Why are Fox and the Teapublicans so predictable?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-13-2012, 03:57 PM
(the article)

Published: Tuesday, 10 Jun 2008 | 6:30 PM ET

Moot Bullshit.

The End
I B Hankering's Avatar
(the article)

Published: Tuesday, 10 Jun 2008 | 6:30 PM ET

Moot Bullshit.

The End Originally Posted by CJ7
And an embarrassed CBJ7 cuts and runs ... again!!!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-13-2012, 04:24 PM
speaking of teapublicans being predictable (title of the thread btw)

JD brought up the "Obama called for higher gas prices " the article was from 08. Since when does anyone expect JD to be current much less relevant?
Here is a bit of Irony.

I drove by the big Shell Refinery in Deer Park Texas yesterday. There is Shell Service Center, (gas Station), right there at the intersection.

The sign said "unleaded regular, $3.85".

They make the stuff right there. Why in the hell is Reg Unleaded $3.85 a gallon.

Of course I know why. But it is rather ironic.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-13-2012, 04:33 PM
100 miles North of you its 3.55

thats some shit IMO

fukn refinery is in the back yard regardless if theres more demand in H Town, shipping should almost be free
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm still with IB. I read all the research and coverage on this and there really isn't an out this guy could possibly take that anyone other than a O lover would buy.

It will be far past 4$ in Texas by the end of may. With gas and food and medicine sooooo high, no wonder half the country is on subsidies. Kinda makes you think that was the plan all along..... Like since 1908 Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I trace the decline back to 1913, but 1908 works too.

Either way, you mind is very attractive. I hope to see it's container soon.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
spin it anyway you want .. did or didnt its still totally moot.

gas prices always spike before summer and always retreat after labor day.

only morons think the president (regardless of cloth) or any other single individual can dictate the market price of gas at the pump.

I luvs me sum lips that make an O, otherwise, not so much. Originally Posted by CJ7
LOL! Yeah, folks, it's just a "spike." Don't worry, it will be back down to $4.50 after Labor Day!

Thanks for the input, CBJ7! As usual, your point was less than valuable.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-13-2012, 05:30 PM
LOL! Yeah, folks, it's just a "spike." Don't worry, it will be back down to $4.50 after Labor Day!

Thanks for the input, CBJ7! As usual, your point was less than valuable.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

guess we'll see hey ... if history repeats itself its a given

what was your point btw, repeating yourself?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Repeat myself? When have I ever repeated myself? I ask you again, when have I EVER repeated myself.

Repeat myself. HAH!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
In 1983 Obama wrote about cutting our nuclear arsenal to a bare bones minimum. Now, in 2012, Obama is calling for a reduction in our nuclear arsenal to a bare bones minimum. Wow! What Obama believed in 1983 he still believes in in 2012. Now about 2008...
Stay on topic. Start another thread if you want to talk about something Obama wrote or said in 1983.

Perhaps we should talk about why 45% and 52% of Mississippi and Alabama Teapublicans still think Obama is a Muslim and 30+% say they are unsure.

It is likely because Fox "News" is the only source still feeding the myth on cable TV.

joe bloe's Avatar
I think Obama is probably an athiest. His church attendance at Jeremiah Wright's "church" was caused more by his desire to advance his political career than by a desire to worship god. At the beginning of Obama's political career, at the state level, being associated with Wright's maniacal, blasphemous, profane, hatefull, racist ranting was not a liability but an asset for a young black politician trying to establish his "street creds".

I don't think Obama is a Muslim, but many of his family members are. He has a half brother in Kenya that is an Islamist extremist, for whom Obama has expressed admiration. I do think that Obama is unfit to serve partly because of the likelihood that he has mixed feelings about waging a war on Islamist terrorism when half of his relatives are Muslims.

He sure backed off Bin Laden, didn't he? You're an idiot to form such stupid opinions with no first-hand knowledge.

Some of the things America has done deserve the wrath of Jeremiah Wright and many more decent Americans all over this country!

"Hateful" is still spelled with only one "l", smart guy.
joe bloe's Avatar
Your sad little attempts to refute my posts usually amount to finding an occational misspelled word.

You're pathetic. Maybe I should pretend you've actually won an argument once in a while, just to bolster your self esteem. It could be like Special Olympics.


If you actually believe any magazine (even Hustler) will pay you for your feeble observations, you do belong in the Special Olympics. You can't make a career out of using spell check.
I B Hankering's Avatar

He sure backed off Bin Laden, didn't he? You're an idiot to form such stupid opinions with no first-hand knowledge.
And you are just an inexcusable idiot.

Some of the things America has done deserve the wrath of Jeremiah Wright and many more decent Americans all over this country! The privilege and benefit of living in this country today far outweighs any misdeed that occurred 200 years ago. So you and that jackass Wright can STFU.

"Hateful" is still spelled with only one "l", smart guy.
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Little Blind Boy, while being a 'smart-ass', is not the 'smart guy' he pretends to be. For example:

Because it isn't. Not any moreso than when Don Imus was fired for calling the the women's basketball team "Nappy-headed". In this case, Lush Bimbo is not even being fired. His sponsors are just telling him to think before he shits using his mouth again.
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
http://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=2292078&postcou nt=46

BTW, since you choose to be such a persnickety asshole about spelling, 'moreso' isn't even a word, jackass.

Another example of where he never did account for his monumental and truly ignorant fuck-up is @