TheDaliLama's Avatar
It's not a break down of liberal vs conservative. The key word is "trust" .

Dumb fucks.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's not a break down of liberal vs conservative. The key word is "trust" .

Dumb fucks. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Lama is yet another dim bulb occupying the only space connected to the light socket! There is not much light that is able to shine through!
Doove's Avatar
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  • 01-31-2014, 05:43 PM
It's not a break down of liberal vs conservative. The key word is "trust" .

Dumb fucks. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Fox is more trusted than PBS ( no brainer - PBS is government funded progressive media )......................MSNBC and NBC are at the bottom with Comedy Central. It is hysterical that all of the left of center channels are considered so untrustworthy by the public!! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I'd say nice try, but it really wasn't.

I'd say nice try, but it really wasn't. Originally Posted by Doove
Indeed the devil is in the details and Trendy Trendaway would not understand an actual detail if it jumped up and bit him on his ignorant ass!
If you like opinions rather than news then Fox is the way to go.
Guest042416's Avatar
Romney is president right???

fox news had him up big no concern he did win right?

dove great analogy on the ice cream and pie, good stuff

The dems could run a dead person and win the election in 16 because the republicans don't get it, they just don't get it, lets piss every one off that votes except white male in their 30s and up that's our base.

We can win if we get the base out, lol

dumb asses you cant win shit if you don't get the middle to vote for you, keep going far right and youre done.
You can win little house races in hick towns but on a national level, nope not gonna happne
Oh? Add it up and what you get is:

Liberal Media: 49%

Fox News: 35%

Just sayin'. Originally Posted by Doove
Your analysis has a logical fallacy

The poll wasn't concerning numbers of viewers, where you could add up percentages and say more people watch leftist tv than fox, the polling question was which channel did you trust.

Your pie versus ice cream "analysis" is equally illogical. Here you have changed the question from "trust" to "like the best", since trusting in a desert choice doesn't quite work. Additionally pie may be the second most liked desert for a majority of the separate ice cream flavor likers, above any other flavor of ice cream. Where would that then place pie?

To make any further logical deductions based on the information the op presented, other than what is known, namely more people trust fox than any other single news organization in the poll, would require second, and third, and fourth options to have been selected by those polled, much like in choosing a heisman trophy winner, second and third places add to the point total.
Guest042416's Avatar
Bush tv??
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  • 02-01-2014, 12:10 AM
Your analysis has a logical fallacy

The poll wasn't concerning numbers of viewers, where you could add up percentages and say more people watch leftist tv than fox, the polling question was which channel did you trust.

Your pie versus ice cream "analysis" is equally illogical. Here you have changed the question from "trust" to "like the best", since trusting in a desert choice doesn't quite work. Additionally pie may be the second most liked desert for a majority of the separate ice cream flavor likers, above any other flavor of ice cream. Where would that then place pie?

To make any further logical deductions based on the information the op presented, other than what is known, namely more people trust fox than any other single news organization in the poll, would require second, and third, and fourth options to have been selected by those polled, much like in choosing a heisman trophy winner, second and third places add to the point total. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
And you are full of shit....

What other channel do conservative viewers have? What second choice do you think they would choose?

Liberals viewers and moderate viewers have many choices. Thus they split their votes.

Kinda like Perot fucking Bush I in 1992.

There is no 2nd , 3rd or 4th option in politics. You get one vote for most trusted, not two.
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  • Doove
  • 02-01-2014, 05:37 AM
Your analysis has a logical fallacy Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Actually, my logic pointed out the logical fallacy.

If there were 7 long-term "conservative" options in that poll, the 35% would have been split up over the 7 choices.

Not hard to understand. Yet, you all don't understand.

Using logic with you guys is like trying to use logic with a 7 year old.
This thread certainly riled the leftwards..
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-01-2014, 06:38 AM
This thread certainly riled the leftwards.. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
If by "riled" you mean "pointed out your stupidity", then yeah, we was riled.
This thread certainly riled the leftwards.. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I believe what "riled the leftwards" was your total inability to comprehend the polling data that you shared with us in post #1 of this thread.

Indeed, it is you who is wearing the dunce cap!