They voted Dem, now they support Trump

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-27-2019, 05:32 PM
Oh and as Trump said and I paraphrase...You can make good money in a recession.��
bambino's Avatar
Oh and as Trump said and I paraphrase...You can make good money in a recession.�� Originally Posted by WTF
If you’re smart enough you can. Ask Bloomberg.
I thought you were reasoned...I was wrong.

We should be paying down the you understand the history of this country. We have run up debt before but always paid it down in good times.

The market is just a reflection of who the government wants to prop up. What do you think the market would look like with 5% interest rates?

The Fed has encouraged debt....that will come back to haunt this country.

As to military build up....we spend more than the next 10 nations combined. Another stupid policy. We should be paying down our debt. Originally Posted by WTF
Fuck the debt - we only have it because of social program spending on losers who cannot take care of themselves or their family - and since we are going to continue to take care of all the losers in this country, we might as well keep printing/creating the money.

As for the military, gotta have it to fend off your commie pal Putin.

China could probably put together a pretty fucking lethal military too...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I thought you were reasoned...I was wrong.

We should be paying down the you understand the history of this country. We have run up debt before but always paid it down in good times.

The market is just a reflection of who the government wants to prop up. What do you think the market would look like with 5% interest rates?

The Fed has encouraged debt....that will come back to haunt this country.

As to military build up....we spend more than the next 10 nations combined. Another stupid policy. We should be paying down our debt. Originally Posted by WTF

so tell us genius, how much of the Debt should be paid off? yes that's a trick question.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I thought you were reasoned...I was wrong.

I'm wrong because I don't think like you. Got it.

We should be paying down the debt

I agree, we just disagree on how to do that you understand the history of this country. We have run up debt before but always paid it down in good times.

And how do you know the good times aren't right around the corner and we will start paying down the debt. Our economy hasn't seen employment numbers like this in 50 years and a record stock market that will only go higher if the USMCA and China deals are signed but then you know that don't you.

The market is just a reflection of who the government wants to prop up. What do you think the market would look like with 5% interest rates?

And if the government is turned over to the Democrats, who will they be propping up or do you think utopia will be just around the corner and the debt will be cut in half in 8 years of a Democratic administration.

The Fed has encouraged debt....that will come back to haunt this country.

I agree. Does that put me back in the "reasoned" column?

As to military build up....we spend more than the next 10 nations combined. Another stupid policy. We should be paying down our debt. Originally Posted by WTF

You know what they call the second best military in the world? The loser. We spend more than the next ten nations because they are cowards. How much more evidence do you need to understand that.

If we don't have a better military than China, America can kiss it preeminence in the world goodby and we'll see how your kids if you have any appreciate that.

While your side, the Democrats are hell bent on adding millions more un-skilled workers in an age when manual labor is going the way of the horse and buggy and free this and free that with Medicare for all that I think you agree will bankrupt this country especially if we add 20 or 30 millions illegals to the roles. Ithink you agree with the basics just like I do but you can't bring yourself to admit it. You can't have the number one economy in the world without the number one military. There's your truth.

I guarantee you China knows this.

Over the past decade, the People’s Liberation Army (pla) has been lavished with money and arms. China’s military spending rose by 83% in real terms between 2009 and 2018, by far the largest growth spurt in any big country. The splurge has enabled China to deploy precision missiles and anti-satellite weapons that challenge American supremacy in the western Pacific. China’s leader, Xi Jinping, says his “Chinese dream” includes a “dream of a strong armed forces”. That, he says, involves “modernizing” the pla by 2035 and making it “world-class”—in other words, America-beating—by mid-century. He has been making a lot of progress.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You know what they call the second best military in the world? The loser. We spend more than the next ten nations because they are cowards. How much more evidence do you need to understand that.

If we don't have a better military than China, America can kiss it preeminence in the world goodby and we'll see how your kids if you have any appreciate that.

While your side, the Democrats are hell bent on adding millions more un-skilled workers in an age when manual labor is going the way of the horse and buggy and free this and free that with Medicare for all that I think you agree will bankrupt this country especially if we add 20 or 30 millions illegals to the roles. Ithink you agree with the basics just like I do but you can't bring yourself to admit it. You can't have the number one economy in the world without the number one military. There's your truth.

I guarantee you China knows this.

Over the past decade, the People’s Liberation Army (pla) has been lavished with money and arms. China’s military spending rose by 83% in real terms between 2009 and 2018, by far the largest growth spurt in any big country. The splurge has enabled China to deploy precision missiles and anti-satellite weapons that challenge American supremacy in the western Pacific. China’s leader, Xi Jinping, says his “Chinese dream” includes a “dream of a strong armed forces”. That, he says, involves “modernizing” the pla by 2035 and making it “world-class”—in other words, America-beating—by mid-century. He has been making a lot of progress. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

the PLA is largely untested. no battlefield experience, not since 1978 with Vietnam; a regional power and I think 1968 with Russia; a super power.

PLA is far as I'm concerned a paper tiger; they look good on paper, but going up against a peer is an unknown.

they are more largely for riot control.
You know what they call the second best military in the world? The loser. We spend more than the next ten nations because they are cowards. How much more evidence do you need to understand that.

If we don't have a better military than China, America can kiss it preeminence in the world goodby and we'll see how your kids if you have any appreciate that.

While your side, the Democrats are hell bent on adding millions more un-skilled workers in an age when manual labor is going the way of the horse and buggy and free this and free that with Medicare for all that I think you agree will bankrupt this country especially if we add 20 or 30 millions illegals to the roles. Ithink you agree with the basics just like I do but you can't bring yourself to admit it. You can't have the number one economy in the world without the number one military. There's your truth.

I guarantee you China knows this.

Over the past decade, the People’s Liberation Army (pla) has been lavished with money and arms. China’s military spending rose by 83% in real terms between 2009 and 2018, by far the largest growth spurt in any big country. The splurge has enabled China to deploy precision missiles and anti-satellite weapons that challenge American supremacy in the western Pacific. China’s leader, Xi Jinping, says his “Chinese dream” includes a “dream of a strong armed forces”. That, he says, involves “modernizing” the pla by 2035 and making it “world-class”—in other words, America-beating—by mid-century. He has been making a lot of progress. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Excellent points.
  • oeb11
  • 11-28-2019, 08:30 AM
HF- Good points,

Happy Thanksgiving
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Bloombergs chief campaign strategist had an interview on CNN when he said this

SHEEKEY: We're focused on defeating Trump. If you look at the polls -- and people can't focus on this -- the general election is in six states, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Florida and Arizona, and that's the whole general election.

Right now, Donald Trump is winning. He is winning that election. It's very tough for people who don't live in New York or California to understand that, but that's what's happening.

Boom! That sound you heard is Democratic heads exploding!
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I've been saying since the election in 2016 that the 2020 election will most certainly come down to those 6 states. The Democratic candidate has to win Florida and one of the other 5 states or win 3 states other than Florida in order to win the electoral vote.

Impossible at this point in time to make any solid projections in my opinion. Polls are not any help at right now. Trump's approval ratings have gone up in the last couple of weeks but are still quite a bit underwater in most of the battleground states.

Here are some views on the election. No clear winner in any of the projections.
HedonistForever's Avatar
HF- Good points,

Happy Thanksgiving Originally Posted by oeb11

And a Happy Thanksgiving to you and All Americans despite our policy and personality disputes
HedonistForever's Avatar
the PLA is largely untested. no battlefield experience, not since 1978 with Vietnam; a regional power and I think 1968 with Russia; a super power.

PLA is far as I'm concerned a paper tiger; they look good on paper, but going up against a peer is an unknown.

they are more largely for riot control. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

I'm talking about the future and the "battlefield" of the future will be very different than the battlefields of today. IMHO, advanced technology will be the strength of the best military and by any measure China is advancing faster than we are. I found this article to be an interesting read.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You know what they call the second best military in the world? The loser. We spend more than the next ten nations because they are cowards. How much more evidence do you need to understand that.

If we don't have a better military than China, America can kiss it preeminence in the world goodby and we'll see how your kids if you have any appreciate that.

While your side, the Democrats are hell bent on adding millions more un-skilled workers in an age when manual labor is going the way of the horse and buggy and free this and free that with Medicare for all that I think you agree will bankrupt this country especially if we add 20 or 30 millions illegals to the roles. Ithink you agree with the basics just like I do but you can't bring yourself to admit it. You can't have the number one economy in the world without the number one military. There's your truth.

I guarantee you China knows this.

Over the past decade, the People’s Liberation Army (pla) has been lavished with money and arms. China’s military spending rose by 83% in real terms between 2009 and 2018, by far the largest growth spurt in any big country. The splurge has enabled China to deploy precision missiles and anti-satellite weapons that challenge American supremacy in the western Pacific. China’s leader, Xi Jinping, says his “Chinese dream” includes a “dream of a strong armed forces”. That, he says, involves “modernizing” the pla by 2035 and making it “world-class”—in other words, America-beating—by mid-century. He has been making a lot of progress. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
One of the most elementary and simple minded analysis I've ever read. Hahaha and you got there idiots here cheering you on. Hahahaha
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
let me introduce you to President Deficit ... you may have voted for him. so it's YOUR FAULT


Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Actually, when I read this kind of garbage I sometimes wonder about tools like you, when you were young I reckon your folks would have been better off trading you in for a pet monkey. They’d have been better off in the long run instead of wasting money on trying to educate a very immature WACKO son. This is what they’ve produced ? Holy cow.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Actually, when I read this kind of garbage I sometimes wonder about tools like you, when you were young I reckon your folks would have been better off trading you in for a pet monkey. They’d have been better off in the long run instead of wasting money on trying to educate a very immature WACKO son. This is what they’ve produced ? Holy cow. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

i'll skip my usual retort of "if you say so" and just ask you directly what you think when various posters here post clearly offensive portrayals of Trump?

you can't have it both ways sparky. either it's all offensive or none are offensive. so which is it?

why don't you impart on us "hicks" here in the political forum the benefit of your clearly superior (sic) moral compass?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Actually, when I read this kind of garbage I sometimes wonder about tools like you, when you were young I reckon your folks would have been better off trading you in for a pet monkey. They’d have been better off in the long run instead of wasting money on trying to educate a very immature WACKO son. This is what they’ve produced ? Holy cow. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

well. didn't take long for your bias to be shown.

No Ellen. El Douche “taketh” NOT giveth.
He just relies on suckers like you to keep his base in the loop.
His lies and conspiracy theories are getting more crazy by the day.
Old fart Guiliani will be thrown under the bus sooner or later.
Trump only cares about himself.
The sooner we get rid of this grifter/ criminal the better. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

as usual, just another leftist hate monger claiming "moral superiority".

thank you valued poster!