Question: How to make providers remember you?

January Maye's Avatar
At the risk of missing your asked from the get go what memorable thing you can do to be remembered. When you follow up that statement by saying she may not always have your name or your handle, it is a bit irksome. WHY would she NOT have your handle?

Wanting to set yourself apart from the pack, you come here looking for advice (none of which satisfies). you have made it clear that anything coming out of pocket is NOT going to happen. Your post lost steam before your third sentence. Audacious you are in expecting a Provider to remember you when you stand devoid of the rudimentary-level courtesy of giving your handle. Maybe you should gain etiquette enough to introduce yourself to her properly to begin with before asking how to be memorable.

References keep Providers safe and they are important. They are a dime a dozen. Getting a favorable reference, however, starts with being a decent human being.

be memorable
use ta be a bar in ROC many lady's of the evening hung out

one guy only showed up a few times a year, but liked, hated, ran from, every gal remembered him

not sure if it was the out of state Ambulance he showed up in. Or wanted ta do the deed in back of in a body bag. Whatever, they all remembered him Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Pangolier's Avatar
First of all, if you have a negative experience with a provider, I don't suggest leaving overtly bad reviews for this very reason; better to share them privately with other men.

Secondly, this is one huge advantage to being a P411 member. Your Okays stay on your profile. If the provider in question is still active, she can always look up your history and there would be no problem providing a reference so long as there were no issues on the last visit. If the person you wish to see wants more recent references, then I would suggest another form of verification or looking for another provider.

Thirdly, if the provider is so disorganized that she doesn't retain your name, phone number, or email in her contact list or address book, then you might not want to use her as a reference anyhow. Good providers keep track of their affairs and keep lists just like anyone else would. In my phone I have a list of friends, business associates, and other people I interact with at least on a semi regular basis. And I back up that list in case I ever lose my phone. Why would I go about deleting information about people I've dealt with in the past?

About 60% of the providers I have seen in the past have not forgotten me, no matter how long it has been. Many folks have already made suggestions on here as to how to make that happen. Unless you are hiding something from us, you shouldn't have an issue with this process.
Here is the best thing u could ever do.

Just show up and be yourself....

Not a tip guy or gift up clean,on time and be a gentleman.You cant go wrong.
It's not necessarily what you do to make a Provider remember you, but what YOU remember about the date to help the Provider remember you when you use her as a reference.

For instance, recently I used three Providers as references for one lady I wished to see. I told her …

- I saw Lady A on October 3rd at her incall at 5:00 for a 2-hour appointment. She was a little late because there was x-festival in town and it took her a while to get her place ready …

- I saw Lady B on December 12th at her incall at 11PM. It was a late appointment because she needed me to get something that I had a difficult time finding.

- I saw Lady C on March 4th for a 2-hr outcall at x-hotel. She had to change the appointment from an incall to an outcall when last minute guests arrived at her house.

It seems for me most appointments have something that makes them memorable outside of me or what we did …

Good Luck
At the risk of missing your point...... Originally Posted by January Maye

Hi January!

Do you ever head east on IH10?

If so, give me a head's up!


tia travels's Avatar
... But my point is if I say “Hey, I was the guy who was punctual and clean and treated you with respect”, I don’t think that will be enough to make her know who I am in most cases. Originally Posted by DunnJackNoff
You're right...that probably won't be enough...because a lot of men are on time, clean and treat us with respect. Unless you look like a celebrity, or have an odd physical feature, or like BThree says (use 2$ bills or something odd like paying all in rolls of quarters or all singles) or have a uniquely easy email or handle to remember, then you're still going to need drop include a hint to remind her probably. Hopefully whatever unique thing you use to refresh her memory is all it takes.
I have a STRONG fetish for body odor. So I always ask my lady friends to NOT shower as long as possible before our dates. It’s a HUGE turn on. They usually remember me!
ICU 812's Avatar
In no specific order:

Show up on time
Pay cash up front
don't quibble over the donation
bring some sort of "gift" if it is only a coffee card
Treat her with respect
Don't try to wangle for time off the clock
Leave a tip
Text her the next day to say that you enjoyed her company
Leave a Review here and maybe on another site

Now do all that again several times in a month

Maybe then she will remember you.

Or you can be a real ass-hole once and she'll remember you forever.
breastfan's Avatar
Here is the best thing u could ever do.

Just show up and be yourself....

Not a tip guy or gift up clean,on time and be a gentleman.You cant go wrong. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Unfortunately it's not always that easy, at least for me anyway.
I can kind of relate to the OP in that real world and time constraints I may only hobby 1 to 2 times a yr.
I've been a member of p411 for a while and have some OKs so not too much of a problem. Trying to see a new provider not on the p411 network has been a little cumbersome.
OP you have gotten some good advice some that I will use.
Good Luck....
Solemate62's Avatar
Give her several $100 bills with YOUR picture juxtaposed over that of Ben’s!