What are your thoughts on escort blogs

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-27-2018, 02:48 PM
If she likes you also her to dinner no sex, no money exchanged see how far that gets you, lol. Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
Just to keep you updated: I am making some home made pasta & pesto because I have TWO ladies coming over for dinner in a little while (they travel together, at least on this trip). They are bringing the wine. Dinner for three, no money, probably no sex because they have a flight to catch late tonight.
Old-T I suggest you reread this thread. O responded first with my thoughts, I do not read blogs, do not see the purpose. Several responded they do, even you. I remained silent. You can do as you see fit and look for whatever prostitute you desire, read blogs, whatever. No judgment here. Then Jam has to come in and insults me because I do things different from him. But I remain silent still. Do not care really. Then another poster agrees with my position. I post a positive post of good job sir! And we both get blasted. So I ask who is not accepting of a different opinion? Who is insulting others? Not me nor Blackman but men that read blogs and do things more similar to you. Re read the thread! Be open minded as you preach.
My .02... I suspect that those who protest are doing so out of fear. People like you and James set a very high bar by seeking more than just a physical encounter. If every lady here was able to experience such fulfilling engagements, many of them may start to realize that they have more human value than some of these jerks attribute to them. The result? Their pussy pool goes into a sharp decline because the ladies start to expect to be treated WELL... Not just paid well, but TREATED well. So in essence, men like you are a threat because you might make them have to work harder to get what they want and what they think they are entitled to.
James1588's Avatar
... I have never told Mr Wordless 15 Minutes that he is wrong/foolish/lying when he expresses that that is what he wants, but it gets very old hearing some people blither away that what THEY seek is clearly what every guy seeks. ... Originally Posted by Old-T
Aw, c'mon, Old-T, don't'cha know there's only two kinds of men in the world? The ones who proclaim the Wordless 15 Minutes viewpoint ... and the rest of us, who of course have the Wordless 15 Minutes viewpoint -- 'cuz, y'know, everybody does! -- but have deluded ourselves that we think otherwise. We've invented false memories of good times that we think we've had, talking (!) with women (!!!), instead of proceeding directly to the moist friction with the subhuman female creature. Either that, or we're just lying.

Sure wish there was some third way. Sometimes I think there is. More self-delusion, though, I'm sure.
James1588's Avatar
My .02... I suspect that those who protest are doing so out of fear. People like you and James set a very high bar by seeking more than just a physical encounter. If every lady here was able to experience such fulfilling engagements, many of them may start to realize that they have more human value than some of these jerks attribute to them. The result? Their pussy pool goes into a sharp decline because the ladies start to expect to be treated WELL... Not just paid well, but TREATED well. So in essence, men like you are a threat because you might make them have to work harder to get what they want and what they think they are entitled to. Originally Posted by VegasJen
Jen, you're much too kind. (And I'm thinking, as I do once a day or so, that it's been WAY too long! Gonna have to do something about that.)

Where people may look for their sense of self-worth: a vexatious problem for everyone, I suppose. Still, in our society, sex workers have a super-abundance of sources of crappy input on that question. You-all have to be very strong-minded ... or get hurt. Sad.
Wow! Why can’t we all just live and let live
Sometimes I just want to fuck, need to fuck and only want a (while trusted, well researched provider that appeals to me physically and personality wise but right NOW anyway) ‘wham bam, thank you Ma’am’ session. Perhaps followed by some personal conversation and even some passionate cuddling. But, more often than not, and way more fun and rewarding than not, I enjoy some personal interaction and build up to the moment intrigue.
And I am ONE person. I like it in both extremes presented here. Why would any one ONLY settle for ONE tactic for ALL occasions.
And believe it or not, providers ‘are people too’. Interesting people with life experiences and compassion for their gents. At least that is MY experience.
And absolutely, I have enjoyed the company of some ladies ‘off the clock’ and no $ exchanged with no ‘activities’ included. Other than perhaps some friendly banter. (That only adds to the NEXT scheduled appointment)
So, whatever that makes me in the eyes of those fellow mongers means absolutely nothing to me.
I have a good time, they appreciate the outside the bedroom interaction and we all eventually leave happy, happy, happy.
To each his own. And her own. But sometimes my ‘own’ is a quick drive by road head, then other times it is a double with a couple of my favorites.
I will research and read a bit but the priority criterion to intrigue me enough to get me to the ‘printed words’ are her presentation.
If I am not physically attracted to her, all the thoughts and words in the world are t enough to get me to send a pm or text requesting an interaction. BCD or otherwise.
So, y’all just live and let live. Ats jus me.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-27-2018, 10:44 PM
G2, I had no issue with your first post at all. And my long post was directed more at 1blackman1 than at you this time:

I don’t care about your deep thoughts. Sad I know but this isn’t match.com or blackpeoplemeet or farmerstogether or any of those things. This is about sucking and fucking and that’s all I’m interested in knowing, can you suck dick well and can you fuck like a champ. Everything else is pretty irrelevant. I don’t need a prostitute to solve complex issues, theoretical physics or wax eloquently over esoteric thoughts. If we are talking we aren’t fucking so I’m wasting money. No problem with this part of his post either--it is his opinion of what he cares about.
Good for him.

I don’t know why folks refuse to be real and pretend that they really care how intellectually matched they are with the hooker. Just silly.Here is the part that gets him called out: i.e. "anyone who thinks differently is disingenuous "
This is the closed minded part I scoff at.
Originally Posted by 1blackman1
1blackman1 gets it. And has the balls to be honest too. Very good sir! Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
And this is the part that gets you criticized--your implication that those of us who feel differently than you are dishonest.
Quit that part of your preaching and I would have no issue with you, but continue to insist that I and others are delusional because we have different likes, and you will continue to be called out.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-27-2018, 10:46 PM
Cowboyup, you sound pretty sane to me.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-27-2018, 10:49 PM
Oh no. I’m emotionally unavailable to prostitutes. NOOOOOOO, say it isn’t so. How short-sighted I must be in looking for the prostitute to serve a physical need and not to make my life complete. Dammit. I surely must self reflect. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You can do whatever you want about that.

Just don't presume to tell me I should do the same because it is what you want out of your interactions.
myfavhobby's Avatar
I tend to skim the showcases whilst I am “shopping” and if my interest is peeked, I move on to her reviews. I will read a few of the reviews carefully for two reasons; to see if she appeals to me and they are fun to read. If still interested, I will look at her pictures. Once I feel ready to reach out to her for a session, I will read all that I can including her website if she has one. This will also include reading more of her reviews.

I follow the above protocol because I am looking for a situation that could be described as a “girlfriend experience” and not just a “quickie”. I am fully aware that she will only see me because I pay the fee. I enjoy the work I do but would not do it if my employer did not pay me to do it. Why would I expect a provider to feel different than I feel?

I feel that the ladies on this site are called providers for a reason. Historically, women called prostitutes offered a situation where she and the john have sex until he comes thus ending the service. The service being an act of relief. In many/most cases, providers offer a defined time period in which the provider and a hobbyist enjoy fully how a man and a woman can enjoy each other. The “I am only selling my time” is truly more than just a tool to avoid legal problems – it gets to the root of being a provider. In my mind, they provide an experience not just an act of relief. True, to some that read this, they provide just that act of relief but as I see it, we both will pay the same fee and I will more than they will get.
Old-T seems you being a little hypocritical. No one, not me nor anyone in this thread told any one else how they should act. If you felt you were being called out to not read blogs, to not care for providers, to realize providers do not care for you, then I may suggest you look inside a little of you. It hit a nerve somewhere in you and in others who insult. Usually hits a nerve because truth to it, but that is for you to figure out. I really do not care.

But as a self appointed hooker board critic that you are. I see hypocrisy when Jam and James not only berate others for thinking differently but also are just down right insulting. Why is okay for them to do that without your wise criticism? I think it could be because their position agrees with yours, that is common and natural for people to skip over comments they are in agreement with and criticize those that oppose them.

I hope your dinner was enjoyable and read the blogs if it helps you, does nothing for me. I live in reality (not implying that you do not). Just saying I know these women are after the sale and not my witty banter. Read no more into that.

And when I congratulate a person for telling truth, that does not imply everyone else lies. This poster told truth and it took courage knowing the masses will attack. I applaud his bravery and Cantor, nothing wrong with that.

Have a good day, sir!
When Mary Magdalene anointed the feet of Christ Jesus with her hair, the people he was with sneered. Surely, he is not the son of man, they thought. If he were, surely, he would know that the woman anointing him is a sinner, and he would not allow it. Jesus, hearing their thoughts, turned and told them a parable. There are two debtors. One owes less. The other owes more. If both are forgiven, who will love their forgiver more? It is the same with the son of man. Mary loved Christ more than the men he was with, and she was the only one to greet him with proper respect.
Old-T seems you being a little hypocritical. No one, not me nor anyone in this thread told any one else how they should act. If you felt you were being called out to not read blogs, to not care for providers, to realize providers do not care for you, then I may suggest you look inside a little of you. It hit a nerve somewhere in you and in others who insult. Usually hits a nerve because truth to it, but that is for you to figure out. I really do not care.

But as a self appointed hooker board critic that you are. I see hypocrisy when Jam and James not only berate others for thinking differently but also are just down right insulting. Why is okay for them to do that without your wise criticism? I think it could be because their position agrees with yours, that is common and natural for people to skip over comments they are in agreement with and criticize those that oppose them.

I hope your dinner was enjoyable and read the blogs if it helps you, does nothing for me. I live in reality (not implying that you do not). Just saying I know these women are after the sale and not my witty banter. Read no more into that.

And when I congratulate a person for telling truth, that does not imply everyone else lies. This poster told truth and it took courage knowing the masses will attack. I applaud his bravery and Cantor, nothing wrong with that.

Have a good day, sir! Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
Virtually everyone posting in this thread is telling the truth. You only congratulated the one that agrees with you. Every one of your previous posts was written with the tone of "I'm the only one who knows what he's talking about," "I'm right and you're wrong" and "I'm smart and you're stupid." On one of our previous disagreements about my preference for more mature women over young girls, you even publicly posted the following responses to me: "Are you really this stupid?" and "You're just clowning around here, right? I mean nobody can really be this stupid." One of us is stupid here and it certainly isn't me.

I will admit your posts in this thread have a more respectful tone to them. Maybe you have finally learned your lesson, turned the corner and will continue to be more respectful of others in the future. But I'm not buying that yet. You have a lot of prior damage to overcome and you can probably expect to continue to be bashed for for your annoying comments for the forseeable furture.
normalguy21's Avatar
I read every single review and depending on the amount of online content i read all of that 2.

I also shop for everything else that way also .

I read reviews ,Do product research ,Quiz others on there experiences on everything from kleenex to new autos and everything in between [ The Cheeks ] and back home again .

I dont mind splurging on what i want but to go in to something clueless and get took sucks .

So study up !