
Hercules's Avatar
Catch-22 for the ladies. They acknowledge a extra gift after all is said and done and next thing we have is someone posting about unsolicited contact while Wife/Boss/Girlfriend/Boyfriend etc. is with them.
Crimson32's Avatar
Well Roger and Crimon. You have helped me give some serious thought to my comments and feelings and I'm better for it. You are however way off on who I am as a person. I have done lots for men and women that i would never expect favors or view as a provider. I have helped pay for a heart transplant for a newborn,, chemo for women with cancer, college for kids not related to me. Idid this for me, your correct because it is morally and ethically the thing to do. And they have all at later times reached back to stay in touch and let me know how they are doing and to say it made a difference. That was why I wasn't saying well previously about providers, it would be nice to know that a little help made a difference and truly helped. Many of you have made comments and private responses that ou understand and get it. I never n tend this to be for everyone nor was I looking for praise. Just comments
End of this thread for me. Thanks to all, keep on hobbying and providing and pleas do so with respect and safety for all. Originally Posted by DingdongTwinkie

DDT- I can tell your a genuine guy, nothing wrong with that but it honestly sounds like you continue to set your self up for failure everytime- expecting a different result other than what your getting back. There is a word for that- Dont set your expectations so high in this Hobby. You will only get hurt.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Don't make this anymore complicated than it is, at lesst from my perspective. You give her something, she should say, "Thank you." You say, or send an e-mail or PM saying, "I had a nice time," she should say or write back, "I did, too."

Unless, in a less-than-subtle way, she's trying to tell you she doesn't want to see you again, which is how I interpret such silence.

Otherwise, it's just a good business practice, to encourage repeat visits.
Which ladies are you seeing?. I contend tons of indy ladies,ladies with kids, pimped ladies, and ladies with So's/hubby would love someone to help them out just because and would be very appreciative. Some may express it via extra time during a session, others may allow otc time, and some may send a thank you text or pm etc etc etc
I think you should continue to be yourself. If you love to give, then so be it...not many people in the world are appreciative. Not only in 'this' world. You should be yourself and I'm sure there are/will be someone who express their appreciation to you more. Not everyone act, react or express themselves the way you expect them to. :-)
Sometimes, after a lady will thank you, she will also show appreciation in ways you may not see.

In my GREAT experience with the hobbyist here, I have received trips to NYC, Cali, Vegas, S Padre ect... along with flowers, Tequila, Candles,Champagne, Chocolate to Redbulls.... along with plenty of tips.

I always thank them for this but also behind the scene's I will take it upon myself to further research things they enjoy, through reviews and boards to show I am appreciative, I move my schedule around to make sure they get the time and date that is best for them, I have driven miles and miles for them. Extra hours added to the one hour session scheduled.

There are more ways we show the appreciation; after we say "thank you", in ways that may go unnoticed.
pyramider's Avatar
Taint tickling should always be rewarded.
whitechocolate's Avatar
I agree totally with what Sir Lancehernot has posted above. All that is needed is a simple "thank you" from both provider and client when nice gestures are given. That is just good business practice which is what this is. No point in making this into something complex.
In my opinion a simple Thank You can go a long way. I always make sure I tell all the guys who choose to see me Thank You. To me that in its self is a gift with so many other lovely ladies being in the area. Anything extra that is brought for me defiantly gets an additional Thank You with a hug and a kiss. I also have many clients that i reach out to just to say hi or see how things are going. I am a strong believer in good manners going a long way and always treating my friends with respect
jbravo_123's Avatar
I do have to agree with Roger.Smith here. While the OP may truly be an altruistic person, posting the way he did does come off a little passive aggressive in that if he wasn't really expecting anything in return, then someone not coming back and saying thank you or randomly calling him (after already having thanked him once) shouldn't bother him the way it does.