NCNSX2 by Lying LolaBrea01 worth the trouble ??

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AWW thank you!! You have no idea how many people are emailing me begging me to come back! Lol! I appreciate the threAD! Free marketing rocks! its boost my business and made the OP look as crazy as he is!( probably on a lot of ladies DNS) I WILL be back to AUSTIN soon but now have the worry of the OP trying to "PUNISH" me as he stated..... Originally Posted by Lolabrea01
Great work spinning this one Lola !! You completely ignored his post #17 after he says you misstated what actually happened...So the Spin Policeman is going to have to write you up on this one...I completely agree with his point of when someone you have made a lot of contact with about a makeup appt., why wouldn't you contact him when you didn't hear from him when expected? He's pretty fucking serious about a makeup session to me !

ManSlut's recommendations to the OP:

1) If you truly have a bad itch that needs to be scratched, no matter how late the appt., always have a Plan B. JL's tip about AMP's being a plan B has paid off for me, too.
2) Never try to do a makeup session - Fooled me once, shame on you; Fooled me twice, know the rest
3) Think twice before booking with GoldPussySyndrome providers. How do you spot GPS providers? They generally are severe overposters and or someone who can't handle anything remotely negative about themselves being said, and seem to be frequently doing photoshoots or making videos, and have a lot of White Knights. If this thread had stayed in the Dallas Section you would have been besieged by the White Knight fandom.

Thanks for confirming what I have always known about this 'multi-degreed Hooker' - Severe GPS complex; Now OP, move on, anything else she says is Bullshit vindictive Spin, and not worth your time responding to. Let her flame on me for a bit, but who knows, her calendar shoot threAD may be taking up her extra time?

The Passionate ManSlut - Gatekeeper for the Truth and all GPS Providers
Ok, I've read both sides and spent some thought processes on this.

First off OP- you turned down the discount makeup session???!! You lost me right there.

This is an obvious case of she:
1. Got a better offer an blew you off
2. Decided to do something else so she blew you off

In either case she was in the wrong and she know's it. Her WK brigade knows it to but doesn't care. The future WK dude who begged her to come knows it and doesn't care. She's young and decent looking so she'll get free passes all day long. You've read what some posted. These guys are so desperate and willing to put up anything just to pay a hoogar to touch them. Let that weigh on you for a moment. So desperate that they will put up with anything and forgive almost anything and wk for and pay extra and etc.........

I think you need to move on though. You had your say and like RR said now your just comming off ................
I'm sure she will have a good explanation - she is highly reliable. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
My opinion...

Definitely worth the trouble. This one is a prize. Originally Posted by BigOldZero
Ya know...usually when I read a thread like there where there was some misunderstanding, in the end I put a mental note by that provider's name to see if there's any future behavior similar to that. Honestly...this is one thread where I'm about 10x MORE likely to see the provider now that I've read it than before! ;-)

OMG! Please come visit Austin! I promise we'll do our best to make you want to stay here permanently! ;-)

V Originally Posted by bigv123

I have a ups tracking order for your man cards. We tried to deliver them but when tried to verify status we couldn't locate any balls.
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  • ztonk
  • 05-05-2013, 01:31 PM
Since both parties have had their say, as is our custom, I'm closing this.
