Rumble in the jungle 2

I wasn't born into white privilege like you Originally Posted by themystic
You know him??
Please define "white privilege"...don't be ashamed of your status.
You can apologize like the rest of the white male assclowns running of the nomination!!
DTDS runny scared of the Democrats already. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by themystic
What assclown you giving the nod to??
damn.. I just posted my own thread. I hope y'all don't post in it, like you did here.. I saw maybe 2 posts that are above 7th grade level. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Put the bottle down and go back to bed.
And yours wasn't one of them!!
Chung Tran's Avatar
Put the bottle down and go back to bed.
And yours wasn't one of them!! Originally Posted by bb1961
of course it wasn't, because I referred to 2 posts PRIOR to my post. your posts were among the pre-7th grade level posts, and you rarely rise above that grade level in any thread.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He learned from you...
You beat him to it on your first post on the thread...
Your quote:
Can’t vote for someone who doesn’t know how to honor the flag.
WTF does that have to do with the assclowns on parade??
You're quite the HYPOCRITE!! Originally Posted by bb1961
That was the in first paragraph of the first post, bb1961 of the OP.

Learn to read.

Or learn to argue,

Right now, you’re underperforming at both.
Not now but in a few years she will be selling that pussy in Venezuela for a chicken bone. Just like the rest of the Trump whores Originally Posted by themystic

just as you prognosticate, we all will be the poorer should the dims (socialists/communists) win
  • oeb11
  • 07-31-2019, 08:14 AM
Oh please Jesus let Marianne win the nomination. Thank you. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

AE - I thought M Williamson put on a credible performance - and made more sense than any other of the DPST Bozo's. However, - no way will she win a nomination, IMHO - far too centrist for the Socialist anti-Fa pandering Leftists like Bernie and Warren.

I support Bernie for the DPST nomination - let him show the far left Radical swing of the DPST's and their socialist Agenda. That won't fly outside of the radical enclaves of the Left.Let Bernie pontificate on how wonderful it is to remove the health care provided by the Unions that support the DPST's - an income that will not be replaced, and a lousy substitute for their private insurance. Union blue collars will not support Bernie and the DPST's takin gaway their hard fought for health care insurance. And Rightfully So!
Issues such as that - and many others - mean Bernie is not electable for POTIS. Let the Vermont idiots supporting his Socialism for everyone but Bernie have Bernie and Warren.

DPST's need to nominate a candidate expressing the Radical left views of the party - not a mealy-mouth Pseudo-Socialist - unacceptable to the Radical Leftists running the DPST party.

M Williamson sounds more like a Republican than a DPST.
themystic's Avatar
AE - I thought M Williamson put on a credible performance - and made more sense than any other of the DPST Bozo's. However, - no way will she win a nomination, IMHO - far too centrist for the Socialist anti-Fa pandering Leftists like Bernie and Warren.

I support Bernie for the DPST nomination - let him show the far left Radical swing of the DPST's and their socialist Agenda. That won't fly outside of the radical enclaves of the Left.Let Bernie pontificate on how wonderful it is to remove the health care provided by the Unions that support the DPST's - an income that will not be replaced, and a lousy substitute for their private insurance. Union blue collars will not support Bernie and the DPST's takin gaway their hard fought for health care insurance. And Rightfully So!
Issues such as that - and many others - mean Bernie is not electable for POTIS. Let the Vermont idiots supporting his Socialism for everyone but Bernie have Bernie and Warren.

DPST's need to nominate a candidate expressing the Radical left views of the party - not a mealy-mouth Pseudo-Socialist - unacceptable to the Radical Leftists running the DPST party.

M Williamson sounds more like a Republican than a DPST.
IMHO! Originally Posted by oeb11
The DTDS are scardy cats already. The Nazi bully in chief is not much longer for this world. He’s old and fading. Much like his DTDS fan base
of course it wasn't, because I referred to 2 posts PRIOR to my post. your posts were among the pre-7th grade level posts, and you rarely rise above that grade level in any thread. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
What the fuck is this gibberish...

of course it wasn't, because I referred to 2 posts PRIOR to my post. your posts

You say something about 7th grade...this sound like pre-kindergarten shit!!

You just break my fuck heart chung...because your opinion is like...well you know the rest!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
pack your bags, bb1961.
I agree with you on M. Williamson but yes, I know she will never win. She was a refreshing change - that is for sure.
And Bernie, whoo, way too far. He reminds me of my grandfather - grumpy. I thought Elizabeth Warren did well. She is a highly intelligent woman but for some reason every time she speaks it's like nails on a chalkboard for me. I also liked Steve Bullock - he's has common sense but common sense won't win either. I'm looking forward to tonights debate!!!!

AE - I thought M Williamson put on a credible performance - and made more sense than any other of the DPST Bozo's. However, - no way will she win a nomination, IMHO - far too centrist for the Socialist anti-Fa pandering Leftists like Bernie and Warren.

I support Bernie for the DPST nomination - let him show the far left Radical swing of the DPST's and their socialist Agenda. That won't fly outside of the radical enclaves of the Left.Let Bernie pontificate on how wonderful it is to remove the health care provided by the Unions that support the DPST's - an income that will not be replaced, and a lousy substitute for their private insurance. Union blue collars will not support Bernie and the DPST's takin gaway their hard fought for health care insurance. And Rightfully So!
Issues such as that - and many others - mean Bernie is not electable for POTIS. Let the Vermont idiots supporting his Socialism for everyone but Bernie have Bernie and Warren.

DPST's need to nominate a candidate expressing the Radical left views of the party - not a mealy-mouth Pseudo-Socialist - unacceptable to the Radical Leftists running the DPST party.

M Williamson sounds more like a Republican than a DPST.
IMHO! Originally Posted by oeb11
Chung Tran's Avatar
AE - I thought M Williamson put on a credible performance - and made more sense than any other of the DPST Bozo's. M Williamson sounds more like a Republican than a DPST.
IMHO! Originally Posted by oeb11
I agree with you on M. Williamson but yes, I know she will never win. She was a refreshing change - that is for sure. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
cool, we have some 4chan users here!

the Right deliberately fucks with polls, and other right-wing outlets seize upon the "results", LOL.. why can't y'all play it straight? if you dislike Sanders and Warren, say so with a cogent argument. why bullshit? real Conservatives think Williamson is something close to a Nut Job.
bambino's Avatar
cool, we have some 4chan users here!

the Right deliberately fucks with polls, and other right-wing outlets seize upon the "results", LOL.. why can't y'all play it straight? if you dislike Sanders and Warren, say so with a cogent argument. why bullshit? real Conservatives think Williamson is something close to a Nut Job. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Sanders and Warren commies and Williamson is a that straight enough?
pack your bags, bb1961. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Your delusional...I know you RTM'ed that post...he was the one with the childish insults of 7th grade level can relate to that!!
I sure you missed that insult...because you're full of insults yourself.
Wishful thinking!!
You missed this insult...Hummm

your posts were among the pre-7th grade level posts, and you rarely rise above that grade level in any thread.

Did you RTM that....
Selective memory YR...go cry to the mods!!
Pack your bags to Venezuela...your kind of place.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I agree with you on M. Williamson but yes, I know she will never win. She was a refreshing change - that is for sure.
And Bernie, whoo, way too far. He reminds me of my grandfather - grumpy. I thought Elizabeth Warren did well. She is a highly intelligent woman but for some reason every time she speaks it's like nails on a chalkboard for me. I also liked Steve Bullock - he's has common sense but common sense won't win either. I'm looking forward to tonights debate!!!! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
That screeching sound is her voice.