How Far Can LE Go to Make a Bust?

bluffcityguy's Avatar
Honestly They can go as far as the see fit according to the Indianapolis vice who play very dirty I was busted but let go after performing acts on the officer nothing was discussed up front but after receiving 10 mins of service decides he wants to arrest me... Originally Posted by Melissa69
Damn. Talk about bad reviews...


A word to the wise: you do [U]not[U] have to do a thing to get busted. All you have to do is show up, or if you have your own location, just let them in the door. Vice-in all cities-are notorious for breaking the rules, they know a jury will believe them over a provider. They lie every day, all day. I've seen it happen. They will not allow you to leave, or leave your location, without a bust. It's a sad but true reality...
Bimboknocker's Avatar
What is sad, it's not just in the hobby, but in every day life. I thought we fought the british to stop an overbearing government. The police force of today reminds me of a force we had to stop in europe in the 1940's. They do work for us, so whatever they do it's our fault.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
What is sad, it's not just in the hobby, but in every day life. I thought we fought the british to stop an overbearing government. Originally Posted by Bimboknocker
Lord Acton (a British historian) remarked, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

That pretty well explains it, IMHO. Unfortunately, however, with regards to the hobby, we (active participants) are in a pretty small minority, and the folks who don't participate but don't give-a-damn about it) aren't in significantly greater numbers, so it's unlikely that there'll be any great grassroots movement to legalize (or at least decriminalize) our hobby anytime soon.


I disagree with you BCG. I think there are great deal more hobbyist/providers then we know about and I do believe that at least some of the very ones trying to shut down this hobby down are hobbyist/providers behind closed doors aka in the closet. However you are right because of the fact that there this hobby is not politiacally correct nor will it benefit the politician the chances of it being legalized are slim to none
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I disagree with you BCG. I think there are great deal more hobbyist/providers then we know about and I do believe that at least some of the very ones trying to shut down this hobby down are hobbyist/providers behind closed doors aka in the closet. Originally Posted by kittendd
It's possible; hypocrisy in this country seems to know no bounds.


KellyShannon's Avatar
BCG: In Chicago a run something called Chicago VIP. We host monthly Meet and Greets. I'm pretty open about the Meet and Greets. I have a website for them and they are open to any gentleman who is is a member of Room Service 2000. The ladies must be well reviewed and are screened as well.

My Meet and Greets are held in a private residence. I have very strict rules regarding behavior.

One of the reasons I hold my Meet and Greets in a private residence is that IF a uniformed cop came to the door, the residence is MINE and unless I allow him over my threshold he can't come in without a warrant.

Further, even if by some bizarre chance a cop did infiltrate.....he can't do anything. My Meet and Greets are simply a cocktail party. Nothing is illegal about having a cocktail party.


figure_artist's Avatar
Kelly that's a fantastic idea. I would really love to be given the chance to be part of something like that here in Arkansas.
I agree Kelly...Maybe you can give us some adice on how to give one safely
willro's Avatar
with regards to the hobby, we (active participants) are in a pretty small minority Originally Posted by bluffcityguy

I just searched and couldn't find it (at least not in the 30 seconds I spent searching), but one university did a blind survey of middle aged men and produced results showing that nearly 75% of the men had, at least once, paid for sex. I remember the number because I was a little shocked that it was so high. So, the number in our hobby might not be a small as you think.
Its really not that small Willro. As I mentioned before in an earlier post there are quite bit of closet hobbyist/providers. I say that just from some personal experience of people I know that are "hobbyist but not "out in the open" per say if that makes any sense (they would never post on a board , etc)
HSP's Avatar
  • HSP
  • 01-11-2010, 07:51 PM
I just searched and couldn't find it (at least not in the 30 seconds I spent searching), but one university did a blind survey of middle aged men and produced results showing that nearly 75% of the men had, at least once, paid for sex. I remember the number because I was a little shocked that it was so high. So, the number in our hobby might not be a small as you think. Originally Posted by willro
It's the temptation so it's not shocking. There are lots of good-looking providers out there. Also, with the Internet it makes it far more easier and "under the radar" to do it than it did say 15 years ago.
KellyShannon's Avatar
I would love to be able to help you!!!! I"m here through tomorrow. My schedule is not "set in stone" if the demand is there, can hang out for a couple extra days.

During my tour, I turned over Chicago VIP to my best friend. But if you want to see the website that I created and which needs updating to reflect 2010 you can to to:

It will give you a general idea of what the meet and greets are all about.


I agree Kelly...Maybe you can give us some adice on how to give one safely Originally Posted by kittendd
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-12-2010, 03:28 PM
Okay, let's keep this on topic here and not get into a discussion about whether we're in the minority or majority as hobbyists/providers, and let's not go off into how to host a Meet n Greet.....

The idea of hosting the gathering at a private residence does have merit (and is still on topic) because you'd have a much greater shield against LE infiltration of a private residence than at a public gathering.....But, just because you have greater protection, doesn't mean LE can't or won't come in.....Who's to say that they won't come in just to spook everyone???....Who's to say that the cops won't flat out lie and say they saw drugs in plain view and they entered under exigent circumstances......I think there'd still be a 4th Amendment issue and any arrests would get chunked, but LE would still have accomplished their goal.....

ALSO, your protection takes a hit if LE is already in there undercover and they testify that they solicited members and received offers and acceptances, etc.....So just because it's at a private residence doesn't mean you should let your guards down because LE is only looking for a bust and then it's up to the lawyers in court to sort things out.....
Sorry Big C and I agree. Regrettfully LE can and will do whatever it wants to make a bust. There is no such thing as a complete safety but at least the private residence gives a small shield...