Kamala's FIRST policy

That's a lot to unpack. Why so sensitive and defensive?
I'm worried that Jonballs might be right that you're headed for some kind of meltdown.

Maybe shorten it up a little though, be a man and just tell me to fuck off.

NBT would. No fear. Defines nihilism. JB wishes he could be the same. Not happening ever though.

Christ, I am so fucking bored with this. Enough. Originally Posted by BillysEatinIt
oh ok had not relized it was meant to be some sort of zinger that was going to have me one upped

I would totally agree and even better

NBT doesnt leave me with an extreme creeper vibe so i wouldnt feel uncomfortable if he lived close by
id always welcome

less libs

in my hood

that would seem common sense
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Ding ding ding ding ding......

Next she'll be FOR funding the police....
And deporting illegals.....
Maybe she will even do something about inflation.....

She could go full 180 and stand behind Israel as well.....
That standing behind Palestine didn't work out quite so good for Cori..... Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
I heard through the grapevine that in the next 2 weeks she will admit to having an affair with Stormy Daniels......
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Hey Billy.....

Thinck the media isn't trying to brainwash you????

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Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So an interesting difference.
Biden could present a fumbled answer to questions.
Kammie dosen't answer questions but changes topics.

Which is/was worse?

Trying to figure out the answer to that question myself.
lilylivered's Avatar
Well, like they say, "you dont have to be smart when you are just a puppet anyways"
Worked great for Brandon for 4 years....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
True red,
But even puppets should have a script.
It doesn't have to make sense, only needs enough for a 10 second news clip

Edit add:
Yes, exactly what I'm presenting.
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Looks like her first economic policy will be to install price controls like a good communist.....

Here's what happens when the government delves into price controls....

Democrat price controls, like any form of price controls, can lead to shortages through several economic mechanisms:

Price Ceilings: When governments impose a maximum price (price ceiling) below the market equilibrium price for goods or services, it typically results in:
Increased Demand: Lower prices make goods more affordable, increasing consumer demand beyond what would occur at market prices.
Reduced Supply: Producers, facing lower profit margins or even losses, might reduce production or exit the market entirely. This reduction in supply can be due to:
Lower Incentive to Produce: If the price set is below the cost of production, producers might not produce at all, or they might produce less.
Misallocation of Resources: Producers might shift resources to other markets where they can earn higher profits.
Shortages: The mismatch between increased demand and decreased supply leads to:
Shortages: The quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied, leading to empty shelves or long waiting lists.
Rationing: Without price as a rationing mechanism, alternative methods like queuing, favoritism, or black markets emerge.
Black Markets: When legal prices are set too low, there's an incentive for illegal sales at higher, black market prices, which can lead to further shortages in the legal market.
Quality Reduction: To cope with price controls:
Lower Quality: Producers might reduce quality to cut costs, making the product less desirable or useful, which indirectly reduces demand but not in a beneficial way for consumers.
Innovation and Investment Decline:
Stifled Innovation: Long-term, price controls can deter investment in new technologies or products because the potential for profit, which drives innovation, is curtailed. This is particularly seen in sectors like pharmaceuticals where price controls on drugs can lead to fewer new drugs being developed.
Historical Examples and Current Sentiments:
Historical Precedents: The 1970s oil crisis in the U.S. where price controls led to gasoline shortages is a classic example. Similarly, price controls on various goods during wartime have often resulted in shortages.
Current Discussions: Recent discussions on platforms like X (formerly Twitter) reflect concerns that price controls, especially in response to inflation, could lead to shortages due to the mechanisms described. There's a sentiment that price controls might be a knee-jerk reaction to inflation, potentially exacerbating supply issues rather than solving them.
Political and Economic Considerations:
Short-term vs. Long-term Effects: While price controls might offer immediate relief by making goods more affordable, the long-term effects on supply, innovation, and overall economic health are generally negative.
Public Perception and Policy: The push for price controls often comes from a desire to protect consumers from rising costs, but economic theory and historical evidence suggest these controls lead to unintended consequences like shortages.
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