DOJ to reopen Clinton email scandal.

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  • 01-05-2018, 01:11 PM
If it is proved they committed a crime, and the last time I checked obstruction of justice is still a crime, they should face the full extent of all legal action against them. . Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You mean that firing the person investigating you because they are investigating you is obstruction of justice?

LexusLover's Avatar
If it is proved they committed a crime, and the last time I checked obstruction of justice is still a crime, they should face the full extent of all legal action against them. We cannot have corruption in the DOJ or any of the agencies like the FBI. We already have an out of control NSA that violates our Constitution on a daily basis. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
It is interesting that WhatThaFuckDoIKnowAboutAnythin g whines about holding the FBI's feet "to the fire" while spuriously accusing others of being LE/LE Affiliated/LE Snitches! Does he consider the FBI (Federal agents) to NOT BE LE?

Even if WhatThaFuckDoIKnowAboutAnythin g aka WTF does something illegal while fraternizing with them and/or facilitating them by collusion then he should be prosecuted just like his buddies in law enforcement. That's the only way LE can be cleaned up.
bambino's Avatar
You mean that firing the person investigating you because they are investigating you is obstruction of justice?

Originally Posted by WTF
Comey told Trump he wasn’t under investigation. So how could there be obstruction of Trump if he wasn’t being investigated?. Besides, Rosenstein wrote a letter that Comey should be fired. Rosenstein is no ally of Trump.
LexusLover's Avatar
Comey told Trump he wasn’t under investigation. So how could there be obstruction of Trump if he wasn’t being investigation. Besides, Rosenstein wrote a letter that Comey should be fired. Rosenstein is no ally of Trump. Originally Posted by bambino
Sounds like WhatThaFuckDoIKnowAboutAnythin g has stepped off into one of those fields of discussion that he has proven he doesn't know "chit" about .... criminal law .... particularly when blended with politics and powers of the President!

Is "Powers of the President" the third and final topic for strike 3?

Once Comey was out of the sand box he couldn't cover up the cat turds any longer and it was only a matter of time before they would suffer. They ARE! They haven't been able to fabricate any Russian collusion that will stick to the wall by an indictment or any other accusation method after almost two years of a witch hunt, and WhatThaFuckDoIKnowAboutAnythin g must be the only person on Earth who believes Comey knew what the fuck he was doing .... but considering WhatThaFuckDoIKnowAboutAnythin g's lack of credentials with respect to "investigations" then it's understandable ...

perhaps WhatThaFuckDoIKnowAboutAnythin g aka WTF should consult his friends in the FBI to get the scoop.
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  • WTF
  • 01-05-2018, 01:57 PM
Comey told Trump he wasn’t under investigation. So how could there be obstruction of Trump if he wasn’t being investigated?. Besides, Rosenstein wrote a letter that Comey should be fired. Rosenstein is no ally of Trump. Originally Posted by bambino
Look you silly fuck...I've said from the start that Trump will get nothing from this.

But that does not mean he is not guilty as fuck of trying to shut down this investigation.

He has admitted as much. Told the God damn Russians that he fired Comey to shut down the investigation. But I think nothing will come to hurt Trump....they might get a bunch of other folks though.
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  • 01-05-2018, 01:59 PM

perhaps WhatThaFuckDoIKnowAboutAnythin g aka WTF should consult his friends in the FBI to get the scoop. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Awww look , Monday Morning LexyLiar is quacking again.

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  • WTF
  • 01-05-2018, 02:02 PM
It is interesting that WhatThaFuckDoIKnowAboutAnythin g whines about holding the FBI's feet "to the fire" while spuriously accusing others of being LE/LE Affiliated/LE Snitches! Does he consider the FBI (Federal agents) to NOT BE LE?

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I do not consider your snitch ass to be part of LE. A God damn snitch is a snitch, not a Cop. You're a fucking snitch.

bambino's Avatar
Look you silly fuck...I've said from the start that Trump will get nothing from this.

But that does not mean he is not guilty as fuck of trying to shut down this investigation.

He has admitted as much. Told the God damn Russians that he fired Comey to shut down the investigation. But I think nothing will come to hurt Trump....they might get a bunch of other folks though. Originally Posted by WTF
You’re the silly fuck. You keep spouting off Putin and the Russians. Trumps not going to jail, nor will he be impeached. Even your not dumb enough to say that. But some of your colleagues here believe it.
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  • 01-05-2018, 02:10 PM
You’re the silly fuck. You keep spouting off Putin and the Russians. Trumps not going to jail, nor will he be impeached. Even your not dumb enough to say that. But some of your colleagues here believe it. Originally Posted by bambino
If they believe that , then they are foolish in that regard. Neither Clinton or Trump will spend a night in jail over any of these investigations.

Trump will catch a whole lot more shit if the House goes blue in 2018.

If that happens, I do not think he will run in 2020. He does not need this hassle.
LexusLover's Avatar
You’re the silly fuck. Originally Posted by bambino
Some people never change ... their diapers.

Phase II for him is trying to learn to walk and chew gum.

But he's still on Phase I: Standing and pissing at the same time.*

*Soon they'll have him inside over the toilet!

Hopefully, all his buddies at the FBI (who provide him all that "insider" info) will join in the effort to shit-can the evidence and conceal their nefarious activities in early 2016 through election day 2016, which includes the notes and transcriptions they possess of the "tarmac meeting" with the Attorney General and a Suspect's Husband in which they discussed "grand children" and "birthdays"!
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  • WTF
  • 01-05-2018, 02:38 PM

But he's still on Phase I: Standing and pissing at the same time.*

! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Pissing all over your snitch ass....

bamscram's Avatar
it will be interesting to see what snitchey and rocket lenny have to say Originally Posted by Hotrod511
And the rest of the dumbfucks. Originally Posted by bambino
You two dumb fucks have already commented.
Hope they rake in both of the turds, Clinton and Trump.
Disciplining some agents? They should be fired at the least.
We will never see the corruption ended until there are consequences for their actions.
Same with those corrupt lawyers at the DOJ. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I agree. And i've said it before. TILL WE see actual punishment for all those incompetent buffoons, there will NEVER be any thing changed.

Jeff Sessions needs to clean house before he goes into meddling with the states over things the people of the states have lawfully voted for. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
IF there was fraud going on, HOW was it lawfully voted for?