Trump to gain billions!!!!

bambino's Avatar
I think Trumpsters simply don't understand how many people could not stand Trump any longer. I bet if a person's name was IAmNotTrump on the ballot, that person would have won the election. Instead, his name was just Joe Biden. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Yeah, we’ll at least 75 million legitimate votes. 11 million more than Odumber. But on the other hand, people are chanting Fuck Joe Biden all across America. You’re not making any sense.
I think Trumpsters simply don't understand how many people could not stand Trump any longer. I bet if a person's name was IAmNotTrump on the ballot, that person would have won the election. Instead, his name was just Joe Biden. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
... If you say so.

### Salty
I think Trumpsters simply don't understand how many people could not stand Trump any longer. I bet if a person's name was IAmNotTrump on the ballot, that person would have won the election. Instead, his name was just Joe Biden. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

True, and they also don't understand how slowly big machines (government, economics, etc...move) every president weathers or rides the results of the previous for at least a couple of years. The pandemic has thrown a big wrench in this dynamic, corporate real estate will never be the same. It may take decades to really be able to compare how policy of each really affected the market, general economy and quality of life for the average Joe. Add in just crazy shit like the robin hood/gamestop event...maybe we never will. I mean hell, who would have went long on Charmin in Feb. of last year? Yeah, gas is higher, everything is, but I don't think anyone in office could have stopped that freight train.Tap into the federal petroleum reserves? Never going to happen. Doesn't matter if wells are open or closed if you can't refine it because of hurricanes. We won't know until late 2022 what, if any, effect any of this had. If by then...
  • Tiny
  • 10-25-2021, 09:57 PM
To those who buy the stock, be careful. Don't risk more than you can afford to lose. Most post merger SPAC's do poorly. You don't want to be the one stuck standing when the music stops. And in general investors in Trump's businesses have fared poorly.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
... If you say so.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Is Trump in the White House now? No, so yeah, I say so.

how many can't stand Biden now? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
How many still can't stand Trump now? Once you figure that out, you'll have your answer.

To those who buy the stock, be careful. Don't risk more than you can afford to lose. Most post merger SPAC's do poorly. You don't want to be the one stuck standing when the music stops. And in general investors in Trump's businesses have fared poorly. Originally Posted by Tiny
I 100% agree, Tiny. This is the definition of a stock that you don't invest in unless you can afford to lose it all. I only put in a little over $2K today. I may put in about $5K tomorrow if I wake up feeling extra froggy.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Is Trump in the White House now? No, so yeah, I say so.

How many still can't stand Trump now? Once you figure that out, you'll have your answer. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

you tell me ....

A new poll found that 78% of Republicans want Trump to run in 2024, which is a 12-point increase since May

Gallup: Biden's 11-Point Approval Drop Most of Any President Since WWII
True, and they also don't understand how slowly big machines (government, economics, etc...move) every president weathers or rides the results of the previous for at least a couple of years. The pandemic has thrown a big wrench in this dynamic, corporate real estate will never be the same. It may take decades to really be able to compare how policy of each really affected the market, general economy and quality of life for the average Joe. Add in just crazy shit like the robin hood/gamestop event...maybe we never will. I mean hell, who would have went long on Charmin in Feb. of last year? Yeah, gas is higher, everything is, but I don't think anyone in office could have stopped that freight train.Tap into the federal petroleum reserves? Never going to happen. Doesn't matter if wells are open or closed if you can't refine it because of hurricanes. We won't know until late 2022 what, if any, effect any of this had. If by then... Originally Posted by 69in2it69
... Blimey! ... "gas is higher, everything is,
but I don't think anyone in office could have
stopped that freight train." - ???

How Sad!

... Simple supply and demand, mate. Biden ENDED
American oil independence! ... Closed the keystone pipeline
and ended Alaska drilling! ... NOW America gotta rely
on petr - gas from RUSSIA, as well as the Middle East.

That's why the cost is UP over 50%. And the trucks
delivering the goods ARE SLOWER.

Putin is pumping gas in Russia - thanks to Sleepy Joe.
But America is NOT!

... So that's ONE "freight train" that would NOT
be a problem if Trump was still on.
America would STILL be oil independent.

### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
TWK, I guess we will have to find out in a few years what happens. Then again, maybe both of those old geezers will be dead by then. Time will tell.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
TWK, I guess we will have to find out in a few years what happens. Then again, maybe both of those old geezers will be dead by then. Time will tell. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Biden will not win reelection.

His Regal Majesty the Lord Emperor Donald Supreme Ruler of the Multiverse shall reclaim his gilded throne and continue his grand vision of the GAH ... Great American Hegemony .. that will rule your progeny and mine in glorious triumph for all eternity.

bow down to the Gods of American Imperialism!

... Who's the second bloke?

### Salty
... Simple supply and demand, mate. Biden ENDED
American oil independence! ... Closed the keystone pipeline
and ended Alaska drilling! ... NOW America gotta rely
on petr - gas from RUSSIA, as well as the Middle East.

That's why the cost is UP over 50%. And the trucks
delivering the goods ARE SLOWER.

Putin is pumping gas in Russia - thanks to Sleepy Joe.
But America is NOT!

... So that's ONE "freight train" that would NOT
be a problem if Trump was still on.
America would STILL be oil independent.

Do you understand the industry? It's not simple supply and demand. If you want I can send you some links to upstream, midstream and downstream to help you understand that what comes out of a well doesn't get into your tank at your local gas station in weeks or even months. What we are all paying at the pump today isn't the result of anything in months. Maybe another Foster's would help? We are paying today for what happened last term, due to pandemic factors. And we will feel the detriment or benefit of what happens next spring in 2023. And the same for at least 18 months into the next sitting president, good or bad. You can pump more oil today, but it don't do shit for prices at Chevron for a long time my friend.
  • Tiny
  • 10-25-2021, 10:48 PM
... Who's the second bloke?

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
He kind of looks like Matthew Gaetz, a frequent contributor to Sugar Daddy Discussions forum on eccie.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
... Who's the second bloke?

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Herbert Hoover ..
  • Tiny
  • 10-25-2021, 10:52 PM
Herbert Hoover .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
OK, Matthew Gaetz after he gets out of jail in 30 years.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
OK, Matthew Gaetz after he gets out of jail in 30 years. Originally Posted by Tiny

if you say so