Two Day Poll: How Will SCOTUS Rule On Obamacare?

Will rule against, millions out of insurance, costs will really go up. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
While I hope that Obamacare will live on, I don't believe that will be the case.

If so, the after effects will be bad. Very bad!
Want to be picked apart? Funny how something that has not been enacted has had so many negative consequences. Plus, you still lied about the GOP having no plan. They do and you lied. Plain and simple. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Neener neener.
Sickpuppy's Avatar
I wonder how many of you morons that hope the court rules in favor of the federal subsidies in all states, IS ACTUALLY FAMILIAR WITH QUALIFYING FOR THE SUBSIDIES. If you haven’t logged-on to see if you qualify and how much it will cost you (with the subsidy, if you qualify), you have no right to comment here. Try it – you’ll find the premiums are exorbitant with huge co-pays out of pocket. Go ahead, log-on to and run some income/family size scenarios. The only way to make it affordable for the recipient is to be a total dead-beat with little or no earned income. So, the morons who hope “the law” stands are just providing free insurance to those scamming the system – workers can’t afford it! Many of those getting a subsidy are the same bums collecting welfare for multiple illegitimate children, while they make money selling drugs, while they collect unemployment and while they still hit the ER every time they develop a slight cough -- AKA loyal liberals. I say, make my day, kill the mother f**king subsidies – the system suckers will just lose one of the many free rides foisted on the rest of us by Obama’s elitist congress. The majority of participants in Obamacare weren’t entitled to “free” medical insurance in the first place.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-23-2015, 03:43 PM
As for the question COG asked I don't know: Roberts' first opinion on ACA was not "strict" construction, but interpretation of meaning to save the constitutionality, which is a departure from his label as a strict constructionist, AND could indicate how he might go with the literal language of the statute ... . Originally Posted by LexusLover
No he ruled it was a tax , which congress has the power to do.

Not a big stretch there. It was a tax...despite congress not wanting to called so.

Congress can add a 10 cent tax to gasoline and call it Pokey Man and you could sue them and lose because a tax is a tax no matter what it is called.
Budman's Avatar
And, you think the SCOTUS gives a rat's ass? About what Obama or the GOP want?

I have no idea what they are going to guess is it goes down based on a plain reading of the language. But, invalidating the legislation creates a huge mess, puts 10,000,000 people back on the dole in terms of healthcare and could have other huge implications. The SCOTUS is not above issuing a result-oriented opinion but who knows?

Legally, the legislation is faulty. What could be truly interesting is what the republican position will be if congress tries to fix the problematic "state" language. That will truly put their tits in a wringer. And, it is absolutely correct that they stupidly, almost unbelievably, have no backup plan, no alternative, no nothing....just back to the healthcare status quo which will get worse and worse. Originally Posted by timpage
What stupid fucks do not realize is that front end care care a whole lot cheaper that ER care.

That was the goal of Obamacare. Originally Posted by WTF
This is what the left does. Makes a statement like this and when it is pointed out that they are already on the dole defend it by saying "well it's not as much as it will be if Obamacare is repealed". Tim's post was an insinuation that they are not on the government dole and nothing could be further from the truth.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Beats the fuck out of me.
They changed the wording of the law last time and allowed it to stand.
I would guess they could do it again.
Getting to be where the Constitution dont mean shit any more so there really is no telling.

I never would have thought they wold have allowed a law to stand that allows the government to seize your property under eminent domain give it to a non-government private individual just so they could increase the tax base; but they did.
I wonder how many of you morons that hope the court rules in favor of the federal subsidies in all states, IS ACTUALLY FAMILIAR WITH QUALIFYING FOR THE SUBSIDIES. If you haven’t logged-on to see if you qualify and how much it will cost you (with the subsidy, if you qualify), you have no right to comment here. Try it – you’ll find the premiums are exorbitant with huge co-pays out of pocket. Go ahead, log-on to and run some income/family size scenarios. The only way to make it affordable for the recipient is to be a total dead-beat with little or no earned income. So, the morons who hope “the law” stands are just providing free insurance to those scamming the system – workers can’t afford it! Many of those getting a subsidy are the same bums collecting welfare for multiple illegitimate children, while they make money selling drugs, while they collect unemployment and while they still hit the ER every time they develop a slight cough -- AKA loyal liberals. I say, make my day, kill the mother f**king subsidies – the system suckers will just lose one of the many free rides foisted on the rest of us by Obama’s elitist congress. The majority of participants in Obamacare weren’t entitled to “free” medical insurance in the first place. Originally Posted by Sickpuppy
MOD, please close this thread... puppy solved the mystery!
Beats the fuck out of me.
They changed the wording of the law last time and allowed it to stand.
I would guess they could do it again.
Getting to be where the Constitution dont mean shit any more so there really is no telling.

I never would have thought they wold have allowed a law to stand that allows the government to seize your property under eminent domain give it to a non-government private individual just so they could increase the tax base; but they did. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
How true. The President and the Democrat Congress spent every waking hour assuring the voters that none of the "fees" we're taxes. Then, the SCOTUS turns around and states that the fees are taxes, because that is what Congress can do Constitutionally, levy taxes, not charge "fees". Bingo. The Law stands.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-25-2015, 01:32 PM
This is what the left does. Makes a statement like this and when it is pointed out that they are already on the dole defend it by saying "well it's not as much as it will be if Obamacare is repealed". Tim's post was an insinuation that they are not on the government dole and nothing could be further from the truth. Originally Posted by Budman
Budman , aren't you happy for these folks?

In the central Illinois village of Cisco, 55-year-old Shawn Turner finished chemotherapy for uterine cancer last summer and now sees her doctor for regular follow-up scans to make sure the cancer is gone.
"I'm just so relieved and happy, not just for me, but for everyone who's being helped by this," Turner said Thursday after being informed by a reporter of the ruling.
She and her husband pay $236 a month for a "silver" health plan, and the government pays the insurance company $830 a month. The fear of cancer returning would have kept them from dropping the coverage, even without the subsidy.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Looks like they did it again.

The fact is that the ACA is a horrible piece of legislation, horribly written, and forced through before the the language could be cleaned up.

We must pass it in order to find out what is in it without the process of discussion and debate.
More like fiat than legislated.

Just another sad day for our nation, not because the law was upheld but because it is becoming more of a standard that the SCOTUS can "interpret" the language to mean whatever they decide rather than the reality of the words. What will be next, the bill of Rights?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They already did the Bill of Rights. They found a right to privacy in the Constitution with Roe V Wade that only applies to women.
I was wrong in my opinion...
Budman's Avatar
Budman , aren't you happy for these folks?

In the central Illinois village of Cisco, 55-year-old Shawn Turner finished chemotherapy for uterine cancer last summer and now sees her doctor for regular follow-up scans to make sure the cancer is gone.
"I'm just so relieved and happy, not just for me, but for everyone who's being helped by this," Turner said Thursday after being informed by a reporter of the ruling.
She and her husband pay $236 a month for a "silver" health plan, and the government pays the insurance company $830 a month. The fear of cancer returning would have kept them from dropping the coverage, even without the subsidy. Originally Posted by WTF
What I'm not happy about is the fact that I have to pay for this. I have a shitty plan that cost me close to 500 per month. These people get a much better plan and don't pay shit. If you are taking a government subsidy you should only be eligible for the bare minimum. I am sick and tired of fucking free loaders. Not jack shit I can do about it but I damn sure won't celebrate it.

WTF, enjoy your Obama phone and all the other free shit you get on the taxpayers dime while you can. At some point you run out of other peoples money.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I was wrong in my opinion... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
There's been so many....which one?
While I hope that Obamacare will live on, I don't believe that will be the case. Originally Posted by bigtex
I am glad I was wrong!

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Note to LLIdiot: Do you see how easy it is for a person to admit when he is wrong? Here is a question for you to practice on:

"If you knew during the Spring of 2003 what we know now, would you have (strike the word "still") supported the invasion of Iraq?"

As for me, the answer to the question is "still" NO!

What's your answer, LLIdiot?