Minorities engage in more "hate speech" than whites: Cornell Study.

Yes, the moderates in the Democratic party feel like they are being left behind. I wouldn't be surprised if they would just did not vote when it comes to the election.
  • oeb11
  • 08-23-2019, 12:16 PM
JR - thank you for a cogent and constructive contribution.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It dissembling bullshit to pretend it isn't.

The premise of that study
Starting a study, any study with an object of where you want it to go, and the answers you are looking for, automatically makes the study invalid. That is using made up numbers to prove the point you want to make. Not valid. It is called propaganda.

I am sure I don't know as much as you about sociology, few do. I do know research methods, and a great deal about statistics: few people even comprehend that statistical methods are used to find and isolate problems so that a problem, you didn't know existed, can be corrected. If you already know the answer you are looking for: it is not research, it is bull shit.
By today's PC culture, that's genuine "hate speech", and it cannot be written off as a "cultural phenomena" as you and these researchers are trying to do. Keith Ellison, Farrakhan, Jeremiah Wright, Sharpton, Omar, Tlaib, etc., are racists and the shit they post is racist.

I agree that these people are racists. What does that have to do with the overall question? Nothing, because we should be looking at the overall population: how are we doing there?

These people are talkers who are trying to influence the innercity to vote the Democrat ticket, again. Nothing ever changes, and the cities are less in everyway where they are controlled by the Democrat party because the pupose is not on bringing positive changes: the purpose is to remain in power - for the sake of power only. (I know some republicans are bad: at least they have a different philosophy.)

I don't vote for any Democrat any longer: the party does not seem to want to address the real problems, just those things where they can have talking points about while real solutions are ignored. The republicans at least seem to try to bring real solutions to the society even if there are some jerks in the party. I heard the old line about republicans are just for the rich, an we should tax the rich from a stupid college professor. My quiet, but firm, replies to his presentations showed that he did not understand reality, or American hstory. One of the great moments of my life was when the professor of political science quit teaching the class after my fourth reply to his nonsence. A replacement professor gave me an A for the course. By the time asshole left he wanted to flunk me, but couldn't.

The point, there are basic differences between the two parties. The viewpoint of the Democrats today is different from when I was growing up: The result, is the end of the Democrat party as it is today. It will have to change, or be replaced by a different party. Trump will win in 2020, you know it: you may not like it, but you know it.

Because of the events by certain asshole democrats in congress; the Republican party will probably take control of both houses of congress soon. Then, the Democrat party will be finished, and Trump will get his border wall. They may call then call themselves the Democratic, or something else; but, they will be finished as the current party is structured.
Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Your first post seemed to suggest that these researchers should have made allowances in their algorithms to account for cultural differences between races and thus excuse and give a pass to minorities who use what is called "hate speech" if and when whites use the same language.

If the language used is misogynistic, homophobic or racist -- i.e., "hate speech" -- when a white person says it, then it is damn well misogynistic, homophobic or racist when a minority says it. This duplicitous BS that minorities must be given some slack because of their culture is to propose a double-standard that continues to allow "hate speech" for a select group and unfairly bring on the hard hammer of censorship for another group. That is unacceptable. That this fucking experiment towards censorship blew up in the face of these pretentious assholes is hilarious.
the saddest part of the study was the conclusion that because the study showed minorities engage in more hate speech there must be racism (white?) imbedded in the methodology used
themystic's Avatar
Coming from someone that begs like a dog looking for pussy in the Austin ISO - that's funny. You do know that the girls laugh their asses of at you when you do that. Poor thing - couldn't find a real life date for his concert so you were going to pay for it. And that still didn't work. Apparently, your money is no good. I told you - you just need to stick to cock that you like so much. Don't be ashamed little girl. I support gay rights. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Moscow Ellen. I don't regret turning you down. I don't pay for washed up hookers. Good luck in San Antonio. Maybe you will get some business there and not have to get your government welfare checks
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Coming from someone that begs like a dog looking for pussy in the Austin ISO - that's funny. You do know that the girls laugh their asses of at you when you do that. Poor thing - couldn't find a real life date for his concert so you were going to pay for it. And that still didn't work. Apparently, your money is no good. I told you - you just need to stick to cock that you like so much. Don't be ashamed little girl. I support gay rights. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Bitter much, AE?

New incall?

lustylad's Avatar
New incall?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Wow! Yssup opened a hotel! That's an improvement from all those truck stop locations! Too bad Rey Lengua isn't around to keep everyone updated on yssup's growing multi-state gloryhole empire!
Ha! You couldn't pay for a washed up hooker with your welfare check even if you wanted too. Nobody wants Moscow Mystic. Sad. Slither off to your safe space now.

Moscow Ellen. I don't regret turning you down. I don't pay for washed up hookers. Good luck in San Antonio. Maybe you will get some business there and not have to get your government welfare checks Originally Posted by themystic
I don't care what anybody else says - I think it's so cute that you take up for your boyfriend. I support gay rights.

Bitter much, AE?

New incall?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Cornell study utilizing artificial intelligence systems designed to identify offensive “hate speech” discovered comments made by minorities were flagged “at substantially higher rates” than remarks made by whites.

Researchers are left scrambling trying to rationalize the results away.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
This is an excellent development in research techniques to screen out liberal attempts to disparage conservatives. Maybe we can count on AI to teach liberals about their own racial biases and preconceptions.

I personally have been victimized by hatred from a few black people, though most black people treat me just fine.

I long for a color blind society just like Dr. King did before his tragic demise.
Don’t they have robots in Greenland? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
They used to have robots in Greenland, and they fought against hate speech by minorities.

Ironically, due to global warming and the horrible corollary disaster of rising sea levels, they are now all underwater and no longer function.
themystic's Avatar
This is an excellent development in research techniques to screen out liberal attempts to disparage conservatives. Maybe we can count on AI to teach liberals about their own racial biases and preconceptions.

I personally have been victimized by hatred from a few black people, though most black people treat me just fine.

I long for a color blind society just like Dr. King did before his tragic demise. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Brother Fred good to hear from you. I support you and wish well for your family. If the other conservatives in the country were as open minded as you our country would dominate. Thanks for being a true open minded conservitive
Brother Fred good to hear from you. I support you and wish well for your family. If the other conservatives in the country were as open minded as you our country would dominate. Thanks for being a true open minded conservitive Originally Posted by themystic
Wow Mystic, maybe I'm wrong about you(but I doubt it ). I'm glad you support letting AI show the false narratives of liberals, especially in realm of hate speech. I wouldn't have thought it of you.

Maybe you should apply the same thoughts about hate speech when attacking other members families.

This is an excellent development in research techniques to screen out liberal attempts to disparage conservatives. Maybe we can count on AI to teach liberals about their own racial biases and preconceptions. Originally Posted by friendly fred
themystic's Avatar
Wow Mystic, maybe I'm wrong about you(but I doubt it ). I'm glad you support letting AI show the false narratives of liberals, especially in realm of hate speech. I wouldn't have thought it of you.

Maybe you should apply the same thoughts about hate speech when attacking other members families. Originally Posted by eccielover
You take yourself way to serious Eccie lover. Im a Reagan democrat who believes in a strong and free America. Im a capitalist and a patriot. I don't hate conservatives at all. I dislike the far left as much as any true Republican. I don't like Trumps anti American pandering to likes of Putin, NK, Saudi Arabia to name a few. Hes just on a big money grab. He preaches America First but the majority of business interests are with non Americans. I know hes a hero to the right but he is a first class fraud
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wow Mystic, maybe I'm wrong about you(but I doubt it ). I'm glad you support letting AI show the false narratives of liberals, especially in realm of hate speech. I wouldn't have thought it of you.

Maybe you should apply the same thoughts about hate speech when attacking other members families. Originally Posted by eccielover
Is this another Trump is still your president butthurt thread?