Who will be the GOP nominee in 2016?

No Originally Posted by acp5762
There you have it, acp and I are in agreement. Just as he was not concerned about Grandpa Ronnies advanced years, I am not the least bit concerned about "an almost 70 years old Grandma Hillary" either.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Although I thought that Bill was an excellent President, and certainly don't fault him for playing around on Hillary at any chance, what the fuck do people see in Hillary? I would vote for that fat guy from New Jersey any day over Hillary. The only person more annoying than Hillary was that blowhard Ann Richards. Hell, why doesn't Bill just run again? I'd vote for him any day.
I'm hoping Hillary has peaked early, and Ted Cruz runs against Biden. Liberals hate Ted Cruz, so I like him.
Although I thought that Bill was an excellent President, and certainly don't fault him for playing around on Hillary at any chance, what the fuck do people see in Hillary? I would vote for that fat guy from New Jersey any day over Hillary. The only person more annoying than Hillary was that blowhard Ann Richards. Hell, why doesn't Bill just run again? I'd vote for him any day.
I'm hoping Hillary has peaked early, and Ted Cruz runs against Biden. Liberals hate Ted Cruz, so I like him. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
hillary has been exposed so many times as a fraud its nauseating
hillary has been exposed so many times as a fraud its nauseating Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I feel your pain. I felt the same way about Dub/Cheney/Rummy/Wolfie. It's hell to be on the outside lookin' in!

Does that make you feel any better?
I feel your pain. I felt the same way about Dub/Cheney/Rummy/Wolfie. It's hell to be on the outside lookin' in!

Does that make you feel any better? Originally Posted by bigtex
i think it would only make me feel better if you were right

but i do understand
LexusLover's Avatar
Did it also bother you when in 1979, the Republicant Party decided to "rally around an almost 70 years old," Grandpa named Ronnie? Originally Posted by bigtex
Uhhhh... it wasn't "just" the Republican Party.

Hillary has no administrative experience ... she didn't even run the State Department.

She tried to run the White House and Bill ... that worked out well for her!

Not to mention having her husband "undermined" by the "right-wing" conspiracies, while she was dodging sniper fire on the tarmac with her daughter!!!!

Personally, I don't want anyone in the Oval Office who can't find boxes of cancelled checks stashed in her own closet in the residential quarters of the WH .. not to mention that being able to keep "an eye" on her spouse getting a BBBJ at the other end of the building !

Finally we have ... "who cares?!

"April 21, 2004

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said she is not sorry she voted for a resolution authorizing President Bush to take military action in Iraq despite the recent problems there but she does regret "the way the president used the authority."

"How could they have been so poorly prepared for the aftermath of the toppling of Saddam Hussein?" the New York Democrat asked Tuesday night on CNN's "Larry King Live."

"I don't understand how they had such an unrealistic view of what was going to happen."
______________________________ ______________________________ ___

And we know now how she would have "handled" it ... just don't read the memoes.

Hillary has no administrative experience ... she didn't even run the State Department.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Note to self: Put LL down as having lined up behind Gov "Oops" Perry's 2016 Presidential bid!

Let us know how that works out for you!
SEE3772's Avatar
Although I thought that Bill was an excellent President, and certainly don't fault him for playing around on Hillary at any chance, what the fuck do people see in Hillary? I would vote for that fat guy from New Jersey any day over Hillary. The only person more annoying than Hillary was that blowhard Ann Richards. Hell, why doesn't Bill just run again? I'd vote for him any day.
I'm hoping Hillary has peaked early, and Ted Cruz runs against Biden. Liberals hate Ted Cruz, so I like him. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Just a few...
NAFTA, GATT, repeal of the Glass-Stegall Act, sanctions in Iraq, (an act of war) Kosovo, NATO wars, OKC (No real investigation... Not many know there were bombs in the building) Plus lets not forget when Clinton was gov... all those drugs that flowed in his state from the contra days. Bill is just another globalist who should not take credit for the net creating all those jobs. Also most important... Bill serves the same Federal Reserve like they ALL do... And now he's a poster boy for the UN.
SEE3772's Avatar
As always the T.V. will select the next president.
Anyone voting for who the media hypes up (left right or center) is a fool.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Before she became a senator lets look at the qualifications and experience of Ms Hillary Rodham Clinton. She was a Goldwater republican who hailed from Chicago before she went to school at Wellesley University. Somewhere along the way she became radicalized (probably the lesbian influence that is so well known at Wellesley) and wrote her senior paper on Saul Alinsky, a very favorable paper that was embargoed for many years. After graduation she went to law school, not just any law school but Yale Law. Not quite Harvard but after Obama what is a Harvard law degree worth? That is where she met whats is name. After law school she clerked for Sam Irvin during the Watergate hearings. She was instrumental in determining what constituted "high crimes and misdemeanors" for a possible Nixon impeachment. Afterwards she went to Arkansas and married Bubba. At this point her career stalled. He was elected Attorney General of Arkansas (can you imagine him being in charge of the law?) and she got a job at the Rose Law Firm. She tried no cases, presented no briefs, didn't second chair anyone, and was unable to name anyone she brought to the firm as a "rainmaker". So I guess she collected a large paycheck for nothing. When Bubba became governor she got a promotion and became a senior partner. We know she had billing records but we don't know for what still. Bubba lost his reelection bid and Dick Morris told the power couple that Hillary needed to be trained to be a lady or his career was over. So people were brought in to show her how to dress, walk, and act like a lady. Bubba's second shot at reelection worked after he promised that he was going to stay in Arkansas. Of course he lied and began planning his presidential bid. Hillary was not doing nothing all this time. She was making money in real estate and cattle futures. Using Bubba's ability to shape law in the state Hillary cleaned up by taking people's money for vacation homes. One missed payment and they lost their homes to foreclosure. Then Hillary (and the McDougals) made more money selling the property a second and third time. Hillary (she is soooo smart) made 41 successful trades in cattle futures without a single miss which has never been equaled by anyone else. Like they said, "they loaded up the truck and moved to Washington, DC that is. Power mongers and bureaucrats." Once in DC Hillary left her mark on the office of first lady. She expanded her staff, fired all the travel office people and brought in her own friends the Thomasons (the travel office was non partisan), and hired a bouncer to do her bidding. That bidding included bringing over hundreds of FBI files (which was against the law) to the west wings of possible opponents and getting her choice of Janet Reno in charge of Justice. Former playboy bunny Kimba Woods was Bubba's choice. Hillary botched the Hillary care project. She assembled hundreds of people to write the law but not a single doctor was involved. Even the democrats in the Congress didn't want to get involved (and they weren't very much). This debacle lead to the 1994 slaughter in the House and Senate. Hillary kept a low profile until she was needed to attack Paula Jones, Katherine Willey, Monica Lewinsky, and Linda Tripp. Hillary and her evil little monkey James Carville went after these women personality. She so successfully muddied the waters that many idiots still think that Bubba was impeached by a "vast right wing conspiracy" over illicit sex and not perjury and obstruction of justice. In can be said that when it comes to doing good Hillary is a screw up but when it comes to obstruction and evil then she is tops in her class.
Before she became a senator lets look at the qualifications and experience of Ms Hillary Rodham Clinton. that when it comes Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JS, shall we chalk up another vote to the Gov "Oops" category?
Personally, I don't want anyone in the Oval Office who can't find boxes of cancelled checks stashed in her own closet in the residential quarters of the WH .. not to mention that being able to keep "an eye" on her spouse getting a BBBJ at the other end of the building ! Originally Posted by LexusLover
It wasn't the BBBJ that bothers me as her propensity to blame a "vast right wing conspiracy"...and not own up to her mistakes.

I also want someone who can answer that "3 am phone call" and not respond with "What difference does it make?"

But she can probably find her long form bitch certificate!...sorry, typo, birth

As far as the Republican nominee for 2016..Who cares!

Time to pay attention to the pressing issues at hand!
As far as the Republican nominee for 2016..Who cares! Originally Posted by gnadfly
Note to self:

Updated vote count: 2 votes for Gov "Oops" and Turdy casts his vote for "Who cares."
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What did you copy and paste? Seems out of place and context. Are you trying to lie again? That is the story of HRC up to 2000. More later with photographs.

I thought those photos were pretty fair and indicative of her life.
joe bloe's Avatar
That's quite a resume. You left out the summer of 1971. Hillary served an internship with Robert Treuhaft, a member of Communist Party USA in Oakland in 1971. Her primary motivation, in wanting to work for Treuhaft's firm, seemed to be the fact they were doing pro-bono work for the Black Panthers.

Hillary turned down an offer to work for Saul Alinsky full time after she graduated from Wellesley, choosing instead to go to law school. The job offer came right after Hillary had written her senior thesis on Alinsky.

