Mission Accomplished!

LexusLover's Avatar
He didn't have to utter the phrase "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Why? Because...... Originally Posted by bigtex
... you "knew" what he was "really" thinking!

Just like you "knew" there were NO WMD's before the invasion. Right?

You and WTF-Do-I-Know need to have a Golf-Ball Tale Gate Washing Party!

And read others' minds ..

..... and speculate about what you really wanted them to think!

Skipped church, again, ...

.... you don't want ISIS to know you're a Christian, or what?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
That's rich (Part 2)!

JDIdiot has his stupid, worthless ass handed to him and what follows is the most meaningful response he can think of:

"You can lick the crack of my ass."

Absolutely brilliant reply, Ass Wipe!

Originally Posted by bigtex
Yes and it was from the heart. This reminds me of being a kid and trying to explain things to the kid next door. He was what we called in those days, retarded. His nose always ran and he pooped his pants frequently (even when he was 8 years old). He functioned to a degree but trying to talk to him was like talking to a wall sometimes or EVA orTampon or wee-wee or (I bet you thought I was going to write in Speedie) any number of the village idiots.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
JD, you are a dolt.

I expect nothing less from you than an incessant Obama attack. But with so much you can legitimately point to, were you really stupid enough to link it to Bush-2's moronic "Mission Accomplished" slogan? Personally I like it because in reality we are suffering through 16 years of pathetic, gross amateurs in the WH. Of course you worship one of them and ignore that he was the guy who abdicated his authority to criminals and got us in this mess. An incompetent arsonist followed by an incompetent fire chief, and we wonder why we still can't figure out the Middle East. Originally Posted by Old-T

I think it has been made abundantly clear that the banner was not Bush's. Which part of reality are you missing OT? We can argue about a POTUS's professional demeanor but accept the reality of the banner. Or do we have to go down the road again, of presidents (politicians in general) in front of banners that they did not support.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So it was just a coincidence that Bush was standing by the banner?

Originally Posted by JCM800

Here is a picture to give you the scale and show how dumb your comment is;

I don't see a flight suit either. That he had to wear to do a trap landing on a carrier because of the life saving gear on it. You see that little thing up high in the middle fo the picture....thats your banner that Bush "was standing next to". I would say more like 300 feet away but you believe everything you see in a photo of a ship don't you.

This is Cher. The Navy always celebrates with a stripper
or pole dancer.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Of course all this is just misdirection by the usual gang of village idiots. The OP demonstrates that Obama made a production number of going to Fort Bragg and repeatedly saying that the war was over, he had won it, and Iraq was safe. That was December 14, 2011 just before the election began in earnest. He was trying to fool you and it worked. You thought Iraq was over but so many of us predicted that it was going to come back to bite us. George Will, Charles Krauthammer, myself to name just a few. You are as bad as drug addicts who look in a mirror and refuse to see what drugs have done to them.

Yes, production number with soldiers standing behind him like props. If you remember the LIncoln moment Bush was supposed to great the carrier at the pier but being president (I would have done this) he decided that he would go to the carrier for a more personal "well done" like his father did for us. There was no time for the production number that Obama had.
LexusLover's Avatar
That's rich (Part 2)!

.... has his stupid, worthless ass handed to him and what follows is the most meaningful response he can think of...... Originally Posted by bigtex
What's "rich" is you and your WTF-Knows-Nothing buddy declaring "victory" and taking your "lap" while patting yourselves on the backs.

You both need a "reality check" .. desperately.

Don't you wish life were that easy?
JCM800's Avatar
Did you actually listen to his speech or actually read it?

"Admiral Kelly, Captain Card, officers and sailors of the USS Abraham Lincoln, my fellow Americans, major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. Originally Posted by LexusLover

I guess I can see how someone could confuse the purely coincidental "Mission Accomplished" banner with that first statement.

Here is a picture to give you the scale and show how dumb your comment is;

I don't see a flight suit either. That he had to wear to do a trap landing on a carrier because of the life saving gear on it. You see that little thing up high in the middle fo the picture....thats your banner that Bush "was standing next to". I would say more like 300 feet away but you believe everything you see in a photo of a ship don't you. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

So your argument is that since Bush was so far away from the banner ...no one could possibly see it?

LexusLover's Avatar
I guess I can see how someone could confuse the purely coincidental "Mission Accomplished" banner with that first statement.

... especially if they quit listening to the rest of what Bush had to say!

So your argument is that since Bush was so far away from the banner ...no one could possibly see it?

No, "the argument" that the banner was his expression is spurious at best.
Originally Posted by JCM800
It is the age-old editing done to further one's "agenda" ...

....... but thank God for the technique of transcribing what people actually say. And the ability to repeat as many times as necessary:

Did you actually listen to his speech or actually read it?

"Admiral Kelly, Captain Card, officers and sailors of the USS Abraham Lincoln, my fellow Americans, major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.

"And now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country.

"In this battle, we have fought for the cause of liberty and for the peace of the world.

"We have difficult work to do in Iraq. We're bringing order to parts of that country that remain dangerous....."

He never uttered the phrase "Mission Accomplished" and most particularly did not reference that the "War in Iraq" was won ... in fact he said just opposite.

"We have difficult work to do in Iraq."


And please don't spew out that lame-ass shit about "we know what he really meant"!!! You are smarter than that.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He didn't have to utter the phrase MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

Why? Because the phrase was prominently, errrr coincidentally displayed overhead for the whole world to see!

LLIdiot, JDIdiot and IBidiot, you guys (or gals if that is what the case might be) keep sipping' the Idiot Klan, errrr Clan Kool-Aid. It seems to be especially potent this time of year!

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Originally Posted by bigtex
the Bush apologists continue their rant.

The hitchhiker's guide to ECCIE's "political" forum (cough, cough) ... "spot the loony!"

Howcome so many of the biggest Obama critics, haters, birthers and worsers are also still defending Shrubya?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
JCM must be so embarassed....not for getting it wrong again but for getting caught again. I have been on a ship like that and I have heard a speech like that.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I forwarded an idea to my Welfare and Rec committee when our ship returned from what turned out to be a 12 month deployment. I wanted to make a paper mache cock, mount it on the forward gun mount, and when we came within smelling distance of the wives and girl friend raise up high. We could have even tied off a fire hose with AFFF in it to make it look white and foamy. We could have given a big blast that would have gone 75 feet into the air.

They said NO!

I suppose you would hold Bush responsible for that as well.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-10-2014, 10:35 PM
No, I think everyone would agree that was your stupid idea, and the way you tell it you didn't need much help to come up with it.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-10-2014, 10:40 PM
I think it has been made abundantly clear that the banner was not Bush's. Which part of reality are you missing OT? We can argue about a POTUS's professional demeanor but accept the reality of the banner. Or do we have to go down the road again, of presidents (politicians in general) in front of banners that they did not support. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That is total B.S. and you know it. Presidential press opportunities like that are never spontaneous, and if you ever dealt with the WHMO you know Damon well they checked every sight line and probably had masking tape X where he was to stand.
Those US airstrikes on ISIS targets, I wonder if they are being flown from the USS Abraham Lincoln.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok. The banner was obviously not Bush's. Bush never defined the mission, so we can never know if or when it was accomplished. Bush obviously did not know what "mission accomplished" means. How could it be his?