Hermosa's Avatar
Neither one of you are African American so you don't know our plight - so if you think African Americans did better under Bush you are kidding yourself - thanks to the GOP and tea party promoting hatred and for poisoning people's mind to think a Black man is not worthy of being POTUS - this has led to increase in racism from whites and it is happening right under your nose. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Having lived through the civil rights movement, inspired by so much of the music, the thinking, the hope that we have turned a courner, let me say this. We have not come very far in understanding the unique valuable potential of each person. We have not come very far in welcoming our diversity. We still have some deep seated compulsion to hate and disrespect. People, communities, children get left behind. All this, and we can't even have a decient mature conversation without being reduced to name calling! :-(
Neither one of you are African American so you don't know our plight - so if you think African Americans did better under Bush you are kidding yourself - thanks to the GOP and tea party promoting hatred and for poisoning people's mind to think a Black man is not worthy of being POTUS - this has led to increase in racism from whites and it is happening right under your nose. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Your plight? Why do you support a President who is giving illegal immigrants job preference over blacks?

When Obama signed his EO protecting up to 5 million illegals from deportation, and granting them work visas, he also exempted employers from having to comply with Obamacare for hiring them.

That gave employers a roughly $3K dollar incentive to hire an illegal rather than a black person. That is a $3K incentive to fire workers and hire illegals to replace them.

Given that unemployment among blacks is over 10% nationwide, why aren't black rioting over the jobs the need being given to illegals?
Your plight? Why do you support a President who is giving illegal immigrants job preference over blacks?

When Obama signed his EO protecting up to 5 million illegals from deportation, and granting them work visas, he also exempted employers from having to comply with Obamacare for hiring them.

That gave employers a roughly $3K dollar incentive to hire an illegal rather than a black person. That is a $3K incentive to fire workers and hire illegals to replace them.

Given that unemployment among blacks is over 10% nationwide, why aren't black rioting over the jobs the need being given to illegals? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
It's against the law to hire illegals. You're also assuming those 5 million people weren't already employed, in which case, they aren't taking a job from anyone. The EO you speak of is actually still on hold and is being challenged on several fronts.


It also isn't as simple as just saying that it protected 5 million illegals from deportation.

Budman's Avatar
You're honestly going to argue there are no racist elements within the tea party? Your own comment on shoes and alcohol is racist. You won't see that though. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Please tell me how shoes and alcohol are racist. You're reaching pretty far to try and find racism.
Budman's Avatar
Study after study has tied conservatives with both lower iq and racism. Racists are exactly as numerous as people believe. Sweeping it under the rug and claiming you have some black friends (thought I'd beat you to it) doesn't mean shit.

I explained that was a philosophical argument. Perhaps go look up the word, and get better acquainted with its meaning. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Bullshit. You are crawfishing like a mother fucker. You make the statement about CEO pay and are to much of a coward to place a number on what it should be. I'm not going to hijack this thread but if you ever grow a pair and want to discuss this further you know the thread to reply to.

Just in case you forgot here is the link. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1366059
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Study after study has tied conservatives with both lower iq and racism. Racists are exactly as numerous as people believe. Sweeping it under the rug and claiming you have some black friends (thought I'd beat you to it) doesn't mean shit.

I explained that was a philosophical argument. Perhaps go look up the word, and get better acquainted with its meaning. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I call bullshit. But then again that's all you are.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I really don't like what you represent- you are a narcissistic prick that wants everything your way. I bet people hated working with you because you don't like taking orders or criticism. You think your shit doesn't stank and that you have all the answers- this proves you are an arrogant bastard. Why don't you go live in an area where there's no government or hell just go live in the wilderness. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Pray for me, God Fearing Christian!
Bullshit. You are crawfishing like a mother fucker. You make the statement about CEO pay and are to much of a coward to place a number on what it should be. I'm not going to hijack this thread but if you ever grow a pair and want to discuss this further you know the thread to reply to.

Just in case you forgot here is the link. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1366059 Originally Posted by Budman
Already had a pair. Responded.
I call bullshit. But then again that's all you are. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
You know the thing about smart motherfuckers, like myself? They sound like crazy motherfuckers to dumb motherfuckers, like you.

It's not bullshit homey. It actually makes a lot of sense if you even have a basic understanding of how the brain works. Peer-reviewed studies. Have a nice time reading. If you can.



Pray for me, God Fearing Christian! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Apparently the answer is to fall on your knees... and lick dirty whoooore ass and pussy. It seems to work for him.
LexusLover's Avatar
You know the thing about smart motherfuckers, like myself? Originally Posted by WombRaider

How's the "syntax," .... you ignoramus?

How's the "syntax," .... you ignoramus? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'm beginning to think that word doesn't mean what you think it means. My syntax was fine, chief.
LexusLover's Avatar
Your plight? Why do you support a President who is giving illegal immigrants job preference over blacks? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Why must you continuallty confuse the Gruberized Gubers with reality?

BTW: Since you are from Missouri it seems.

Was Missouri in the "Union" .... on the anti-slave side of the fight?

How about Maryland? New York? Minnesota?
Why must you continuallty confuse the Gruberized Gubers with reality?

BTW: Since you are from Missouri it seems.

Was Missouri in the "Union" .... on the anti-slave side of the fight?

How about Maryland? New York? Originally Posted by LexusLover
He doesn't have an answer for your current question. As you can see, all he said was gruber twice and not much else. So, no substantive information has been relayed by LL. Then he segues into where she's from and wonders if this particular state was union or not. This is the addled mind in action, ladies and gentlemen.
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm beginning to think .... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Frankly, I doubt it.

You do talk a lot of shit though. And it is shit.