What? No discussion about robots killing people?

I just watched the latest interview with the Dallas Police Chief David Brown.

This guy is a real no nonsense kind of guy.

One reporter ask him who determined the amount of explosive to use? His reply was, "well, don't bring the building down"
Give him an 0bama phone and say "please"...

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Robot did not kill shit.
The bomb they set off killed the piece of shit.
Robot did not kill shit.
The bomb they set off killed the piece of shit. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Is that like people don't kill anyone the gun does?
Is that like people don't kill anyone the gun does? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That's what YOU lying liberals BELIEVE !!!
I just watched the latest interview with the Dallas Police Chief David Brown.

This guy is a real no nonsense kind of guy.

One reporter ask him who determined the amount of explosive to use? His reply was, "well, don't bring the building down" Originally Posted by Jackie S
Said were hiring get off the street, and fill out a app. LOL
Must be nice to be able to sum up the world's problems in a tweet sized statement. Or to be able to assign all those problems to liberal causes or liberal lack of logic. All without offering any solutions of your own.
It keeps that personal responsibility beast off your back. Because if everything is their fault then none of it is yours. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Keep up. I offer solutions all the time. One of my solutions: personal responsibility for me, you and everybody.
That is like saying a cop should shoot to wound. Originally Posted by pyramider
No but some cops carry Tazers and the robot could have. This way, no costly trial and unsavory followup.
LexusLover's Avatar
And, regardless of training, most never know how they will react in such a situation until faced with it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That's the "point" of "training" in a "shoot-don't shoot instinctive" program ...

.... my theory: "minimize response time to maximize thinking time."

The instinctive reaction begins once the threat is perceived ... it's a habit....
..cultivated by ad nauseam repetition in order to educate the muscles with the brain evaluating the validity of the threat.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
No, you fucking idiot. The robot did not set off the bomb the police officers did. Just like a gun cannot fire itself it takes a human or dog to do it.

Much like a firearm is the delivery mechanism for the projectile, the robot was the delivery method for the bomb.

You lack of common sense is less than astounding. I generally do not stoop to the level of people like yourself and name call but the truth is not name calling you fucking idiot.
No, you fucking idiot. The robot did not set off the bomb the police officers did. Just like a gun cannot fire itself it takes a human or dog to do it.

Much like a firearm is the delivery mechanism for the projectile, the robot was the delivery method for the bomb.

You lack of common sense is less than astounding. I generally do not stoop to the level of people like yourself and name call but the truth is not name calling you fucking idiot. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

LMAO You are sure thin skinned, and don't like teasing.
Did the robot film the explosion?
"Telegram for Mr. Mongo!"
Quadcopters seem like a good, cheap idea.
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Where's the robot?
Where's the robot? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Where's the robot? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Does EKIM'S blowup doll of shriLIARy count as HIS " robot " ?