How much lying is OK for marketing/security purposes?

well spank you very mych
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
If you are going to do penance, I suggest you have someone there to report back to these fine folks: - your punishment has been dealt! You may actually need two witnesses therby removing any doubt as to WK's or bias, possibly associated with, implied or otherwise, a previous fantasy review. I might also suggest said witnesses be instructed to take measures (or measurements) to insure you "measure up" and report back "To The People" their facts and findings.
Metal Smith Originally Posted by Metal Smith
You can measure me anytime you want, cowboy.
Hold on just a minute -- there are ages, descriptions, sizes, likes, dislikes etc... on your websites? dammit - no not you dammit, but dammit. Now I am going to have to read? not just look at the pictures!
Metal Smith Originally Posted by Metal Smith
My ears burned and then a quick forum search identified why....dammit! oh, wait, not me LOL thanks metal smith.

Based on the pictures...which never lie, right!? Who would waste time wanting to measure?
squiretuck's Avatar
Dear Ms. Sophia; You shouldn't have any regrets about this thread. As usual, you post intelligent thought provoking topics. And this is no exception. You've got 3 pages; 34 responses which indicates the level of interest you invoke.
As to the topic; if embellishments and creative marketing were illegal, then there wouldn't be many ads on TV, billboards, etc. Saying one is 30 when actually 28, 43" hips vs. 40" hips? Most replies seem to imply those kinds of embellishments are insignificant. Blatant misrepresentation on the other hand is out of the question and will be found out soon; one of the purposes of this board is to share information. Liars will be found out, TROLLS will be documented. Ladies who substitute pix not of them will be exposed.
Topics like how old you are, your real name, your education; these are things you can share truth or not in my opinion. They are not germaine to the hobby when it gets down to it. I love to talk truthfully with the ladies, but they are under no obligation to share the details of their personal lives or advertise them.
To me, what is important is how you make me feel. That is done by how you act, and how you perform BCD, and how you treat me socially. I must realize that I am in a fantasy world, and I cannot expect more than that.
So advertise about what you offer and what you can do to turn a customer on. Like many who responded, I don't carry a tape measure or lie detector with me to visit a lovely. But I've never been disappointed by their appearance or their actions, even if the pix are older than 6 months.*
Heck, you know I am not going to interrogate you over miscellaneous facts. When we have met (and to my regret only socially so far) I have just about melted over you. In part I long for Sensual Sophia because she it extremely hot, her pix are damn close to what I've seen in person, and (thank you information sharing boards) her reputation is stellar when it comes to her reviews! So what the hell else do I need other than to be over this stupid sinus infection and to have the appropriate donation for Ms. Sophia's time and an appointment set in stone. Humbly IMO.
* Note: this is based on my sole participation in the former world (aspd), and now eccie ladies.
squiretuck's Avatar
Oh, yeah, and what if us hobbyists had to advertise what we look like and how we behave? I am 6'2", have a 7" tool, 6 pack abs, looks like Brad Pitt, yacht, condo in Moracco, 2 Z07s, 3 2010 500SELs, and I never lie. I am lieing now. I never lie.
LOL, 10-inches long, 7 inches around...can go longer than Sting performing tantric sex, and my cum tasted like organic honey from pampered bees... oh, and I can lick behind my ears with my tongue
txtraveler07's Avatar
Oh, yeah, and what if us hobbyists had to advertise what we look like and how we behave? I am 6'2", have a 7" tool, 6 pack abs, looks like Brad Pitt, yacht, condo in Moracco, 2 Z07s, 3 2010 500SELs, and I never lie. I am lieing now. I never lie. Originally Posted by squiretuck
Cheapskate satyr seeks penny pinching wood nymph

I'm 5'11", overweight, shaved head, full beard and a Robin Williams hair factor that all combine to make me look like a satyr when I'm naked. So feel free to tangle your fingers in my super sexy man-pelt any time. Oh, and I drive an economy car, so baby, you know I'm frugal. You and me can clip coupons together. All. Night. Long. Please, no calls after 9, I don't want to wake up my mom.

Honesty is the best policy.
Easy dammit --
measurement:def. 1) a measuring or being measured 2) extent or quantity determined by measuring
Measuring:def. 1) the extent, dimensions, etc. of anything.
I did not mention a tape measure! Hummmm!
Squiretuck, get over that sinus crap and then get on -- over to, Sophia, to see--over, her, get over to see Sophia.
Metal Smith
LadiesFan's Avatar
I don't think that you should ever lie... especially in advertising.

If someone asks a personal question that is across the line, you should simply decline to answer, or deflect the question and move on. No need to lie.

Lying in advertising is also a bad idea, in my opinion. For example: you mentioned that you have 43" hips. REALLY???.... that is GOOD to know. I have seen you post before, but nothing about you stood out to me, or really grabbed my attention.(respectfully)... 43" hips have gotten my attention.

my 2 cents
hey, why would you presume I"m lying? =))

oh geez LF, like no one ever lies in advertising, they may stretch the truth or omit that lying?
LuvThatKitty's Avatar
IMHO you should never outright lie. (Except in the case of your personal identity and other personal information not pertinent to the hobby) If your pictures are a little old and the stats given are from your younger days, guys will notice if it's significant. And if they notice, it will be posted in the reviews. Personally I don't care how old or how young you are, just be sexy. And we all know, that sexy to a lot of us is between the ears. Sophia, your sexiness extends way beyond what is between the ears, which is icing on the cake for me and I look forward to meeting you one day.
I don't carry a tape measure or lie detector with me to visit a lovely. Originally Posted by squiretuck
I am 6'2", have a 7" tool, 6 pack abs, looks like Brad Pitt, yacht, condo in Moracco, 2 Z07s, 3 2010 500SELs, and I never lie. I am lieing now. I never lie. Originally Posted by squiretuck
OK tuck, Next time I see you I might have to see if you measure up! (I do carry a tape measure!) Sophia you never disappoint!
well crap, see what y'all started? now the ladies will be measuring us and reporting on it...just for the record, anything I type about my stats is always smaller than actual..."objects in the rear view mirror, may appear smaller than they are!"
squiretuck's Avatar
OK tuck, Next time I see you I might have to see if you measure up! (I do carry a tape measure!) Sophia you never disappoint!
Tess Originally Posted by Topshelf Tess
You might have to punish me if you discover I have mislead!