Goodbye to all my friends and foe's!!

Best of luck to you, Marley. I'm so proud of you for sticking with the job search in these difficult economic times, and following your instincts to ensure your own personal happiness. Please feel free to call if you ever need anything, and I hope you won't be a stranger to us ladies.
Lol... You know Taylor & I always try our hardest to look good... Even while camping! We did not get the nails & lashes done just to go camping... We always have them done lol. I had a blast... It was a memorable birthday! Day out on the yacht... Lots of drinks and some good ol' bbq! Got to do it again someday!

a million thanks yall!!! Almost all of you will be missed. Xxooxx
Sarahsmiles's Avatar
Congrats! So, I take it the job that I was crossing my fingers for came thru?? Woo hoo! You KNOW that I love you and know that whether here or in real life, I'll always be just a phone call...or as we prefer...a text away!

So, I'm proud of you and VERY happy for you already know...but I'm not about to say goodbye as we got plans to make!!

Talk to you soon, beautiful!

Good luck with your new job career and life events! It was a pleasure to meet you.
levibob56's Avatar
Dear Marley
We've never meet I'm sad to say.But I heard good things about you.The world is at your feet Marley, go out and live your life to the fullest.Jennslolli and Taylor right about retireing we'll be here if you ever dedide to cum back, are some of us will be.LOL Best of luck to you.
Willen's Avatar
Say it ain't so, say it ain't so.

Guess we'll never have those chicken wings.

But we'll always have . . . .

All the best, to one of the very best.
I have so much I'd like to say to a few of you guys... Your like a bunch of women clucking in a bathroom. (this is directed at those who have "bet" on my return, no one else) My personal life is none of your business. To the one who started the mcdonalds comment... That just shows how much you guys don't know me!! I've held a very respectable job in the real world for years... Making over 100,000 a year on a good year... I'd be OH SO HAPPY to show this to you little girls. The economy crashed... And the entire company was laid off. I was offered a position in california but all of my family is here. They are my life and could never see me go. So back to the Mcdonalds comment... I never have and never will work @ a fast food joint. So ha ha ha... You got your little joke in to the boys... Glad yall have nothing better to do than giggle and poke fun at little ol marley... Who you have never met. But most be so sad in your own life that you like to target the weak!!

and to the fine gentleman who made comment about how I "claim" to have started a new job but still be working weekends or whatever... Maybe it's been a while since you took a new job but it usually takes 3 weeks for your checks to start coming in regularly. So that's the reason I've decided to stay around for a while. Thought we spoke before about this... Thought if you had a question you would come to me and I would be happy to clarify for you. Guess those were empty words. But again your another guy that is voicing his opinion when we have never even met bcd.

oh and to the gent who made comment if I could like
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Is nothing sacred? We don't get to read the women's locker room, no one is leaking that info to us. I wish I knew who let you read all of that, because I would hope they would get banned.

I made some of those jokes. So what? It is locker room talk, that's why we kept it out of coed. BFD!

If you were really saying "goodbye" you wouldn't care.
Is nothing sacred? We don't get to read the women's locker room, no one is leaking that info to us. I wish I knew who let you read all of that, because I would hope they would get banned.

I made some of those jokes. So what? It is locker room talk, that's why we kept it out of coed. *BFD*!

*If you were really saying "goodbye" you wouldn't care*. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
I'm not singling you out rekcaSxT. Heaven knows your little band of "merry" young 'uns works this board in freaking SHIFTS.

I have never met Marley, unlike the other Platinum Blonde you guys slammed a couple of weeks back but Marley WAS on my "hope to see" list.

BTW, how would you know if *she cared or not*? *BFD*, you say? *BFD*? Have you ever gone a week without bashing someone behind their back? It doesn't matter whether it was LEAKED or not. The FACT is you don't understand funny - buy yourself a dictionary and look it up EVEN if you say it BCD.

You and your little under-financed band of haggling misfits have never made a post that did ME any good in any way and I'll bet there are plenty of others who are also tired of the endless drama and pot-stirring.

Smart ass is not a synonym for someone who is funny. People who feel the need to bash someone else in a failed attempt to make themselves look superior are always little timid people who hide behind keyboards and who think being "post whores" makes them look important.

Looks like a bunch of you went to the drive thru yourselves in some adolescent attempt to "supersize" your egos. Wow! If only I could post as much worthless drivel and say as many classless things maybe I could be the King of the Post Sluts.

Have a nice day.

Alex, I'll take points for $1000 or perhaps someone with some balls will risk pissing off the post sluts for stirring shit so the rest of us don't have to wade through crap every time we log on.
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
I'm not singling you out rekcaSxT. Heaven knows your little band of "merry" young 'uns works this board in freaking SHIFTS. Originally Posted by Little Stevie
don't give him that much credit. I was accused of brainwashing a bunch of providers and hobbiests with mind control. It's much much more flattering and complimentary than insulting.

I have never met Marley, unlike the other Platinum Blonde you guys slammed a couple of weeks back but Marley WAS on my "hope to see" list.
and my hope to double with. In fact ~~~ad alert ad alert~~~ I plan to talk to her today to see if she would like to do a double with me for a special going away with someone whose seen me before. Ahem, I'll take some suggestions: ie. my tribute for half price if I get to double w Marley, her rates still apply????

You and your little under-financed band of haggling misfits have never made a post that did ME any good in any way and I'll bet there are plenty of others who are also tired of the endless drama and pot-stirring.
Me Me pick Me!

Smart ass is not a synonym for someone who is funny. People who feel the need to bash someone else in a failed attempt to make themselves look superior are always little timid people who hide behind keyboards and who think being "post whores" makes them look important.

Looks like a bunch of you went to the drive thru yourselves in some adolescent attempt to "supersize" your egos. Wow! If only I could post as much worthless drivel and say as many classless things maybe I could be the King of the Post Sluts.

Have a nice day.

Alex, I'll take points for $1000 or perhaps someone with some balls will risk pissing off the post sluts for stirring shit so the rest of us don't have to wade through crap every time we log on.
plus one! That was beautiful and eloquent, now come tongue kiss me!
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 04-21-2010, 08:49 AM
I have so much I'd like to say to a few of you guys... Your like a bunch of women clucking in a bathroom. (this is directed at those who have "bet" on my return, no one else) My personal life is none of your business.

Wow, maybe she really is blonde. We weren't discussing your personal life, genius, we were discussing your business life, more specifically your Eccie-based business life; does that seem more on-topic to you?

To the one who started the mcdonalds comment... That just shows how much you guys don't know me!! I've held a very respectable job in the real world for years... Making over 100,000 a year on a good year... I'd be OH SO HAPPY to show this to you little girls. Originally Posted by MarleyMonroe
check your PM's ....... tc2
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I'm not singling you out rekcaSxT. Heaven knows your little band of "merry" young 'uns works this board in freaking SHIFTS.

I have never met Marley, unlike the other Platinum Blonde you guys slammed a couple of weeks back but Marley WAS on my "hope to see" list.

Before I get to the rest of your post, who was the platinum blonde?

BTW, how would you know if *she cared or not*? *BFD*, you say? *BFD*? Have you ever gone a week without bashing someone behind their back? It doesn't matter whether it was LEAKED or not. The FACT is you don't understand funny - buy yourself a dictionary and look it up EVEN if you say it BCD.

There are different types of humor out there. Maybe Larry The Cable Guy is more your speed...

You and your little under-financed band of haggling misfits have never made a post that did ME any good in any way and I'll bet there are plenty of others who are also tired of the endless drama and pot-stirring.

Rather than spending ALL of my money in this "hobby" I enjoy contributing the the community in other ways. I am saving for a very nice retirement one day. I work hard for my money and only want to spend a certain amount on this. Plus there isn't much poonanny here in Austin that I haven't tried and still want to try.

BUT I get pm's and emails on a daily basis with people asking me questions, needing info etc... Some of those asking me questions are hobbyists who don't agree with me, or don't even really like me. Do you know why little stevie? Because I know things. Yes, I post a lot, but I also read a lot. I know more about what is really going on than most.

If my information doesn't help you, if you don't like my posts. It is simple: PUT ME ON IGNORE.

Smart ass is not a synonym for someone who is funny. People who feel the need to bash someone else in a failed attempt to make themselves look superior are always little timid people who hide behind keyboards and who think being "post whores" makes them look important.

I am far from timid, and I am not little...

Looks like a bunch of you went to the drive thru yourselves in some adolescent attempt to "supersize" your egos. Wow! If only I could post as much worthless drivel and say as many classless things maybe I could be the King of the Post Sluts.

Have a nice day.

Alex, I'll take points for $1000 or perhaps someone with some balls will risk pissing off the post sluts for stirring shit so the rest of us don't have to wade through crap every time we log on. Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Why don't YOU have a nice day.
my personal life was disussed GENIUS!! No matter our history I would think you would at least come to my defense about the mcdonalds crap. You knew about my lay off and the great job I had. You know I'm very smart and by no means low class. Nor am I the type to work at mc donalds. C'mon. And you know my living situation... I have my own house... My own car... My own everything. NO ONE COULD EVER "put me out on my ass" ohhh and to the "test" comment... There's no doubt about that. Again coming from a guy I've never met Girls never bash guys in "our room" we never poke fun of their professions or sad personal life. But if we did I could sure tell some doozies! Guess we have more class. Or a LIFE and have better things to do than bash people behind their back. Exspecially ones we have never met!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I have to weigh in here.

Retirement posts are so melodramatic! It's a big deal to the people who retire and a few of their friends and an opportunity to make hollow comments for others -- positive or negative. That's why I don't generally post in them. The world keeps spinning and what goes around ...

However, the fact that this thread has become a public display of a thread in the Men's Lounge is completely unacceptable.

He who leaked it should have his privileges revoked.

She who repeated it should know better and be sanctioned.

Now surely none of us think there's anything private about the private rooms on this or any other board. Of course not (and I'll try not to call you Shirley). But can't we at least pretend to respect it. Chit! So many of us in this community pretend to do so many other things -- like respect each other, protect each other, love the one we're with and ... come -- why the hell is it so hard to respect the privacy of a private forum? (Granted some things are out of bounds, but those are for the mods to determine, not the players or the playees!)

Must it spill out onto the greater stage like the fight scene from Blazing Saddles? ("They've hit Buddy! Come on girls!")

That said, I've never seen you in the flesh, Marley, but I have ogled you online over the past few years. From reading ECCIE (stayed away from the RIP board for a couple of years), I know you have a broad base of fans. I wish you hadn't have brought Men's Lounge issues out into the open. Nobody should.

Boys and girls, we're supposed to f$#k each other, not f$#k WITH each other, right? So please stop acting like this shit matters and play by the freaking rules!

Good luck in whatever it is you're going to do, Marley.