Why would somone use my name?

TexTushHog's Avatar
How can it be "pseudo drama" if there is real drama involved? Just because it's self created, destructive, and needless doesn't make it pseudo drama.
Give me a break TTH-- just trying to offer some gentle advice to a young lady that could make a killing if she just keeps herself away from the drama and those that cause it.
C'mon Ze-- just trying to help the kid out. I'd love to be that young and that beautiful again. If she can play up her assets and downplay her weaknesses.... Originally Posted by DecemberLove

@December~ sure that's great advice but the girl didn't ask for advice. All she wants is to post these BS threADS and draw attention to herself. She's a drama queen and I doubt she'll be around in 6 months. Hell, I doubt she'll be around in 3. She knows that she's young and beautiful and for a huge number of guys, that's enough. She knows that all she has to do is get the exposure and POOF! The money rolls in. It's like all those bait and switch girls, they know it's a numbers game and there are plenty of numbers.

I respect you and your intentions, December.

I'll sum it up:

Bentley, Noone has stolen your identity and you know it. There is no mysterious, disappearing ad.

If you want to be successful at porn, make sure the writer doesn't script you the way you speak. "Bentley is having an orgasm" and "Bentley says OOOOh Baby you're so big!" just isn't sexy. I could be wrong but I don't think so.

Going to Plano from Dallas isn't a big deal any more than wanting to pee on people.

But I'm sure you don't care about what I think because what you're doing is certainly working for you. Why else would you keep doing it?

I just call 'em like I see 'em. Maybe, and I know this is nigh impossible, people (like me) should just stop bumping her threADS. I have nothing against the girl and I don't mind a little BS here and there especially when it's entertaining. But when there's quite alot of it and not much else, it becomes tiresome. I know, "log off then". So, I'm going to go look at the "panty" thread. It's vastly more entertaining.
Amen, Dharma.

Bentley could be an amazing, top-notch provider but due to her age and the stubbornness that accompanies it, she knows it all and is famos (<<haha) in her own mind, so any advice that successful providers have for her, falls on deaf ears.

So in the meantime, she has to resort to threADS and internet pan-handling.

Whatever works best for you, Bently.

Like Dharma said, she won't be around long if she has already decided that she knows what's best. In the meanwhile, it's great entertainment.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Give me a break TTH-- just trying to offer some gentle advice to a young lady that could make a killing if she just keeps herself away from the drama and those that cause it. Originally Posted by DecemberLove
I understand the urge to be helpful. And I don't fault it. But let's not sugar coat the obvious. It isn't pseudo drama. It's full blown, Hollywood sign letters big drama.

One last thought, largely in line with what Dharma's: "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig."
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
Well, this strategy and style obviously worked so well for Sabrina and Barbie, so why not keep the same game plan for Bentley? If you find something that works for you, run it into the ground, that's my motto.

I for one appreciate these threADs. They're so useful for helping keep my "to see" list updated.
Ok Ok Ok...

Sorry for my momentary lapse in apathy. Its the "mom" in me taking over. I'll try to remember to care less next time
TheBizzer's Avatar
Ok Ok Ok...

Sorry for my momentary lapse in apathy. Its the "mom" in me taking over. I'll try to remember to care less next time Originally Posted by DecemberLove
I thought it was nice, albeit a lost cause. Sympathy is an attractive trait. Know where I might find some?
I guess its true-- you don't have to necessarily be a man to fall prey to the "Captain Save a Ho" Syndrome.