Managed Verses Independent Ladies?

oilfieldscum's Avatar
Is the gender of a manager/pimp solely restricted to male? I've noticed instances where ladies are working other ladies. Some travel, some local. Ya'll have seen the same, just no one has mentioned it yet. Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
True but you can bet the ones you're talking about are not the manager. That's the perception they want you to have. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
aka the bottom bitch.
Super Head 713's Avatar
Some providers that are managed you will never notice because I have put myself in a situation before by offering doubles with a provider who turned out to be managed. I was sent several hints and clues but when it was finally confirmed for sure I had stopped offering doubles with this young lady because I hate pimps and in her situation it could of turned out very dangerous for me as an independent provider
Super Head 713's Avatar
aka the bottom bitch. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
AlexisMoore's Avatar
Lol...some very well known popular ladies on ECCIE are managed. They are just very well at hiding it. And "daddy" knows shes a gold mine and stays out of sight and out of mind.
And "daddy" knows shes a gold mine and stays out of sight and out of mind. Originally Posted by AlexisMoore
.....except for operating their eccie accounts LoL.
.....except for operating their eccie accounts LoL. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter

When u think you're getting a reference from 'her' but you are really getting It from 'him'
LadyMoxie's Avatar
Or maybe their manager just beats the shit out of them. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
True, but also stupid on their part because usually that's how they get discovered. They work them like dogs, they beat them so they're (scared to leave) know who "daddy" is... Just a sad cycle that sometimes ends badly...
Excuse my ignorance, but why be managed / pimped when you can do the same independently and not have to share your dough? Originally Posted by Jarh3ad

When I was 20 or so in Las Vegas I was recruited by a pimp on the way to the club. He was VERY well dressed and charming. I was naïve and didn't think he was a pimp, andI called him when I got bored at the club (he gave me his number and we parted ways earlier).

He pulled up in the most tricked out car I have seen, and I was impressed and felt cool. Then he took me to another club where we went VIP all the way. After, when we were driving, was when he told me he was a pimp, and we had to stop to pick up money from some of his girls. I was totally thrown off, as I was somewhat attracted to the guy. So we pick up money from a couple of them, then he lays down his plan for me and tells me how they all work together and go on nice vacations in the Caribbean etc etc.

He tells me all this can be mine if I simply vanish right now, leave my family and disappear without a trace. I told him no, and he simply dropped me off and told me to call him if I ever changed my mind. I did in fact speak to him a couple of times after, but never saw him again. To be perfectly honest, if I had come from a shitty family, I may have gone with him.

I'm just writing this as an explanation as to how girls end up with pimps...every story is different, but I think the general idea is they appeal to some sort of area in your life that is lacking, and present themselves as being able to fill that void. FYI I have never had a pimp...this was as close as I came to that.
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 09-01-2015, 08:14 PM
When I was 20 or so in Las Vegas I was recruited by a pimp on the way to the club. He was VERY well dressed and charming. I was naïve and didn't think he was a pimp, andI called him when I got bored at the club (he gave me his number and we parted ways earlier).

He pulled up in the most tricked out car I have seen, and I was impressed and felt cool. Then he took me to another club where we went VIP all the way. After, when we were driving, was when he told me he was a pimp, and we had to stop to pick up money from some of his girls. I was totally thrown off, as I was somewhat attracted to the guy. So we pick up money from a couple of them, then he lays down his plan for me and tells me how they all work together and go on nice vacations in the Caribbean etc etc.

He tells me all this can be mine if I simply vanish right now, leave my family and disappear without a trace. I told him no, and he simply dropped me off and told me to call him if I ever changed my mind. I did in fact speak to him a couple of times after, but never saw him again. To be perfectly honest, if I had come from a shitty family, I may have gone with him.

I'm just writing this as an explanation as to how girls end up with pimps...every story is different, but I think the general idea is they appeal to some sort of area in your life that is lacking, and present themselves as being able to fill that void. FYI I have never had a pimp...this was as close as I came to that. Originally Posted by sexyblue21

Finally somebody stated something factual about this.

They go after girls who come from broken homes and/or are going through though times/situations. Girls who are weak and vulnerable and easy to be emotionally manipulated. They make them believe that they will take care of them, is crazy to listen to girls like that speak about how they actually believe their pimp cares for them and that they're "building" something big, when in reality all they do is take advantage of them, by fully taking all the profit they make.

Not everybody has the same mind frame, or the capability to overcome though situations, for some people certain situations can make them weak and even depressed, and easily make them become the perfect prey. Other people can see such situations just as another challenge, overcome it and become stronger.

At the end of the day we're all humans with flaws, some of the things we do might make us look stupid or crazy to other people.
Specially all of us in the hobby.

As corny as this might sound "don't judge a book by its cover, without reading it"

Or however that phrase goes, yall get the point.
dream-big's Avatar
Below link is a very recent CNN article which discusses domestic human trafficking w/in the sex industry as part of an interview with a young lady who had multiple pimps over the last few years. It includes an overview of the violence, drama, and mental stress she had to survive through…and the mental allure the pimps initially have in the eyes of a young girl (similar to SexyBlue's story). While it's not the best penned article on the subject, it's a very sobering account and the reading.

As male members, we are the primary "consumer" in this market. While many of us take pride in being "educated consumers" when it comes to purchasing various products (cars, electronics, etc…) and food stuffs (cage free chickens and GMO free foods) and going green to save the planet...but somehow many of us will turn a blind eye on human sex trafficking issues which are much darker (for the woman) and dangerous (for the woman and potentially the male client).

While it's a humbling, sobering and depressing topic, I'm glad it's being discussed here.
Lol...some very well known popular ladies on ECCIE are managed. They are just very well at hiding it. And "daddy" knows shes a gold mine and stays out of sight and out of mind. Originally Posted by AlexisMoore
Ya never really know, right? Not to mention the ones with boyfriends & SO's. While they may not be getting an actual "cut", they're still reaping the benefits of her "labor".

.....except for operating their bank accounts LoL. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
I think that's what you really meant.
LadyMoxie's Avatar
Ya never really know, right? Not to mention the ones with boyfriends & SO's. While they may not be getting an actual "cut", they're still reaping the benefits of her "labor".

I think that's what you really meant. Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
it depends bby. I know it's hard for you to understand because you're on that side, but it's the truth. I'm not going to go there because it'll start a whole nother subject...
Moxie, I've seen and learned a lot of new things since discovering this board. I understand girls have a life outside the hobby and this is just a job to them. Girls will have boyfriends and there's always baby daddy somewhere in the mix. But in a "family" type of relationship, where daddy goes to the office and punches the clock, mommy goes around having sex with strangers, just seems a bit off to me. And while the "family" benefits from the extra money mommy's clients contribute, there has to be a lot of strain on the "relationship".
bon69's Avatar
  • bon69
  • 09-02-2015, 02:22 PM
But in a "family" type of relationship, where daddy goes to the office and punches the clock, mommy goes around having sex with strangers, just seems a bit off to me. And while the "family" benefits from the extra money mommy's clients contribute, there has to be a lot of strain on the "relationship".
Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
Wow! well does it seem off to you if mommy stays home with the family and daddy goes out having sex with strangers before or after he punches that clock? Or maybe during his lunch. The only difference I see between this situation and the one you described is the money coming into the family as oppose to the money going out from the family. Either way I'm sure both are a strain on the "relationship".