Best providers for the mentally focused

BobbyMann's Avatar
mmmmmmmm . . . nice thought! "Bend over, my dear!"
pyramider's Avatar
Dare I suggest -- strainers? Originally Posted by BobbyMann

That is just sick. Geez ...
BobbyMann's Avatar
Sick? The taintmeister calls me sick?

Incidentally, but not insignificantly, I note that the New Yorkerish trademark of Eccie's "Sirs" seems to have them holding a spatula.

But to be more serious, and less spatulogical, in returning to the OP's question which started this thread: those who neglect the mental and yes even the spiritual side of this hobby don't know what they are missing.

The most important sex organ really is the brain, including its role in constituting what we call the mind and heart (the same word exists for each of these -- mind and heart -- in many languages).

And as I know well, currently being up all night in fevered anticipation of an exciting session with a favored provider tomorrow, the thrill of the hunt and that anticipation of the session, along with the Proustian recollections afterward (including through writing a good review), crucially add to and in fact can match the pleasures experienced during the session itself. The best hobbyists, providers, and reviewers should know instantly what I mean.
pyramider's Avatar
Sick? The taintmeister calls me sick?

Incidentally, but not insignificantly, I note that the New Yorkerish trademark of Eccie's "Sirs" seems to have them holding a spatula.

But to be more serious, and less spatulogical, in returning to the OP's question which started this thread: those who neglect the mental and yes even the spiritual side of this hobby don't know what they are missing.

The most important sex organ really is the brain, including its role in constituting what we call the mind and heart (the same word exists for each of these -- mind and heart -- in many languages).

And as I know well, currently being up all night in fevered anticipation of an exciting session with a favored provider tomorrow, the thrill of the hunt and that anticipation of the session, along with the Proustian recollections afterward (including through writing a good review), crucially add to and in fact can match the pleasures experienced during the session itself. The best hobbyists, providers, and reviewers should know instantly what I mean. Originally Posted by BobbyMann
A sifter or a cheese grater ... okay, I get it. But a strainer?

I was talking to a beautiful lady this past weekend and I brought up that the 90% of sex is between the ears. I remember a friend's dad telling several of this when were teenagers. I even said he was full of crap. But as I have gotten older I can attest to the fact is the most important sex organ.

Thinck about it ... when a male is teenager just the wind blowing can give him an erection. The teenage male can stick his pecker in a light socket or toilet paper roll and cum. As most of us get older, we need more stimulation ... More stimulation of the mind.

By watching and interacting with ladies on icky I can generally get a good feel of the lady and how we would interact, other than them laughing at me when I undress. Sure some do not match up well but for the most part I have been pleasantly surprised.
ManSlut's Avatar
Thinck about it ... when a male is teenager just the wind blowing can give him an erection... Originally Posted by pyramider
For me now, just the thought of the wind blowin' makes my erection go limp.

On a third note, pyramider are you Taint Shit Crazy??

On a second note, I get the intellectual flair the OP is searching for I just wanted to give him a mental wedgie...I myself am always searching for the Lady that can make me laugh (too many women always want us to make them laugh). I love a good smart-ass and if she has a nice rack, female tennis player legs and a ghetto booty, well let's just say I'll do everything in my power to not think about the wind blowin'.

Sorry (not really) for jumblin' the points order.
Spikebaby's Avatar
Puuuuurrrrr Ms. Dannie

I think your pretty dang awesome really know how to make my monkey smile

pyramider's Avatar
If the ladies need a good laugh I just drop my pants. It always works. Also, I can ruin ANY lady's mental focus. It's not even a challenge.

Yes, I am tsc, taint shit crazy.
I have experienced such as you describe. It is quite possible but takes time and more than one visit to reach that level. I cannot give you a name as she is long retired but search for an older provider. 40's- 50's for me seems to be the target range. Great reviews are important but actualy look for some level of YMMV. For an older woman, comfort with the client can impact level of service a lot. A great connection can open doors most will never see. Maybe a LMT or someone who indicates they can provide something other than sex as a way of connecting with you. Maybe someone with a back ground in a service industry of some kind. Or a professional with college or advanced degrees

Maybe having dinner or cocktails to get to know each other before scheduling BCD. Anything that allows each other to get to know each other a little first. What your looking for is out there,even with providers. Just takes a lot of work and a bit of luck.

Ignore the idiots here. So many just want to get their dick wet and cannot understand how that is not the end all for everyone. Might do a post in Mens Lounge asking guys that have a long term fav how they met them . Something like that.

Good luck! I found her once, always looking for a replacement :-)
john_deere's Avatar
what you seek might not be easy, but no less worthy of the quest. one rule i'll probably get some shit for following is this: if they can't spell it's a no sell. no guarantees, but it's a start...
ManSlut's Avatar
...Ignore the idiots here. So many just want to get their dick wet and cannot understand how that is not the end all for everyone. Might do a post in Mens Lounge asking guys that have a long term fav how they met them . Something like that... Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
To quote the Great Curly of the Three Stooges, "Hey, I resemble that remark!"...So the shoe fits, I'm gonna wear it.

Or you could learn to post it the proper forum, where you might get more intellectual and spiritual Giants to respond, the ISO - In Search Of Forum

The Passionate 'Shallow, Idiot' ManSlut
I must disagree with you a little bit doesn't ALWAYS take multiple sessions. Maybe more times than not but I love it when we can get a good conversation going, or make jokes and laugh and laugh. Yes, sometimes it might take a few times of getting together but I find that it happens more often than not.

Of course, I think I could carry on a conversation with a stone! LOL!
BobbyMann's Avatar
Further to what VNurse said, sometimes a strong connection just happens and you know something special has occurred. I was just honored to take Esme out for a superb evening dinner after our session late this afternoon. To paraphrase a line uttered by Leonardo DiCaprio in Django Unchained: she had my attention, now she has my interest. She's the epitome of what we're talking about here. I'll be seeing this remarkable young woman again and again.
You are correct. In general, it can take time, but I will admit, the last woman I entered this kind of relationship with, it was clear after one session we would have an extra special relationship. But, its more likely, I think, to take time to know one another and learn what is special about someone. I think that is true in and out of the hobby. Don't rush or force things. Be ready when it happens but be open to taking some time as well.
I must disagree with you a little bit doesn't ALWAYS take multiple sessions. Maybe more times than not but I love it when we can get a good conversation going, or make jokes and laugh and laugh. Yes, sometimes it might take a few times of getting together but I find that it happens more often than not.

Of course, I think I could carry on a conversation with a stone! LOL! Originally Posted by vnurse
I pray this is a thread of substance! I just read some of the comments here, and,...I'm really not surprised how some people have totally gone off topic and surpassed the whole idea of this thread. O.o

But anyway, on to the point, it's really a special thing when you meet someone who you enjoy physically and mentally. I've been blessed and fortunate to meet hobbyists who have kept a smile on my face long after our encounter. They always leave something with me to remember!

It can be little things that hobbyists say (you know who you are) or life lessons that hobbyists teach me during our date (thank you so much) or it can be how we, both provider and hobbyist, are in the same 'ole routine and trying to do something positive in our lives.

It's interesting to know how similar our lives can be when we get to know the person who is laying in our bed. Lol. I mean seriously, I know several people who don't know the heart of their spouse after years of having them lay in their bed.

On a spiritual note:

I know that I'll have "hooker" stamped on my books when The maker looks at my life. But then at judgement day...all I have to say is, "Your son walked with people of the world like me, Thank-you."

...Thank you to all the wonderful gentlemen I have met in this industry that has shaped my womanhood and life for the better. I must say, I've learned things that my mother wouldn't have dared told me. Not only that, but I know the true feeling of passion and intimacy is way bigger than how far you can spread your legs. Than is more than one way to love a man!
BobbyMann's Avatar
+1 BSB!