More guns = more homicides. Period.

The American Revolution was sparked by a British effort to confiscate weapons from American colonials, Ekim the Inbred Chimp; not a British effort to restrict driving privileges, you dumb as shit moron. Fighting a fucking war for that right far outweighs any fuckin' "training requirement" required to drive an automobile, you moronic, cock-sucking jackass. Read it and weep, Ekim the Inbred Chimp: Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The revolution was sparked by an effort to confiscate weapons? Bullshit. The Civil War was over state's rights though, right?

Taxation without representation is what led to the revolution, you dumb as shit maroon.
Remarking on the British and the origins of the 2nd Amendment is a helluva lot more on topic than you recounting, with fondness, the number of bird turds you ate off the ground from in front of your chicken coop in the foothills of those spiring Kansas mountains, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It was rabbit pellets. And YOU were eating them on the porch. You claim to savor the earthy aroma and flavor.
LexusLover's Avatar
I realize you all would probably rather dwell on eating shit and sucking dicks, but ....

Rising Murder Rates in Big Cities

Chicago is up by 20% over ... and it's also "interesting" that Chicago has more murders than the other cities .... 294 through about 1/2 of the year compared to 244 all last year. Since most of those are reported to be Black, I guess "Black lives" don't matter .... at least to Obaminable.
I realize you all would probably rather dwell on eating shit and sucking dicks, but ....

Rising Murder Rates in Big Cities

Chicago is up by 20% over ... and it's also "interesting" that Chicago has more murders than the other cities .... 294 through about 1/2 of the year compared to 244 all last year. Since most of those are reported to be Black, I guess "Black lives" don't matter .... at least to Obaminable. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Your fascination with Chicago continues. You think Obama WANTS people to die? You're a fucking idiot. Still, despite your efforts, Chicago STILL doesn't rank in the top 70 most dangerous cities in America. As bad as you wish it did. It simply doesn't.
Yes, I had to pass a test. That was over forty years ago. I don't think that was training. Besides it doesn't require any training to buy a car, no more than it would take to buy a gun. You and WR must be related you both display the same degree of ignorance.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Keep squirming jim bottom line is you had to learn how to drive, pass a written and driving test . Not comparing buying a car or gun. However anyone without a criminal record can purchase and use a gun without any training.

Remarking on the British and the origins of the 2nd Amendment is a helluva lot more on topic than you recounting, with fondness, the number of bird turds you ate off the ground from in front of your chicken coop in the foothills of those spiring Kansas mountains, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are out of your league chicken dick ,dismissed .
Your fascination with Chicago continues. You think Obama WANTS people to die? You're a fucking idiot. Still, despite your efforts, Chicago STILL doesn't rank in the top 70 most dangerous cities in America. As bad as you wish it did. It simply doesn't. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Next you will say, Chitcago is the safest city in the country... FetusMurderer

Keep squirming jim bottom line is you had to learn how to drive, pass a written and driving test . Not comparing buying a car or gun. However anyone without a criminal record can purchase and use a gun without any training.

You are out of your league chicken dick ,dismissed . Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Of course I had to learn how to drive. I had to learn the rules of the road. What a Red Light and Green light meant and all the traffic signs ect. If you pass the test they give you a license that's what makes driving a privilege. If you want to carry a weapon on your person and obtain a concealed handgun permit that requires a little test on the range. You are also required to have a basic understanding of the laws in your state pertaining to carrying a concealed weapon. Most gun owners keep their firearms secured in a closet for home defense just in case. They don't desire to carry in public no license nor permit is required. The bottom line is America is on it's way to screwing itself because the majority of Americans put way to much stock in these corrupt ass politicians.

Next you will say, Chitcago is the safest city in the country... FetusMurderer

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Your necessity to border on absurdity shows full well that you are losing the argument. I never said it was the safest. What it's NOT is one of the 70 most dangerous, regardless of what you want to be true. The facts do not support your contention.

You're a loser. Instead of posting videos no one watches, concentrate on improving yourself.
Your necessity to border on absurdity shows full well that you are losing the argument. I never said it was the safest. What it's NOT is one of the 70 most dangerous, regardless of what you want to be true. The facts do not support your contention.

You're a loser. Instead of posting videos no one watches, concentrate on improving yourself. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What in the name of Zeus' butthole does that have to do with Chicago? You're all over the place, like a fucking feeble-minded rat.
Here's a link to all fifty states and their basic gun laws.

What in the name of Zeus' butthole does that have to do with Chicago? You're all over the place, like a fucking feeble-minded rat. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Kind of like you talking about "butt holes"...

I B Hankering's Avatar
The revolution was sparked by an effort to confiscate weapons? Bullshit. The Civil War was over state's rights though, right?

Taxation without representation is what led to the revolution, you dumb as shit maroon.
Originally Posted by WombRaider
You're so fuckin' stupid, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, and just what the fuck do you think the Minutemen at Lexington and Concord were assembled to protect from the Brits, you moronic simpleton?

Orders to Lieut. Colonel Smith, 10th Regiment ’Foot

General Thomas Gage
Boston, Massachusetts
April 18, 1775

Lieut. Colonel Smith, 10th Regiment ’Foot,

"[Y]ou will March with a Corps of Grenadiers and Light Infantry, put under your Command, with the utmost expedition and Secrecy to Concord, where you will seize and distroy all Artillery, Ammunition, Provisions, Tents, Small Arms, and all Military Stores whatever."

Your most obedient humble servant
Thos. Gage.

It was rabbit pellets, and Ekim the Inbred Chimp was eating them on the porch. The idiot claimed to savor the earthy aroma and flavor. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So you were there with him were you, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas?

You are out of your league chicken dick ,dismissed . Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You're so stupid that you can't suck on your Poopcycles and walk at the same time, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-04-2015, 03:31 PM

More WombRaider posts = wasted bandwidth
LexusLover's Avatar
Your fascination with Chicago continues. You think Obama WANTS people to die? You're a fucking idiot. Still, despite your efforts, Chicago STILL doesn't rank in the top 70 most dangerous cities in America. As bad as you wish it did. It simply doesn't. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Playing with numbers again ... tell that to the 300+ who will be murdered there this year .... As for what Obama "WANTS" ... it doesn't matter to me.

I think he doesn't care if the Black kids shoot each other in Chicago.