Thoughts about us on D&T

so you think my level is not high enough for the D&T thread :-) after i had a few beer?
Hey, you cropped me out of the picture!!!

so you think my level is not high enough for the D&T thread :-) after i had a few beer? Originally Posted by ninasastri
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so you think my level is not high enough for the D&T thread :-) after i had a few beer? Originally Posted by ninasastri
OK, OK, I know I suggested including more photos of partially clad or unclothed women, but geeze
OK, OK, I know I suggested including more photos of partially clad or unclothed women, but geeze Originally Posted by Iaintliein
sorry, i forgot to photoshop :-) .... so really real version of me :-)
Hey, you cropped me out of the picture!!!

Originally Posted by SR Only
oh sorry, you meant the party before ? here we go....;-) now you`re in :-)
LOL Is that you on the right? I can't remember a thing after the first beer (I'm so easy).
LOL Is that you on the right? I can't remember a thing after the first beer (I'm so easy). Originally Posted by SR Only
or the first BJ
Who said I had blood in my brain in the first place?
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  • WTF
  • 03-05-2011, 08:05 AM
When I offered to mod it was to just help out on eccie. I didn’t have an agenda.
SRO Originally Posted by SR Only
A question for our most esteemed new Mod that has no agenda....

How does one get in contact with you? I have tried PM'n, roses, poems and yet nothing back from you.

It is something this member would like to discuss with you in private to help you in your quest to get us back to the prehistoric good ole days. Are there tidings that you request that I know nothing about?
Please kind sir, explain the protocol one must partake to converse with you. Are you no longer speaking with the commoners. I can't say as I blame you if that indeed indeed proves to be the case.

Thank you kind sir in advance.
Have you tried throwing a brick with a note at his window?
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  • WTF
  • 03-05-2011, 09:15 AM
Have you tried throwing a brick with a note at his window? Originally Posted by pjorourke

I think a note tied to a HDH ass is the solution.

Do you think he would tell me ,"NPOA is worth talking to WTF!"
Naomi4u's Avatar

I think a note tied to a HDH ass is the solution. Originally Posted by WTF

I'm sure that'll do it. Maybe he's just ignoring you.
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  • WTF
  • 03-05-2011, 09:29 AM

. Maybe he's just ignoring you. Originally Posted by Naomi4u

That was a brilliant analysis there Naomi, I would have never thought of that!

But as a Mod, that is not his job. His job is to man up and address both sides of issues. I think he has just been busy. I'm sure he will get to me, I am a fair and patient man. These things always seem to sort themselves out.
Naomi, if you bring the brick to me, I will give consideration to it. We just may have to play under the sheets first!!!

Dear WTF:

I was debating on how to respond to your request(s) as you replied here and with a PM. I am treading into a quagmire but I think this is a case of full honesty, though possibly painful, would in the end be best for all involved (and those sitting on the side eating popcorn ).

About a year ago, WTF had posted some remarks and PM'ed me with some rather harsh words. It certainly did not make me a fan, but I have a thick skin (some may disagree of late ). At that time I opted to mentally ignore a WTF posting (that's a lot of posts, 'eh folks?). Not electronically with an "ignore" button, but just personally not respond to his notes. I would even wait for another poster to reply before having a direct response under his posts (there might be an exception or two). It made life easier. I might fire back with something less than courteous that would provide nothing useful to a thread and just antagonize him and/or others.

[just saw your 11:29 reply]

So as the months progressed it seemed fine. As we arrived in January/February, and the elements of being a mod here came into play, I had discussed with the powers that be about my personal arrangement for posts with WTF. I did not foresee WTF and I heading to lunch together anytime soon, but I wanted to be as fair as possible to him because of a potential for bias on my part. I may not agree with him or others on here but it is not fair to them, eccie or the other denizens to mistreat or in any way try weld a heavy hand. I wanted to use the Adam Smith adage of the "invisible hand" approach to this. Hell, this is not my life's work here (ok chasing lovely ladies is a worthy cause). So WTF believe it or not, I am concerned for your well-being in addition to the others here.

That's brung us to the present day. Again I have avoided any real contact with WTF but unfortunately the angst currently circulating has brought us to this point.

As I have noted, I am going to try to be fair. Maybe my specific avoidance of WTF's posts lets things go further than needed. Ironically he had posted an opinion that I agreed with and was surprised by his particular PoV. (Apocalypse coming soon?!)

But that was tempered with the past few days’ venom being spewed about on D&T. It was disappointing and just plain tiring (again 'cause I have nothing better to do than log into eccie a few thousand times a day).

So WTF, I'll offer a truce. My ignoring you was neither beneficial nor nice. Your slamming me did not help matters either.

If your current question is with regard to a private issue or something that doesn't need to air in public, please a PM is fine.

I still want the venom to STOP whether to me or other members of eccie. Marcus is on this same page.
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  • WTF
  • 03-05-2011, 03:01 PM
So WTF, I'll offer a truce. My ignoring you was neither beneficial nor nice. Your slamming me did not help matters either.

. Originally Posted by SR Only
Truce it is and no hard feelings. I will sleep with one eye open and and take you at your word until you give me reason to think otherwise.

While I have a different recollection of past events and would normally offer a rebuttal to your version of our past, I really see nothing useful of a rehash, suffice to say we did not see eye to eye.

Becky had a brilliant post on the matter. (Sorry Becky, not trying to drag you into this! I loved your insight and miss your post bur respect your choice to take a break) One that would do you good to go back and reread. You can not recreate the past SRO and why on earth would you want to? I would think we would want more varied posters in the forum. That means that we constantly have a learning curve. We seem to have a low tolerance for new posters. I do not think we treat certain new posters very nice and that causes blowback. So that is where I think you stumbled in this thread, Who mourns the past?....I get being nice and polite, though some topics just do not allow for it. What I would like you to get is that being nice and polite is a two way street. If you overlook your side being rude to me, how do you expect me to have any respect towards your request for me to 'be nice and polite' to your side?

That has been my point. Look at both sides. It would create a better board. To be a good Mod, you will have both sides pissed off at you from time to time.

The old board ran off folks that agreed with my POV, that gave you and others a very skewed vision of yourselves. If you surround yourself with clones then of course you had no need to look at your own bias. You all think alike and think you are correct and therefore not biased. So for many of us the good old days were not that good, for you to pine for them is like a plantation owner reminiscing to his newly freed folks. That is why I agreed with atlcomedy in his assessment.

I still want the venom to STOP whether to me or other members of eccie. Marcus is on this same page. Originally Posted by SR Only
I only bite as hard as I have been bitten. So you might wanna check out all the snakes in the forum before singling out lil lo me.

I do not want to bring in certain personalities out in publc , so I will be sending you an PM with scars from the bitings of a certain snake that I have continiously encountered. IMHO if you could curtail this one viper on your side, everything else would fall into harmony.

Well now I am really not quite that easy to get rid of:tra mpoline:
SR, you are very sweet, and I most definitely do understand where you are coming from. I get the feeling that we both started posting in the HDH forum around the same time. I agree with you that the last year of HDH, and the first year of D&T were very similar in that for the most part it was a kindler gentler place to hang out, and argue with each other. but I am also fairly certain from what I gathered from reading some of the indexed threads on HDH that HDH was not always the warm, and fuzzy place that we late comers remembered it to be. I am almost certain that if I had started lurking there a few years earlier I would have never posted a single thread because I would have felt too intimidated by it all. I do like to think that these things do go in cycles, and just like now I may prefer to lay low for a little while to avoid some of the drama that certainly does not mean that I will ever be done torturing you people with pictures of my non smelly dog

I am sure that we all post here for different reasons, and we all come, and go at various times .I know for myself I do prefer the fluffier version of this board, but I would never announce that I am going to take my ball,or balls ( that one was for you WTF) and go home just because I am not as happy with the more drama driven version of it. I am perfectly happy to let things run their course over time. I do understand that what I am sensitive to may not bother others, and just as I may not enjoy the jabs that people take at each other I am also fairly certain that not everyone wants to read my 600 plus posts on how much I love my dog Hang in there SR, and just keep in mind that you really cannot force people to change, but things do have a way of running their course over time.Plus I like many of you too much to ever stop torturing you here with many of my mindless posts Originally Posted by Becky