Q cultists believe Trump used body double for Arizona Rally

Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Hmmmm... Joking about Pedophiles and children in
the forum here.

You're sick.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
And you’re not allowed to speculate on another member’s health.

You’re out of bounds again, mate.

Enough already with the bait and snitch games. I know it’s all the rage in Pittsburgh but this is the rest of the world. Please behaving accordingly.
... What the piss are you on about now?

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
... What the piss are you on about now?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
He try’s to project what he does to everyone else. Like all Liberals.
bambino's Avatar
What IS in the water up in steel country anyway?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
What I really read was, idiot posts a story where he CLAIMS a fictional group believes something. Talk about being an idiot. Too many to choose from here.
bambino's Avatar
What IS in the water up in steel country anyway? Originally Posted by 69in2it69
What steel country?
TechPapi's Avatar
... Better still, YOU can find a liberal politician to
take up TRUMP on his challenge to debate the election fraud
in public on the telly - for everyone to see.

WHERE ARE THEY? ... They all got BIG mouths - just like you
- until someone presents the FACTS to them.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Well, I'm sure you haven't been paying attention...but there's a whole congressional committee for that. Why doesn't trump just put on his big boy pants and go tell them what's up? Sort of like Hillary did when the republitwats wanted to hear about Benghazi for the 18th time.

Let me help you with the answer: Because trump is a fucking pussy with a big mouth. Just like your posts. Fact free.
... REAL Investigative committee coming next year.

Along-with the Impeachment of Sleepy Joe Biden.
If he doesn't resign before then or get removed.

Either way.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... REAL Investigative committee coming next year.

Along-with the Impeachment of Sleepy Joe Biden.
If he doesn't resign before then or get removed.

Either way.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Open a new thread about it then.

This one is about your colleagues on Avenue Q!
bambino's Avatar
Where's Waldo Q style

bambino's Avatar
Where's Waldo Q style

Originally Posted by 69in2it69

Get some

https://t.me/rrndaily/166618 Originally Posted by bambino

haven't suck you soul out of your body yet