Michelle Sandra Bell - NCNS

Each person has their own views on whether they will OR will_NOT see this provider.

Granted that the individuals who tried to schedule with her were NCNS but she did provide an explanation. Each of us will either give her a chance or won't give her another chance.

I see no reason for other folks to try and convince the others on the board to not see her. If you are correct and she's not worth it, then it's their risk and their money.

As I see it, both sides were presented and we must make up our own mind as to how we'll proceed. Originally Posted by deedeedoe62

Very well stated!
Budman's Avatar
hmmm.. I DO have reviews, and obviously the inference here was that the poster was a White Knight. LOL

When someone post in co-ed , one can assume they want "opinions, personal experience etc." feedback on the issue.

This tendency to label people WK when they have a positive opinion on a Provider discourages openness. And while it does (in your mind) seem cute and funny it does nothing but lower the discussion to name calling. Let us all try to state our point and let others state theirs. Originally Posted by harkontume
IMO it was not an accusation of him being a WK but a question of if you've seen her numerous times where are the reviews? I put a lot more credence into someones opinion if they are active on the board with reviews as opposed to just posting BS. I believe this is guitarslinger's only post.
I would be very interested to see what MSB's explanation for the 3-4 other NCNS's mentioned on this thread. So far she's only given an excuse for NCNS'ing the OP. I find the excuse quite lame as well.

Despite what the subjective good experiences of MSB's supporters may be, it seems based on the number of NCNS's mentioned just in this thread, MSB has a continued history of NCNS's. And based on the NCNS's mentioned in this thread, the reality seems to be that MSB has a 30-50% unreliability rate. Again, I would love to see an explanation for that. I think it would be better for MSB to just come clean and be honest about why she is so unreliable.

Until then, all hobbiests who are thinking about seeing her should make an informed decision based on the FACTS stated in this thread, and not based on the accounts of her WKs nor the rants of her haters.
IMO it was not an accusation of him being a WK but a question of if you've seen her numerous times where are the reviews? I put a lot more credence into someones opinion if they are active on the board with reviews as opposed to just posting BS. I believe this is guitarslinger's only post. Originally Posted by Budman
Thank you for the verbiage. That was my point. So, what if MSB was a taxi cab driver, and not a provider would you still be as tolerant of the women not showing up for people that needed a ride? The poor TCB does go back to the ASPD days, with subsequent apologies included. In my experience substances and TCB are directly correlated.
srvfin's Avatar
Dude.... I'll schedule with her and drive all the way over there to do it too!

I for one believe her story. When my dad was dying I made 9 or 10 spur of the moment trips over a 3 month period to Podunk, LA to catch his last breath. Maybe this hasn't yet happened to any of you but believe me one day it will.

Note to self: Contact MSB and schedule Austin trip. And Heather and VictoriaLyn and Roxanne and Betzi and Sara and Stormy......

Whew, I'm a dead man!
Budman's Avatar
Dude.... I'll schedule with her and drive all the way over there to do it too!

I for one believe her story. When my dad was dying I made 9 or 10 spur of the moment trips over a 3 month period to Podunk, LA to catch his last breath. Maybe this hasn't yet happened to any of you but believe me one day it will.

Note to self: Contact MSB and schedule Austin trip. And Heather and VictoriaLyn and Roxanne and Betzi and Sara and Stormy......

Whew, I'm a dead man! Originally Posted by srvfin
Dude, there is still no reason she could not have made a few calls to cancel appointments. Making a spur of the moment trip across town or across country gives you enough time to make a few calls. This attitude that the world stops when you are faced with a crisis is BS. My question to all the WK's is would you fail to call your employer to let them know that you had to leave town on a family emergency or would you just not show up for work? If you are the type that just doesn't show up then I would bet you would face an ass chewing or termination.

This seems to be the standard response by providers when they pull a NCNS. Claim a family emergency and expect everyone to forward sympathy cards. IMO these public apologies are complete bullshit and are nothing more that someone trying to do damage control. They are not sincere apologies as much as a call to their WK's to come to her defense. Handle your business as a professional and when you fuck up deal with it in private via PM, email or phone. Don't come here with this whining bullshit and expect to be worshipped for your taking care of family first attitude. In case you haven't figured it out your emergency is just that. YOUR EMERGENCY not MINE.