Would a cop have the same license as civilians?

RileyRivera's Avatar
Yes for undercover operations LE can be given fake IDs issued by the state with legitimate credentials to the fake info being real.. I am a future law student currently working on my bachelors degree and afterwards plan on attending law school to become a defense attorney... They do it mainly for drug stings but one unit VICE handles prostituttion and drugs so they can always use the id's for both which is why I dont require to see id i prefer references

Tell me how would a Drug Dealer run a Drivers License. Granted a UC Officers may have a fake ID but it wouldn't be issued by the State. States can't issue a legal document which is what a Drivers License is with false information on it. Originally Posted by acp5762
Amber Raynne's Avatar
Isn't that sorta the same as that dumb ass question every girl asks thinking she's so smart
"Are you a cop? If you .are then you know that's entrapment ". In my head and in all reality isn't that the reason of them being undercover like why would they tell us?