a better one, crickets. So, i'll ask again: you have a link to a site that vets info, post it. Let's take care of old business first until new.

The person I asked did not reply to their yardstick. *I* think you posted a Nielson link. That would mean demographic. Hence numbers. Just like me giving to examples of *news* outfits that have numbers. Who else except a government mouthpiece can give bigger numbers for their all encompassing demographics

Just because someone takes a bigger shit doesn't mean it smells more like roses than a smaller one LOL! Couldn't resist a little funning.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I have posted the link in the past and others dismissed it. When asked to present a better one, crickets. So, i'll ask again: you have a link to a site that vets info, post it. Let's take care of old business first until new.

The person I asked did not reply to their yardstick. *I* think you posted a Nielson link. That would mean demographic. Hence numbers. Just like me giving to examples of *news* outfits that have numbers. Who else except a government mouthpiece can give bigger numbers for their all encompassing demographics

Just because someone takes a bigger shit doesn't mean it smells more like roses than a smaller one LOL! Couldn't resist a little funning. Originally Posted by Precious_b

post it again. not going to search your posts for links to sites that rate media bias, it's probably one of the "usual suspects" i've also posted.

i'll generally accept most "media bias" sites will rate FOX as "right leaning". we also know they'll rate CNN and MSNBC et al as "left leaning". what does that prove that we didn't already know?

the ratings are the ratings are the ratings. they all show FOX is on top by a mile. that's not in dispute. the real question is why is "right leaning" FOX number one?

WTF claims there are so many left leaning sites they cannibalize themselves for ratings and thus can't compete with FOX. fair point but there are always a few leaders of the pack so all he really did is prove what we already know, the mainstream media in the US is biased left big time.

where are the leftist top dogs and why can't they compete with FOX is the real question.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-24-2022, 09:10 PM
so because so many of the media are far left as you point out (and we all know) FOX is number one because there are too many far left mainstream media to compete with FOX.

thanks for clearing that up!

btw how do you explain why Democrats watch FOX?

this should be interesting .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I am not disputing that Fox is #1...I was just explaining why.

Democrats watch Fox News like they watch Comedy Central, for amusement.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I am not disputing that Fox is #1...I was just explaining why.

Democrats watch Fox News like they watch Comedy Central, for amusement. Originally Posted by WTF
if you say so

eyecu2's Avatar
I only watch Fox to see what fucking drivel they are spewing non-stop about " the radical left".

That lets me see the diet you folks on the right are eating, and I will say there is ZERO variety on that show or even FoX Business. They voices and faces change but the constant same 5-6 points about how Biden is ruining the economy and the border, and energy independence. Literally they all say the exact same script and have been doing so to gin up republican voters since 2012. The last time there was any sense of balance was when Allen Combs was on crossfire with Hannity. It's a shitty group of small minded people who are all scripted, taped and on playback .

Lastly, I will say that the gals on Fox are attractive by far over other networks, and conversely the men are some real loser looking guys. Tucker, Hannity, and Levin along with Bongino...are all ugly mofos. Bongino is the most unfortunate looking of all of them with the helmet head haircut. Oddly shaped and since non claim to be reporters, or journalists, they are opinion show entertainers....and it shows.

Don't get me started on Guttfeld.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I am not disputing that Fox is #1...I was just explaining why.

Democrats watch Fox News like they watch Comedy Central, for amusement. Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah, when your ratings are so heavily reliant on a bozo like Trump and throwing jabs at the current president your audience hates, that doesn't mean much. That's no different than listening to Howard Stern. It doesn't mean shit... fortunately, most people are smart enough to not take Howard Stern seriously unlike the Fox News loyalists who take their talking heads at Fox seriously who are just as ridiculous and silly. They are just entertainment; they are not actual news that should be considered the gospel because of ratings.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-25-2022, 06:53 AM
if you say so

bhahahahahaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Let me give you an example you may understand, Einstein.

If only DeSantis and Trump run in the GOP primary, DeSantis has a better than good chance of beating Trump.

Trump has 40-45% of the GOP locked in, 100% of the idiotic QANON voters.

DeSantis is around 30% with Pence , Haley, Cruz and a few others dragging up the rear.

Please let me know if you need further explanation to this simple dynamic of how splitting audience/voter actually works, Grasshopper.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Please let me know if you need further explanation . Originally Posted by WTF

Precious_b's Avatar
post it again. not going to search your posts for links to sites that rate media bias, it's probably one of the "usual suspects" i've also posted.

i'll generally accept most "media bias" sites will rate FOX as "right leaning". we also know they'll rate CNN and MSNBC et al as "left leaning". what does that prove that we didn't already know?

the ratings are the ratings are the ratings. they all show FOX is on top by a mile. that's not in dispute. the real question is why is "right leaning" FOX number one?

WTF claims there are so many left leaning sites they cannibalize themselves for ratings and thus can't compete with FOX. fair point but there are always a few leaders of the pack so all he really did is prove what we already know, the mainstream media in the US is biased left big time.

where are the leftist top dogs and why can't they compete with FOX is the real question. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Show me yours i'll show you mine

I only reference breadth bias. Like the site to have depth with veracity. Doesn't matter how many views/hits/market percentage if it is shown to be not worth merit.