A recent poll the GOP will not like:

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
cant get shit done wit congress Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
The first two years he had the Congress. That's why the people took the Congress away from him.

Still, I think it is funny that Nobody can beat Obama, but Somebody can't.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Uh oh, maybe somebody CAN beat Obama.


Not sure how I feel about this. He's still a Republican, but not a career politician, and he isn't Romney, Perry, Bachman or Santorum, so that's positive.

I just have trouble trusting a Republican or Democrat.

Af-Freakin's Avatar
The Bush administration was also a horrific train wreck. Why don't you knock off the stupid disingenuousness of blindly addressing people as "you Republicans." I pointed out in my previous post that I am not one.

Yes, Obama inherited a very bad situation, but anyone who hasn't been living in a cave for the last two years ought to realize that he's made a bad situation far worse -- starting with squandering hundreds of billions of dollars on political payoffs and blue-sky fanatasies. Don't you guys think we had already squandered enough money over the previous 5 or 6 years?

Obama was "hired" by the public to fix problems, not exacerbate existing fiscal problems and create new ones of his own. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Barack is here 2 help people & make things fair.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I.B let me rest my case- show me one time in history where a President wins election and this happens: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmcqD...eature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfIQO...CE4777D25D630F

Remember this celebration happen on a worldwide basis in several countries- but yet he's not popular????? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Unless you're playing like a cat in a litter box and you're trying to cover your pile of sh!t with fresh "kitty litter", your post here has nothing at all to do with your original post. As such, you must know that your pile of sh!t is still there; you're just trying to cover it up. Boltfan and others have called you on it, and still you obfuscate.

Furthermore, this is 2011 and not 2008! The "smoke and mirrors" of "Hope and Change" has long since dissipated under the harsh, stark light of reality. BTW, these pictures are more recent than the ones you posted.


CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Barack is here 2 help people & make things fair. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
LOL! I got you now, good show!

cant get shit done wit congress Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
In 2008 all the hope and adulation of electing Barack, as his followers like to call their anointed one, swept in a Democratic house and senate. Thankfully, that era was just two short years long. He burned all his political clout with Obamacare, freeing and then unfreeing the prisoners on Gitmo and turning his back on the Latin community literally within days of being elected. He had the perfect opportunity to move in a new era of utopian bliss but blew it because he cannot lead. The few decisions that he has actually made were impassioned and cost him dearly. He burned his advantage.

Barack is here 2 help people & make things fair. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
Dream on. Life isn’t fair. It never has and it never will be. Slick smart him got the American people to pay him to be a senator, vote present and write some books while on our dole. Bravo for him! Unfortunately, it isn’t a win/win. We loose.

Obama is not popular – not anymore. He never was popular with people that watched his record or lack there of.
  • Laz
  • 10-07-2011, 04:38 PM
And if the Obama Administration is a "horrific train wreck" than what the fuck was the Bush Aminstration-if you compare the two the Bush administration has to be in your eyes Armageddon of epic proportions. if History is correct- I believe when Bush walked in on day 1- he had no wars- a booming economy- UE rate below 5%- a budget surplus- jeez what a difference 8 years make-!!! And what does Obama walk into on day 1: housing crisis- UE rate that was spiraling upwards out of control- 2 wars- banking and auto industry crisis- I guess you Republicans get amnesia when you re-think the Bush years. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
NEW RULE: You can no longer say that Obama inherited a crappy situation and compare that to Bush by stating Bush inherited a surplus and peace. If you are not honest enough to acknowledge that Bush inherited the tech bubble bursting and 9-11 then discussions are futile.

You can argue Bush's actions in response were not the best just as we argue that Obama's policies are making a bad situation worse. But to ignore reality is intellectually dishonest.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
+1 Laz
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Ron Paul? lol another weedhead lol Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
Ron Paul's got common sense. Thats what this country needs! I'll say this about legalizing it! Tobacco and alcohol kill more people in this country each year than mary jane would kill in a 100 year period. So which one is safer? Do you realize how many people die as a result of tobacco and alcohol related issues in a 10 year period? The numbers are staggering! This is the year 2011, it's time this country moves on and drops the stupid shit. The police and courts systems needs to stop destroying people's lives over a little grass.
  • Laz
  • 10-07-2011, 06:46 PM
Ron Paul's got common sense. Thats what this country needs! I'll say this about legalizing it! Tobacco and alcohol kill more people in this country each year than mary jane would kill in a 100 year period. So which one is safer? Do you realize how many people die as a result of tobacco and alcohol related issues in a 10 year period? The numbers are staggering! This is the year 2011, it's time this country moves on and drops the stupid shit. The police and courts systems needs to stop destroying people's lives over a little grass. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
anaximander's Avatar
Selling out venues? If you really believe that theres no
reaching you. The audiences have been bused in
where neccesary. Palins crowds have dwarfed sheik
hussein's for over 14 mos now. Sheik hussein has
had to go to smaller venues to keep the illusion
of a large crowd.

If you really believe there is no difference
between the soc. dems and the GOP.
And that voting 3rd party is the only way to go:
how near apoplectic you must be.
Or another crypto-marxist perpetuating
their disinformation propagands.

Apparently the open socialists in the world
think there's a difference between their man
and the GOP. Mevedev and Putin both back
Sheik hussein; as does Abbas of the PA;
as do chavez and his socialist pan american
tyrant and dictator states; PRC supports
sheik hussein; abuminejad would prefer
that sheik hussein remain as president.

Birds of a feather.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
The Bush administration was also a horrific train wreck. Why don't you knock off the stupid disingenuousness of blindly addressing people as "you Republicans." I pointed out in my previous post that I am not one.

Yes, Obama inherited a very bad situation, but anyone who hasn't been living in a cave for the last two years ought to realize that he's made a bad situation far worse -- starting with squandering hundreds of billions of dollars on political payoffs and blue-sky fanatasies. Don't you guys think we had already squandered enough money over the previous 5 or 6 years?

Obama was "hired" by the public to fix problems, not exacerbate existing fiscal problems and create new ones of his own. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
wellendowed1911's Avatar
NEW RULE: You can no longer say that Obama inherited a crappy situation and compare that to Bush by stating Bush inherited a surplus and peace. If you are not honest enough to acknowledge that Bush inherited the tech bubble bursting and 9-11 then discussions are futile.

You can argue Bush's actions in response were not the best just as we argue that Obama's policies are making a bad situation worse. But to ignore reality is intellectually dishonest. Originally Posted by Laz
Sorry 9-11 happened on Bush's watch and he takes responsibility for it- Bush and the WH got memos that an attack was pending- what more warning do you want- did you want Osama to call the WH's and personally tell Bush? How the hell are you going to say Bush inherited 9-11???? If he inherited 9-11 jackass that would mean when Bush came in office in 2000 that 9-11 had already happened do you know what the word "inherited means??
Here's sources showing Bush had prior knowledge: http://www.informationclearinghouse....rticle4582.htm
  • Laz
  • 10-07-2011, 09:59 PM
Sorry 9-11 happened on Bush's watch and he takes responsibility for it- Bush and the WH got memos that an attack was pending- what more warning do you want- did you want Osama to call the WH's and personally tell Bush? How the hell are you going to say Bush inherited 9-11???? If he inherited 9-11 jackass that would mean when Bush came in office in 2000 that 9-11 had already happened do you know what the word "inherited means??
Here's sources showing Bush had prior knowledge: http://www.informationclearinghouse....rticle4582.htm
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/...in509294.shtml Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Then Obama is completely responsible for the increase in unemployment and the massive deficits. They occured after he got in office so nothing that happened prior to that had an impact. The only jackass here is a person that refuses to consider things from both sides and will blindly follow a liberal doctrine that has been proven ineffective.

As for 9-11 if Clinton had taken the opportunities he had to kill or capture Osama then 9-11 might not have happened. That situation occured over years of events that Bush had no involvement in and the implementation took longer than the 9 months he was in office.

The first article you site is not worth reading it is so full of BS. The CBS article points out intelligence failures that began way before Bush was elected. That reinforces that this problem was inherited.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Then Obama is completely responsible for the increase in unemployment and the massive deficits. They occured after he got in office so nothing that happened prior to that had an impact. The only jackass here is a person that refuses to consider things from both sides and will blindly follow a liberal doctrine that has been proven ineffective.

As for 9-11 if Clinton had taken the opportunities he had to kill or capture Osama then 9-11 might not have happened. That situation occured over years of events that Bush had no involvement in and the implementation took longer than the 9 months he was in office.

The first article you site is not worth reading it is so full of BS. The CBS article points out intelligence failures that began way before Bush was elected. That reinforces that this problem was inherited. Originally Posted by Laz
Sorry you are wrong again- economist were all stating and I mean all stating that Day 1 when Obama got in office the UE rate was still spiraling upwards at a fast rate- you surely don't think that on Day 1 when Obama got in office that the UE rate had reached it's max do you? Now add to the fact that the auto industry bailout and with the amount of workers GM employs plus the number of other companies who are both directly and indirectly depend on GM many experts said the UE rate could easily hit the upper teens and possible 20%.
In fact of the current 9.1% UE- the last estimate I heard was 80 to 85% of that 9.1% is directly attributed to the Bush years that's fact buddy.
If you think the majority of most jobs lost weren't from the Bush years than you are in denial and there's no hope for you. Here's a simple way to put it- if Obama is such a big fuck up- why aren't we in a real Depression like the 30's.? Keep in mind Laz that this is a global recession- Canada, England, France, Germany and majority of the European nations leaders are facing their old financial issues at home so this is not unique to USA. Anyway you flip it- Obama gets credit for not getting us in a depression or having the auto industry fail- which is what I am giving him credit for because had he not saved the auto industry the UE rate would have went through the roof- that's fact!
As far as 9-11 goes you are wrong again- Bush had memos dude- that's factual- did you read the links- Bush had the chance to take action- you basing all your crap on hyperbole's if this would have happened or had not happen- Bush administration fucked up by not taking the memo's seriously.
Hell if you want to get technical let's blame 9-11 on Osama Bin Laden's mother- hell had she had an abortion we wouldn't be having this convo right? Or do you want to blame Osama's father- had he wore a condom the night Osama was conceived we wouldn't be having this discussion right? You see how foolish you look- you can't run from the truth dude- 9-11 happened on Bush's watch and 6 months after 9-11 Bush in his own words said he's no longer concerned about OBL- and 7 years after 9-11 Bush never came close to capturing him- until Obama had to take him- look at all the shit Obama had to fix from Bush's fuck up.