Actors.........Fuckin Morons

what part of this escapes you? Originally Posted by CJ7
And what part of the fact that you accused me of serving up non sequiturs, apparently without having a clue what I was talking about, escapes you?

The End. Originally Posted by CJ7
Yes, a sign-off looks like a good idea for you here.

This exchange obviously wasn't going very well for you.
it is eye opening the positions liberals take and firmly is astounding anyone can hold the beliefs and feelings they state in here

a house divided...its sad really
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Technically, Assup doesn't attend adult video arcade movies; although he is the attendant. He's the guy that mops up the splooge. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Assup gets $10 a day, and all he can eat!

And Timmy, I wasn't in Wichita when I met these folks. You sure like to assume a lot, don't you? Really makes you sound stupid.
I work with Venezuelans. The ones I know are college educated engineers. A few have moved to the US to avoid having everything taken from them. The ones that are still there live in constant fear due to the huge increase in crimes. Their currency is also useless. We pay them in USD and they trade on the black market. Many refuse to travel during the evening due to the violence. Government officials and the police take advantage of their positions and expect citizens to pay them bribes or end up being harassed. One of the VZ engineers I worked with has two daughters who are close friends with the top guy in the VZ Oil industry. This guy threw a huge wedding party worth millions for his daughter. The wedding was held in Cancun and he paid to have all her friends fly there and paid for their stay. Can you guess who really paid for it?

Yes, Chavez has lots of supporters ... mainly those that are poor and have been given government handouts at the expense of the middle and upper class. Sounds exactly the way the USA is going.
I work with Venezuelans. The ones I know are college educated engineers. A few have moved to the US to avoid having everything taken from them. The ones that are still there live in constant fear due to the huge increase in crimes. Their currency is also useless. We pay them in USD and they trade on the black market. Many refuse to travel during the evening due to the violence. Government officials and the police take advantage of their positions and expect citizens to pay them bribes or end up being harassed. One of the VZ engineers I worked with has two daughters who are close friends with the top guy in the VZ Oil industry. This guy threw a huge wedding party worth millions for his daughter. The wedding was held in Cancun and he paid to have all her friends fly there and paid for their stay. Can you guess who really paid for it?

Yes, Chavez has lots of supporters ... mainly those that are poor and have been given government handouts at the expense of the middle and upper class. Sounds exactly the way the USA is going. Originally Posted by satexasguy
maybe we can get some left wing cock suckers to move there, that way we will have less needing food stamps
...Their currency is also useless. We pay them in USD and they trade on the black market... Originally Posted by satexasguy
Here you hit upon another very important point. Gross mismanagement of the monetary system is another way in which the Venezuelan government has been wrecking the economy. They've gone through multiple devaluations over the last decade, including a recent one of about 30%. And the black market exchange rate is much worse (for the Venezuelan currency) than the "official" pegged rate. There are few quicker ways to impoverish a nation's workers than to grossly debase its currency relative to most of the world's major currencies. And there's no excuse for it, especially since Venezuela earns so much hard currency through oil exports.

You probably remember this old Soviet workers' refrain:

"We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us!"
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-07-2013, 08:53 PM
A true Conservative does not give a rats ass how other nation govern themselves.

Nation Building is a liberal mindset.

Why does anyone care how Venezuelans chose to govern themselves.

While some of you are crying about Hugo throwing out the ruling elite....well that is wtf happens in countries where there is no middle class and a huge divide between rich and poor.

We did ok in this country when we let other countries go at it and then we rode to the rescue and rebuilt their economy. No fucking wonder our form of government has been so good! Not sure if our form of government is the causal relationship some think it is.
Smiling from ear to ear....fuckers
A true Conservative does not give a rats ass how other nation govern themselves.

Nation Building is a liberal mindset.

Why does anyone care how Venezuelans chose to govern themselves. Originally Posted by WTF
Who said anything about nation building?

Many people simply lament the sad fact that a nation which by all rights should be successful and prosperous has been taken down a road toward ruin.

And everyone (whether a "true conservative" or not) should "give a rat's ass" about how other nations are governed. (That statement is not tantamount to saying that we should intervene in their affairs!)

The reason is that it's in our interest to have stable and prosperous trading partners, especially if they're also significant oil exporters.

Don't forget that Venezuela is a reasonably important export market for our capital goods and certain types of medical devices, among other things.

And it would be a much better market if good governance allowed its economy to come closer to living up to its potential.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who said anything about nation building?

Many people simply lament the sad fact that a nation which by all rights should be successful and prosperous has been taken down a road toward ruin.
Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Like the US during the Bush years!
Obama is OWNED by Wall Street and Big Oil. As were his predecessors, going back to at least 1913. JFK being a possible exception. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I would say that is about as true as it gets. JFK was Americas last real president.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Like the US during the Bush years! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The first 7 were damn prosperous, for me at least. That last one though and the subsequent Obama years...not so much.

Why does anyone care how Venezuelans chose to govern themselves.

Originally Posted by WTF
The first 7 were damn prosperous, for me at least. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
And did you also consider yourself "prosperous" during the last four years of the Clinton Administration? Or does that not factor in?
Like the US during the Bush years! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Bush was a big-spending, big government interventionist who presided over an era characterized by expanded levels of government spending, crony capitalism, financial excesses, and a complete failure to even make any serious attempt to fix the system and end the risks associated with TBTF.

I sure am glad that we now have a strong, competent leader in the White House who is working hard to properly address all these problems, rein in all the excesses, and set the nation's fisc on a responsible and sustainable course!