New Video of Ray Rice Punch.....Ravens Release Him

Didn't the silly twit marry him later? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That's what is truly amazing she married his ass after all that. Iam sure it was only because of the big contract he was getting. Now that he will probably end up working some menial job she'll leave him and end up with what ever money he has left, lol.

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  • 09-09-2014, 11:21 AM
What if he hit a man that spit in his face? Would that make it ok?

Where are all the equal rights chick's crying about unequal punishment. ..besides COGirl.

Are you not supposed to hit girls are human beings? If it is just girls then they need to make half the money we do doing the exact same job.

What if he hit a man that spit in his face? Would that make it ok?

Where are all the equal rights chick's crying about unequal punishment. ..besides COGirl.

Are you not supposed to hit girls are human beings? If it is just girls then they need to make half the money we do doing the exact same job.

. Originally Posted by WTF
To an extent I do agree. Any man or women who is a stranger and shows any aggression towards me I would be inclined to ruin their day. In Ray's case this was his future wife and he should have shown some restraint and he didn't.

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  • 09-09-2014, 11:55 AM
To an extent I do agree. Any man or women who is a stranger and shows any aggression towards me I would be inclined to ruin their day. In Ray's case this was his future wife and he should have shown some restraint and he didn't.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
2am at a casino. ..I'm sure there was no money having just been lost mixed with drinking in that equation. The DA was able to look at the situation in it's totalitality. ...

I don't understand why it's getting so much media attention, shit even Obama had to take a break from from his golf game toget his two cents in.

I know it's a terrible thing and know a man, no matter the size or the strength should ever lay a hand on a woman. But shit ever news channel and everybody blowing up twitter like its the first time someone ever knock his girlfriend or wife out. Shit as we speak now someone is probably hitting on some helpless woman.

I guess nobody remembers that worthless piece of shit wife beater John Elway.
Ray Rice is gone from the NFL. His wife will likely divorce him now that he has no income. Will he be welcomed back in the NFL? I have no idea.

The more important story in this saga is the NJ Prosecutor Jim McClain who didn't criminally charge Price, giving him a pass on the assault - pre trail intervention program (i.e. sensitivity training).

But the same NJ prosecutor is criminally charging a Pennsylvania woman (Shaneen Allen) who accidentally traveled to NJ with a legal handgun. The same prosecutor wants to put this first time offender, law abiding mother of 2 young children in prison for doing nothing other than accidentally crossing into NJ with a legal handgun. A gun she was legally permitted to carry in PA. A gun she purchased for self defense. A woman who never assaulted anyone, who has no criminal record, who has 2 young children that depend on her. She faces a minimum of 3 years in prison. Rice walks away free.

Prosecutor McClain denied Allen's request to enter the same pre-trial program Rice was allowed to enter. McClain wants Allen to serve hard time in a state prison. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
He'll end up in a Canadian league.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WPF. What is it with you always rising to the defense of men who mistreat women and boys? I think you need professional help.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
For all we know..these people treat each other all the time like this.

For all we could be their foreplay with each other.

Ever hear of sadomasochism?

Maybe she needs a donkey punch to get her hot before the cattle prodding and ass fuck.
Does it do it for you Lama? LMAO

Wow. He knocked the living shit out of Her. If this isn't felony assault, what is?

You wonder why the NFL did not have access to this video when the Commisioner issued his now famous two game suspension?

So now The Ravens just flat out release him, making him unemployed and probably unhireable.

His wife, then his fiancé when the assault took place, is standing by him. I hope she has a lot of cash saved up, because who would hire this thug now, for any job? Originally Posted by Jackie S
you think there aren't any camera in the visiting team hotel room, shit their camera in most of the hotel room. TO the NFL stfu concerning what was ask of the nfl last year. same with home depot and other.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Does it do it for you Lama? LMAO Originally Posted by i'va biggen

You do it for me Little Man.

Are you ready to get Donkey Punched?

Do you have your money together yet?
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  • 09-09-2014, 08:06 PM
WPF. What is it with you always rising to the defense of men who mistreat women and boys? I think you need professional help. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Calling for charges to work their way through the legal process instead of a lynch mob mentality that you seem to want is defending our legal process you faux lawyer. Or do you suggest we forego the legal system as it appears you seem to think not everyone is deserving of due process.

Next if you believe in equality then then sex of who he punched should not matter. If you spit in someone's face that has been might wind up on the floor. I am one that likes to point out reality. You act as if she had no say in her getting punched.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Ray Rice is gone from the NFL. His wife will likely divorce him now that he has no income. Will he be welcomed back in the NFL? I have no idea.

The more important story in this saga is the NJ Prosecutor Jim McClain who didn't criminally charge Price, giving him a pass on the assault - pre trail intervention program (i.e. sensitivity training).

But the same NJ prosecutor is criminally charging a Pennsylvania woman (Shaneen Allen) who accidentally traveled to NJ with a legal handgun. The same prosecutor wants to put this first time offender, law abiding mother of 2 young children in prison for doing nothing other than accidentally crossing into NJ with a legal handgun. A gun she was legally permitted to carry in PA. A gun she purchased for self defense. A woman who never assaulted anyone, who has no criminal record, who has 2 young children that depend on her. She faces a minimum of 3 years in prison. Rice walks away free.

Prosecutor McClain denied Allen's request to enter the same pre-trial program Rice was allowed to enter. McClain wants Allen to serve hard time in a state prison. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
She should get probation at the most.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Calling for charges to work their way through the legal process instead of a lynch mob mentality that you seem to want is defending our legal process you faux lawyer. Or do you suggest we forego the legal system as it appears you seem to think not everyone is deserving of due process.

Next if you believe in equality then then sex of who he punched should not matter. If you spit in someone's face that has been might wind up on the floor. I am one that likes to point out reality. You act as if she had no say in her getting punched.. Originally Posted by WTF
You're making my point, WPF. You have a strange set of standards. So you're a pro athlete, and a woman spits at you, so you can endanger her life with impunity. The same way a coach can hide the sexual misconduct of his staff.

You're creepy, WPF. No wonder you won that poll - what was it? Creepiest poster on Eccie? No, that wasn't it. Maybe you remember.

And just where did I mention brining charges? I didn't. But they should. That has nothing to with the Ravens, Nike or the NFL. They can do what they want. They don't need due process because they aren't government. They are a business.

Not only are you proving how stupid you are, your mental disturbances are also on display. Get help, man.
For all we know..these people treat each other all the time like this.

For all we could be their foreplay with each other.

Ever hear of sadomasochism?

Maybe she needs a donkey punch to get her hot before the cattle prodding and ass fuck. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Don't brag about your UTRs if you aren't going to share them Dali.