States to President Obama........We Will Not Take Refugees


By John Velisek USN (Ret), staff writer

In 1953 during the presidency of Dwight Eisenhower, the Muslim Brotherhood began infiltrating the federal government. It is a scheme which has accelerated rapidly under Barack Obama, a willing partner and Muslim/Marxist whose anti-American agenda includes the creation of a caliphate in the U.S.

In an outright display of support for the Brotherhood, Obama has refused to stem the infiltration of our nation by Jihadists. In fact, he has chosen to bring 100,000 to 200,000 Muslim “refuMUSLIM REFUGEESgees” into the United States from Syria; refugees who can never be vetted and whose numbers are comprised of some 85% males, aged 15-35.

Clearly bowing to the president’s bidding, the Director of National Intelligence has-incredibly to say the least-described the Muslim Brotherhood as a “largely secular organization.” The State Department issued a visa to Hazi Nour Eldin of Egypt to meet with senior White House Officials, all the while aware that Eldin is a member of Gama’a al-Islamiyya, a terrorist organization founded by Omar Abdel Rahman, the same blind sheikh convicted in the first bombing of the World Trade Center. What sort of perverse policy must the StMUSLIM BROTHERHOOD IN OBAMA REGIMEate Department embrace to allow such a meeting to take place and what was the tenor of the discussions between the Department and this obvious terrorist? Under the present circumstances could anyone investigating the State Department believe what they are told by the Obama Regime?

And Obama’s relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood has continued to grow during his years in the White House.

Obama’s principle advisor (some have even suggested co-president) Valerie Jarret has had dealings with the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), going so far as to invite ISNA President Ingrid Mattson to work on the WINGRID MATTSONhite House Council of Women and Girls which Jarrett leads. Seven years ago, Mattson offered the prayer at Obama’s first inauguration. For many, “…the hidden message behind [that] display [was] that members of the [Obama]/[leftist] establishment will continue their torrent love affair with the Muslim Brotherhood.” Mattson’s ISNA “…was founded in 1981 by Muslim Brotherhood members” and “…seeks to establish Islamic law, or Shari’ah, as the basis [of] controlling society.”

Even the President’s brother Malik is known to be in charge of finances and arms procurement for the Muslim Brotherhood and executive secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization, or IDO, which is listed as a terrorist group by the US State Department. Malik has visited the Oval Office and sat with the President, even MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD OBAMA BROTHERthough all these facts were known.

The conclusion drawn from this information is inescapable. The current administration is using multiple associations to undermine the security and well-being of the country we all hold dear. From encouraging and facilitating illegal immigration both from the Middle East and Central America, to his blatant unwillingness to close the nation’s borders, Barack Obama has turned to outright support of the terrorists of the Muslim Brotherhood. And there can be no question that the chaos this administratOBAMA MUSLIMS BITTER CLINGERSion is causing in the everyday lives of Americans is intentional. It is time our treasonous Muslim/Socialist President stand aside before the onset of civil war.

Make no mistake, the American people will defend their lives their families and their country by force of arms rather than allow a traitor and his minions to take them from us.
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Fact is, the radical Muslim factions that want to destroy everything Western, enslave women, engage in pedophilia, and kill anybody that does not believe the way they do are the REAL Muslims. They are the true followers of The Prophet.

All others are just playing at being Muslim.

It's like all of the prominent Liberal Catholics. They claim to be "good Catholics", but believe in Gay Marriage, Abortion, divorce, etc, things that the Catholic Church teach as abominations toward God.
Sorry, but it's OBAMA who has been making the decisions for the last seven years. It was Obama that pulled the troops out of Iraq and called it one of his greatest successes. Then it was Obama that drew Red Lines that he wimped out on enforcing. Then it was Obama that decided to just bomb random targets and not solve anything, leading to thousands upon thousands of civilians with no hope to start a mass exodus out of the country.

So sorry WTF, these are refugees Obama created. So let's put them in tents on the White House lawn, Camp David, Martha's Vineyard and around his compound in Hawaii. I mean, you apparently believe the guy that created the problem should come up with the solution and not try to pass it off to others to solve. Any idea how many refugees Obama will house?? Originally Posted by RedLeg505

Looks like you're wrong again, red idiot, but then that should be a comfortable place for you.

"The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (official name: Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq) was a status of forces agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. combat forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011."
Fact is, the radical Muslim factions that want to destroy everything Western, enslave women, engage in pedophilia, and kill anybody that does not believe the way they do are the REAL Muslims. They are the true followers of The Prophet.

All others are just playing at being Muslim.

It's like all of the prominent Liberal Catholics. They claim to be "good Catholics", but believe in Gay Marriage, Abortion, divorce, etc, things that the Catholic Church teach as abominations toward God. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I've said it before and I'll say it again; Islam has not gone through a reformation or enlightenment period, as christianity has. There are also plenty of muslims who do not believe the way these terrorists believe. It's got nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with the fact these are murderous people.
UPDATE 24 States Now Demand Stoppage or Immediate Pause of President Obama’s Syrian Refugee Program….

Posted on November 16, 2015 by sundance

update-1 UPDATE – List of States EXPANDS: Alabama – Arizona – Arkansas – Georgia – Florida – Idaho – Indiana – Illinois – Iowa – Kansas – Louisiana – Maine – Massachusetts – Michigan – Mississippi – Nebraska – New Hampshire – New Jersey – North Carolina – Ohio – Oklahoma – South Carolina – Tennessee – Texas – Wisconsin

0zombies be Damned!!!
I've said it before and I'll say it again; Islam has not gone through a reformation or enlightenment period, as christianity has. There are also plenty of muslims who do not believe the way these terrorists believe. It's got nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with the fact these are murderous people. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yes. Murdering in the name of Allah and his Prophet, Muhammad.
I've said it before and I'll say it again; Islam has not gone through a reformation or enlightenment period, as christianity has. There are also plenty of muslims who do not believe the way these terrorists believe. It's got nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with the fact these are murderous people. Originally Posted by WombRaider

You are a lying cock sucker...

deception; the islamic word for concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies.

Cock sucker big time...
I'm talking bigotry. Originally Posted by Vivienne Rey
Nobody gives a fuck. It's time to stop playing patty cake with these assholes.

0homoboy should call it what it is...

World leaders have taken to calling ISIS “Daesh,” a word the Islamic State hates. Since the attacks in Paris, both John Kerry and François Hollande have used it. The Kurdish militants battling ISIS in Iraq already use the term regularly, though they risk loosing their tongues by uttering it.
Daesh is an acronym. It stands for the Arabic name of the Islamic State: al-Dawla al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham. When Jen Percy, a New Republic contributor, went to northern Iraq this year, the Assyrian Christians waging a war against ISIS were calling ISIS troops “Daesh.” In her article for our September issue, she called it “a pejorative term for ISIS in Arabic.”

Zeba Khan, writing for the Boston Globe, has explained why “Daesh” could be read as an insult: “Depending on how it is conjugated in Arabic, it can mean anything from ‘to trample down and crush’ to ‘a bigot who imposes his view on others.’”

In light of its more unsavory connotations, ISIS leaders threatened last June “to cut the tongue of anyone who publicly used the acronym Daesh, instead of referring to the group by its full name,” according to the Associated Press.

ISIL?... what a fag

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, well the states are merely playing politics. Stupid idiots ... It ain't up to them, no more than any other immigration issue is.
  • DSK
  • 11-16-2015, 09:30 PM
I'd venture to say a good hunk of those who are opposed have an irrational fear of Muslims. Originally Posted by Vivienne Rey
My feelings toward Muslims should be protected - therefore, I accuse you of a malevolent micro aggression.
Yeah, well the states are merely playing politics. Stupid idiots ... It ain't up to them, no more than any other immigration issue is. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

We will see about that... Shit Baller

... Globalist Trash
I'm talking bigotry. Originally Posted by Vivienne Rey
Its not bigotry sweetheart. Its reality. You can kiss Muslim ass til your lips fall off. They will still bury you up to your waist, tie your hands at your side, and stone you to death. Or simply behead you. Or pour gas on you and set you on fire. Its what they do. Its what they have done for over 1,000 years. Its what they will still be doing 1,000 years from now.

There is nothing new under the sun, and what Islamists (notice I don't bother with the word 'radical') are doing today is following the very playbook written by Mohammed himself. Today's refugees brag about 'breeding' out the local population. Guess who's idea that was? Mohammed's.

The so-called 'radical' Muslims are NOT in fact radical, they are the ones who adhere letter by letter to what the Koran tells them to do. But don't worry, the so-called 'moderate' Muslims also have their role, also as written in the Koran. They are halves of one whole.

You can deny, bluster, and brand others as xenophobic, bigots, and racists all you like. Until you READ the Koran, cover to cover, you are just an ignorant dumb ass speaking about what you do not know.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Globalist Trash Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Idiot of the Year!