Interesting take on the 2020 election. Things do not look good for Trump

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  • 01-26-2019, 06:51 AM
And the beat goes on! So it's okay for your buddy to inject CLINTON, but I can't comment on it after you bring up the 2020 elections ..... and Trump not doing so well .... when HillariousNoMore still wants to be President! Isn't all this Anti-Trump shit about him beating the shit out of HillariousNoMore and her Boy Toy predator BILL who was going to be the "FIRST GENTLEMAN" in the White House who would run the country while HillariousNomore laid around in a coma?

Now about calling my posts ..... "BS"? Should you tell on yourself or should I do it! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You post has nothing to do with the topic.

Please stay on topic.
Clinton, Bush 41 & Bush 43. or were you referencing 41,43 & Reagan? Originally Posted by themystic
The last three were OBAMA, BUSH43, CLINTON. All were known liars and all served two terms or don’t you remember Obama?
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  • 01-26-2019, 02:19 PM
The last three were OBAMA, BUSH43, CLINTON. All were known liars and all served two terms or don’t you remember Obama? Originally Posted by Stockinglover
Both Reagan and Bush 41 were known liars...
Well dang mystic??? Aren't all the twit head supporters on here in the top 5%. And received a huge tax cut? We can only hope theyre not all ignorant racist rednecks with no fkn clue. the rich would be on this site....
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  • 01-29-2019, 01:37 PM
For the 2018 midterms, my model predicted a large partisan surge for Democrats. I identified America’s suburbs as ground zero for a political realignment away from Republican House candidates. The realignment was fueled by two things: One was conventional — the movement of disaffected independent, or swing, voters away from the president’s party, which has happened in every midterm election since 2006.
The other can be tracked to the mobilization of negative partisanship in driving turnout from Democrats who usually sit out midterm elections. By identifying Republican-held districts with both a reasonably competitive partisan electorate and a large number of college-educated voters who could form a Democratic turnout swell, I predicted — in July 2018 — that negative partisanship would allow Democrats to pick up 42 House seats and sweep “Reagan country” in Orange County, Calif. At first, my model was an outlier, but by Election Day, the FiveThirtyEight “classic” forecast, Sabato’s Crystal Ball and the Cook Political Report all agreed with my forecast.
Motivated by the threat posed by the Trump administration, casual Democratic voters, especially college-educated women, have been activated since Mr. Trump’s election and will remain activated so long as the threat he presents to them remains. And the complacent Democratic electorate of the 2010 and 2014 congressional midterms as well as the 2016 presidential election is gone (for now). It has been replaced by a galvanized Democratic electorate that will produce the same structural advantage for Democrats that manifested in the 2018 midterms.
For the 2018 midterms, my model predicted a large partisan surge for Democrats. I identified America’s suburbs as ground zero for a political realignment away from Republican House candidates. The realignment was fueled by two things: One was conventional — the movement of disaffected independent, or swing, voters away from the president’s party, which has happened in every midterm election since 2006.
The other can be tracked to the mobilization of negative partisanship in driving turnout from Democrats who usually sit out midterm elections. By identifying Republican-held districts with both a reasonably competitive partisan electorate and a large number of college-educated voters who could form a Democratic turnout swell, I predicted — in July 2018 — that negative partisanship would allow Democrats to pick up 42 House seats and sweep “Reagan country” in Orange County, Calif. At first, my model was an outlier, but by Election Day, the FiveThirtyEight “classic” forecast, Sabato’s Crystal Ball and the Cook Political Report all agreed with my forecast.
Motivated by the threat posed by the Trump administration, casual Democratic voters, especially college-educated women, have been activated since Mr. Trump’s election and will remain activated so long as the threat he presents to them remains. And the complacent Democratic electorate of the 2010 and 2014 congressional midterms as well as the 2016 presidential election is gone (for now). It has been replaced by a galvanized Democratic electorate that will produce the same structural advantage for Democrats that manifested in the 2018 midterms. Originally Posted by WTF
Than why did the left become so unhinged all of a sudden??
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Than why did the left become so unhinged all of a sudden?? Originally Posted by bb1961
Fake news
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Well dang mystic??? Aren't all the twit head supporters on here in the top 5%. And received a huge tax cut? We can only hope theyre not all ignorant racist rednecks with no fkn clue. the rich would be on this site.... Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Yeah Ts. They are comical on here. Its really hilarious when they get upset because they hear an opposing viewpoint. They haven't figured out that Mexico aint paying for the wall yet. I have the bar set real low for the Trump Nazis

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think things are looking soooo good for Trump!
Or this one!!!
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I think things are looking soooo good for Trump! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
fake news
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Or this one!!! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
and more fake news
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  • 01-29-2019, 04:29 PM
Than why did the left become so unhinged all of a sudden?? Originally Posted by bb1961
Evidently (and I'm not suprised) you either did not read the op or did not understand wtf you read.

Th3 model is on the assumption a strong independent does not run. This Starbucks fuck will not run , if he does he'll lose all his liberal business!

He should run as Dem or Republican.... he is a good candidate from what I've seen.
Fake news Originally Posted by themystic
That is why it is on every left wing favorite channel of yours...yeah right
Evidently (and I'm not suprised) you either did not read the op or did not understand wtf you read.

Th3 model is on the assumption a strong independent does not run. This Starbucks fuck will not run , if he does he'll lose all his liberal business!

He should run as Dem or Republican.... he is a good candidate from what I've seen. Originally Posted by WTF
More of your nonsense...I guess a the unhinged MSM talking heads didn't either.
By the way still waiting on the vids of the unhinged right...I can post page after page of the unhinged left rants...
How would he lose his business...I thought that the libs were the tolerant ones...maybe not so much!!