GSO3 Clinical Trial

boardman's Avatar
AP Dateline- oHIo
Rumors abound that a pre-operative Trans Sexual mouse has dissappeard from a small university lab in the midwest.
Reports suggest that the mouse's deceptive tendencies concerning the enticement of other male rodents was being used to determine possible homosexual behaviors of local resident rodents.
Area animal psycholigists have been investigating what they describe as "an alarming rate of homosexual tendencies in native rodents. Experiments up to the time of dissapearance had proven to be highly successful. but opponents of the research claim that the data has been skewed by using a suspected highly experimental pheromone known as GS0x.

One professor has expressed outrage in what he calls an "abduction". However, no foul play has been indicated. He also said that this particular mouse has an affinity for ANNOying, overweight, metrosexualy active nomadic rodents and may have left on it's own in search of one inparticular "unamed" previous "casual sex" partner.
The missing mouse was affectionately know as Miranda. A reward of undisclosed amount is being offered.

DH is there something you are not telling us?

I thinck further evaluation of all test subject's origins needs to take place so as not to jeopardize your findings.
ferdburf's Avatar
Got the DVD in the mail today, and I must say I (and the Mrs.) are VERY disappointed. Here I am with the DVD in the player, me and the Mrs. watching intently, me waiting for the Mrs. to get all fired up and aroused, and she looks at the rodent's peepee and laughs and walks outta the room!

I want my money back! That's the problem with you damned scientists, you study arcane stuff of interest only in academia, that only titillates a damn mouse! Sheesh!
dearhunter's Avatar
ferd, did you purchase the GSO3 to go with the DVD? You were supposed to have her rub your scrotum with the elixir as you guys watched the show.

Boardman, interesting find...............if the female mouse is "miranda", that would explain the squirting...........I will take your concern under advisement and make further efforts to determine if Joanie has latent gay tendencies.

Back to the clinical observations...........

Joanie is not at all happy since I took his elixir away from him. he paces back and forth in the cage.....ocassionally meandering over to the mirror to check out his peepee in the mirror.

But, I have excellent news. The new cage I ordered just arrived and it is all ready for Joanie.

Joanie will love this cage..........I have added 8 more cameras (all hidden)............there is a big wheel in the center of the cage for Joanie to run in.........and the wheel is facing a mirror that takes up one whole wall of the cage..............there is a pit in one corner of the cage and a rack with whips and chains in another (thank you for your kind donation, Wayward).

I will now place Joanie in the new cage and allow him to get settled in.
Wayward's Avatar
It is a rare thing to witness a hall of fame thread as the F****ing Prophet creates it. When not clutching my new broken rib, reinjured laughing. Professor Dearhunter's lab is doing excellent work advancing GSO3 research and understanding. We all owe him a great debt, express shipping is the way to go on the DVD.
dearhunter's Avatar

Joanie, loves his new offense to ferd.......but, the rodent is going ape shit over all the new gadgets.

He especially loves the elixir bottle that is attached to the cage. He spends way too much time rubbing the GSO3 all over his fur.

He is now acclimated to the cage enough to return to the clinical trial...........

I will now place three blind mice into the cage with Joanie...............

Oh my GOD!!!

The humanity of it all......what kind of monster is this rodent.......he is sick, I tell you........sick sick sick.

Give me a moment to recover from what I am witnessing...............
dearhunter's Avatar
I must stay professional in the face of this horrific situation.

I will now clinically describe the present events for the records of the experiment.

As soon as I placed the 3 blind mice into the cage, Joanie pushed them all into the pit. He then put some of the GSO3 down in the pit with them and instructed them to put it on their fur. (I know this because of the language translater that came with the Ovaltine)

When the mice refused to comply, Joanie pulled one of the mice out of the pit and straped the little guy down on the rack...........then he put clamps on the little fellas gonads. But, that is not the worst of it (shudder). Joanie grabbed a hose form the shelf and shoved it up the poor mouses ass. Then proceeded to pour GSO3 down the hose.

It was a horrific site........GSO3 and shit everywhere.

He repeated this process with all 3 mice and threw them back into the pit when he was finished...................... ............he is now returning to the pit to communicate with the mice.

He is at this moment telling them................."it puts the lotion on its skin, or it gets the hose again"..................
TexasGator's Avatar

Long live the fuckin' Prophet!
boardman's Avatar
I was a little disappointed in the video as well.
I used to tell random girls that I was hung like a field mouse.
I thought it was some funny shit at the time and hell they always laughed..................

After watching the video it's not that fucking funny anymore!
Maybe Carkido is right................

DH I have some chicken copulation footage that may add to the variety of the video. I hear that kind of shit is really popular in Ohio. Let me know if you are interested in collaborating on a second release.

BTW GS03 enemas? That is some powerful stuff. Better be careful.
ferdburf's Avatar
. . . shakin my head . . .
Wayward's Avatar
If carkido45 follows in MRHAPPY's foot steps.....
ANONONE's Avatar

. . .chicken copulation. . .

. . .GS03 enemas. . . Originally Posted by boardman
Chicken porn and enemas. . .

Wow, boardman. . .maybe we should move your post to an ISO forum. I would imagine as broad and wide as ECCIE is we could find you a provider to help you with your urges. I never make fun of another man's fetish, but I must say you take diversity to a whole new level.

Way to be brave and open about your sexuality. . .
pyramider's Avatar
Has Joanie engaged in BBCR with any of his former playmates?
boardman's Avatar
Chicken porn and enemas. . .

Wow, boardman. . .maybe we should move your post to an ISO forum. I would imagine as broad and wide as ECCIE is we could find you a provider to help you with your urges. I never make fun of another man's fetish, but I must say you take diversity to a whole new level.

Way to be brave and open about your sexuality. . . Originally Posted by ANONONE
Nah, I'm really pretty vanilla, just 75% male slut. Welcome back to ECCIE Houston, BTW.

I'm just trying to help DH out with his rodent games, er.....experiments and maybe make a little money on the side.

It sounds like you may be a little intimidated by some of the kinky stuff tho. I assume bad childhood experiences lead to your fears.

I can understand your enema phobia in certain cases, I guess, it really could amount to brain washing.

Watch out for those 3 blind mice...........I hear they can be some vengeful bastards when they get pissed. Stay out of the pits.
Wayward's Avatar
Father Wayard finds himself jonesing for a GSO3 study update, what has Joanie gotten himself up to? How are the new hires cameras working out, will there be a follow up DVD with faster shipping or maybe down load on demand? Could GSO3 be the next Extenz? Are little varmit peni (penises?) itching all over this big blue ball for this magical potions potent properties of primortial power?
simpleton's Avatar
Just wondering what the purpose of this clinical study is? What good does it do the public? What new medicine or cures will come of this?