Hosehummer and his distorted narrative, easily debunking his useless threads...as always!!

HoeHummer's Avatar
There is no known American institution that allows free passage to the public that bans me.

I'm even back on oh2, though oh2 does suck.

That dumb fucker over there can't figure out who it is, BTW.

If I send you a message in confidence, do you promise not to tell them my new handle on OH2?

If I tell you and they nail me, I might not trust you again, though... Originally Posted by friendly fred
WTF is OH2, fredsy? Not familiar with it, but yous and Lexie seem to be playing “short leapfrog” with each other’s.

Yous and your manatee buddy needs to find a better way to blow each other during this pandemic, eh?

  • oeb11
  • 09-08-2020, 02:03 PM
Now come on now...Trump was first to claim the title of NAZI. see, the tattoo. Steven Miller style.

Attachment 873405 Originally Posted by PythonLeeJackson

Thank u garter snake - not even a racist, marxist DPST of your ilk would fall for that photoshop Bull Shit!
fascism - is the province of the racist, marxist DPST - who keep You and black peoples in servitude in shit hole cities adminstered by the DPST's - to harvest votes to maintain their racist POWER.

You are being Used by the racist DPST white leadership (harris ain't black - not even biden can pull over that One)

and have fallen for their propaganda hook line and sinker.

wake up - life is not lived 'woke'!!!
you can have a better life - and the fake promises of 'reparations and OBLM racist separate states and millions of white peoples dead - is a fantasy of the white racist DPST party leadership.

having a better life means getting up in a country of equal opportunity - and working for it.

I retract my statement - you aren't capable of doing that.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
WTF is OH2, fredsy? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Use google and the words "yssup rider ourhome2" and you might recognize some of the writing, ya slow witted DPST.